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Watch one of Jorge Cervantes' videos, he shows ya how to make hash.

Can CleanSafe dust remover (containing difluoroethane) be used? I know its got carbon so I wasn't sure. If this is not what to use, what would you recommend other than soda water?


has anyone tried lemon juice to lower the ph of water and ultimately of some alkaline soil? i was able to get my water down to 5.5 and i want to feed them unless of course the citric acid is too harsh for plants - yes i know about pH down but my funds are tapped right now and I was trying to work with what's in the kitchen (no white wine vinegar laying around either). used coffee grounds maybe? any help much appreciated.


does anyone know if autoflowering plants can be cloned? just curious. had a friend ask me and i was unsure of the answer to that.
i have little black bugs on the bottom of my leaves causing the leaves to get spotted. They are only on the bottom half of my plant and my plant has been flowering for over a month. What do I do. It looks like my plant can survive with the bugs but I would prefer them gone. I do not notice spider webs just one little one from I think a big spider i had on my plant when it was outside and young.


Well-Known Member
i have little black bugs on the bottom of my leaves causing the leaves to get spotted. They are only on the bottom half of my plant and my plant has been flowering for over a month. What do I do. It looks like my plant can survive with the bugs but I would prefer them gone. I do not notice spider webs just one little one from I think a big spider i had on my plant when it was outside and young.
that def sounds like either spider mites or thrips...do they fly? hop? any traces of red in their color? i suggest u do some research around here...heared alot about neem oil


I'm growing 5 auto ak 47 plants outdoors that are nearly 3 weeks old but they're growing very slowly. I'm using a pretty standard organic potting mix used for herbs and veggies. I haven't fed them any nutes yet as they're still young. They spend all their time outdoors with plenty of sunlight.

This is a pic of my biggest one

Seconded, stop giving them Nutes for a week and you should notice a change.
Maybe a bit over watered, which could explain why they would have a nute overload[/QUOTE

whats a good watering schedule?
Are you going hydro or soil?
I dont know much about soil watering or maintaining

But if its hydro flood it 2 times a day for a minute or so, a continuous drip for 30 minutes every 6-8 hours or else 3 times a day.
Just reduce your nutes given and they should bounce back up, then keep giving them a little less than what you were


Are you going hydro or soil?
I dont know much about soil watering or maintaining

But if its hydro flood it 2 times a day for a minute or so, a continuous drip for 30 minutes every 6-8 hours or else 3 times a day.
Just reduce your nutes given and they should bounce back up, then keep giving them a little less than what you were
nah soil. i wish i started with hydro, but its seems intense.


Hey man. I really appreciate what you are doing here.

What are the differences between FIMing and topping? I believe I understand the whole releasing hormones to other nodes to make the plant bushier but what makes a grower prefer to FIM or top? When is the best time to do either? I am about a week away from switching to bloom... Your thoughts?


well... from what ive read FIM generally produces 4 shoots all the time, so its used for extra branches and more crowns, topping is used to keep the plant short so that it fits your space requirements, although topping does give you more colas, but its mainly used to keep the plant shorter.

I suggest to all the new comers out there like me, just have a read around, you will be suprised at what you can learn from endless reading on this site.
I was having a problem with my 3 week old plant, the leaves were going yellow and it had some speckly yellow spots on the leaves, i figured it might be too much nitrogen or not enough, so i flushed it first, just incase it was too much because more was only going to make it worse...
Any way after about 8-10 hours my leaves were pretty much back to normal and matching the new growth.

new smokey

Active Member
Ok so I'm setting up some new rooms. I have a 8.5x5x7tall room for my flowering. People have told me 1 1000w will do but to me thats just not enough light coverage. I was wondering if I should go with 3 600w hps or 4 400w hps? Can I run my air exhaust through my lights using a 6" fan setup? Then I don't know if anyone else has done this but I was thinking about dumping that exhaust out my chimminey. Will a 4" 190 cfm fresh air intake work? My walls are going to be covered in mylar so I don't know if that makes any differance in how many lights I need. As for my veg room It's going to be 3.5x6x6 tall. Lights in that room what exactly do I need? I'm going to have 1 or 2 mother plants in it and 16 plus clones. I was thinkin 2 250w mh or should I go with the t5? The reason I was thinkin of qoing with the 2 250s is so I can regulate the height better between the mother palnts and the clones. and what kind of ventilation do I need for that room? Any kind of tips will be greatly appreaciated.

new smokey

Active Member
ill try to answer as much as i can.. bear in mind i know not much about CFL's, although i have T5's which i use for seedlings..
hopefully riddleme will jump in and give me a handkiss-ass
Although we have differing opinions and wont always agree..but we both mean well:mrgreen::peace:
So feel free to ask homies, the only dumb question is the one u never asked...

Ok so I'm setting up some new rooms. I have a 8.5x5x7tall room for my flowering. People have told me 1 1000w will do but to me thats just not enough light coverage. I was wondering if I should go with 3 600w hps or 4 400w hps? Can I run my air exhaust through my lights using a 6" fan setup? Then I don't know if anyone else has done this but I was thinking about dumping that exhaust out my chimminey. Will a 4" 190 cfm fresh air intake work? My walls are going to be covered in mylar so I don't know if that makes any differance in how many lights I need. As for my veg room It's going to be 3.5x6x6 tall. Lights in that room what exactly do I need? I'm going to have 1 or 2 mother plants in it and 16 plus clones. I was thinkin 2 250w mh or should I go with the t5? The reason I was thinkin of qoing with the 2 250s is so I can regulate the height better between the mother palnts and the clones. and what kind of ventilation do I need for that room? Any kind of tips will be greatly appreaciated.


Active Member
so i got a plant growing right now and i think it's almost time to harvest but i'm not sure. its about 2 feet tall. how do i know when it's rdy to harvest n dry it out?


Well-Known Member
so i got a plant growing right now and i think it's almost time to harvest but i'm not sure. its about 2 feet tall. how do i know when it's rdy to harvest n dry it out?
u will kno if u check the trichs and they are all cloudy going amber..u will need a pretty good magnifying glass...also a good indicator is the receeding hairs...means the plant is giving up on reaching out for pollen and its done/giving up on its life great indication


Well-Known Member
My first grow,

Growing purple kush from BCseedking.com 6 weeks old in Veg.
In soilless mix.

Using DNF gro nutes plus some black and gold.

I definitely over fertilized them. (Too much gro A and B) All of the fan leaves are a deep dark green, very dry and crumbly and drooping. Some have dark burn marks coming through.

I think I mixed the solution wrong. Typical Newbie mistake.

So they have all been flushed twice and are now on straight water.
I Ph balance every drop of water I use to approx 6.0

My question is now what?
I have read that I can expect a poor yield from these 6 plants and regardless of the new growth I may get, the leaf damage and especially root damage is permanent.

As this is my first crop I would like to get as much as I can out of it while I start the 2nd crop. (I am so done with buying weed)

So far what I have done is flushed x2, cut off some big, droopy, damaged fan leaves so the light can penetrate to whatever new young growth there is under the canopy.

They are still on 400HPS + 4 3' T5's

I was planning on taking 2 clones from each plant this week. 1 for backup/2nd crop, and 1 for keeping until after harvest when I identify the plant I want as mom.
Then switch to 12/12

Can I still successfully clone a damaged plant in week 6 from seed?
Is there any point to picking a mom as they are all damaged to some degree and I wont be ale to pick the best one?

Is there anything else I can do to help the plants recover?
Should I wait longer before I attempt to clone or flower?

Any advice appreciated.
