Who thinks we need a porn section?

Who thinks we need a porn section?

  • WE NEED PORN!!!!

    Votes: 64 56.1%
  • That's just uncalled for

    Votes: 50 43.9%

  • Total voters


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Women love a man of confidence.....The last thing a woman wants is a man who is ashamed or insecure about himself....I live my life knowing I can get whatever I want....It doesn't always work that way but I stay thinking that...Im loyal to women, nor am I a player, although I think I would be good at that:hump:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Hell I dont even get kisses from her anymore, and Im not married...but I will let her know you asked about her:hump:


Well-Known Member
You know, I wouldn't mind seein tits and ass just like I wouldn't mind seein the music section or the religion-philosophy section...so hey why not


Well-Known Member
this thread is off the hook!!! you guys cant stop posting....sex drives our world!!!!!what makes someone think that it wouldnt be great for RIU????????


Master of Mayhem
Im sorry you were so terribly offended
NO PINK!!!!! DON'T SAY THAT!!!!!:evil:

I was not offended in any way, shape or fashion. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with posting a pic of that. That is your right of free speech. Your post (along with others, MYSELF included) are the reasons WHY we need a section for that. That way you and others can go there and do that and NOT have to worry about people saying something; also I can come join in with you guys whenever I see fit.:hump: Like I said before, I do like porn, hell, who doesn't? That's why we need a section on here.............. for XXX stuff just like that.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
NO PINK!!!!! DON'T SAY THAT!!!!!:evil:

I was not offended in any way, shape or fashion. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with posting a pic of that. That is your right of free speech. Your post (along with others, MYSELF included) are the reasons WHY we need a section for that. That way you and others can go there and do that and NOT have to worry about people saying something; also I can come join in with you guys whenever I see fit.:hump: Like I said before, I do like porn, hell, who doesn't? That's why we need a section on here.............. for XXX stuff just like that.:mrgreen:
i wondered why you flipped on me like that porn turncoat lmao


Well-Known Member
so again...why exactly do we need porn on a pot growing forum?
For the same reason we enjoy having the following forums...Politics, Jokes, Music, religion....It just makes for good conversation and entertainment....I came hear in the beginning for knowledge about growing and soon learned that RIU was much more than just a place to learn about growing pot...I'm sure if you think about it, you too are here for more than discussion about weed....I won't go look into your past posts to Illustrate my point.....Or should I:)


New Member
But if you want to see naked chicks, there is the ENTIRE internet to go to.
Speaking from a women's point of view and I realize I am totally out-numbered here BUT, its bad enough that you get some avatars in your face when not expecting them but to have a complete section for it is just going to bring down the tastefulness of riu.
How would you guys feel if us woman or the gay men here put up the porn of their choice and you guys had to stare at DICKS all day?:confused::confused::confused:

I've witnessed a lot of your reactions concerning that issue already.:hump::hump::hump:


For the same reason we enjoy having the following forums...Politics, Jokes, Music, religion....It just makes for good conversation and entertainment....I came hear in the beginning for knowledge about growing and soon learned that RIU was much more than just a place to learn about growing pot...I'm sure if you think about it, you too are here for more than discussion about weed....I won't go look into your past posts to Illustrate my point.....Or should I:)


Well-Known Member
But if you want to see naked chicks, there is the ENTIRE internet to go to.
Speaking from a women's point of view and I realize I am totally out-numbered here BUT, its bad enough that you get some avatars in your face when not expecting them but to have a complete section for it is just going to bring down the tastefulness of riu.
How would you guys feel if us woman or the gay men here put up the porn of their choice and you guys had to stare at DICKS all day?:confused::confused::confused:

I've witnessed a lot of your reactions concerning that issue already.:hump::hump::hump:

rep. im a male and cosign all over that!