Who thinks we need a porn section?

Who thinks we need a porn section?

  • WE NEED PORN!!!!

    Votes: 64 56.1%
  • That's just uncalled for

    Votes: 50 43.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
But if you want to see naked chicks, there is the ENTIRE internet to go to.
Speaking from a women's point of view and I realize I am totally out-numbered here BUT, its bad enough that you get some avatars in your face when not expecting them but to have a complete section for it is just going to bring down the tastefulness of riu.
How would you guys feel if us woman or the gay men here put up the porn of their choice and you guys had to stare at DICKS all day?:confused::confused::confused:

I've witnessed a lot of your reactions concerning that issue already.:hump::hump::hump:

lacy not porn from the world porn from us....like i have much respect for you but say if you ever wanted to show us some lacy boobs or some lacy givin hubbby love....RIU porn, us porn not so much the outside porn...so about the lacy boobs...lmao


Master of Mayhem
But if you want to see naked chicks, there is the ENTIRE internet to go to.
Speaking from a women's point of view and I realize I am totally out-numbered here BUT, its bad enough that you get some avatars in your face when not expecting them but to have a complete section for it is just going to bring down the tastefulness of riu.
How would you guys feel if us woman or the gay men here put up the porn of their choice and you guys had to stare at DICKS all day?:confused::confused::confused:

I've witnessed a lot of your reactions concerning that issue already.:hump::hump::hump:

Lacy, if people want to post picks of dicks, gay porn, beastiality, necrophilia why can't we let them.....in the XXX section? Also, I think that you might have missed my previous post, so here it is again:

OK for all you naysayers on here, let me see if I can explain it better.......now that I have burned one and gathered my thoughts. :eyesmoke:

I don't think porn is something I want to see on RIU either, BUT.......

I come here to talk shit with other people who smoke weed. I like to talk about aliens, conspiracies, bigfoot, the holidays, my pets, my past drug addiction, and all kinda other shit. This site is the only thing keeping me sane right now at work because it makes me laugh, and feel like I'm always at a big pothead party. Lately I have noticed that there are other people using porn avatars, talking about porn, posting funny pictures of various body parts, posting pictures of their own various body parts, I could go on forever. Anybody who is on here daily has seen it.

I SAY: That even though I do not come here to look at porn, who are we to judge the people who want to talk about/look at that shit? There are numerous amounts of other sections on here, that I have absolutely no interest in looking at, like music, inspired art, cooking, legal edge, medical marijuana, news from around the globe, you get the idea. I NEVER go over there.......EVER. There are probably people that hang out over there that I have never even seen in this section. I know of a couple people over in politics that hardly ever, if not never, come over here.

This way anybody who wants to look at porn, talk about porn, post up porn, or use porn avatars has a place to do it, and the next time i'm in the Aliens thread, or celebrating the latest holiday, I don't have to worry about turning the page and seeing some chick with a dildo half inside her as an avatar, or someone's toe in someone elses asshole.

So, with that being said, what's so bad about having a porn section where people can look at/talk about toes, dildos, assholes, sheep, cumming or what have you? Then we can weed that shit outta the other sections and contain it. I bet you anything the reason we have a Politics section is because back in the day two asshole starting fighting and flaming in a grow thread.

Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it.:mrgreen:

That is all.......


New Member
Well F**K now that you have clarified that...
it sounds so much better. :wall:

OMG! gurl or you kidding me???:-|:shock:

I'm shy about showing my eyes. wtf???:roll:
lacy not porn from the world porn from us....like i have much respect for you but say if you ever wanted to show us some lacy boobs or some lacy givin hubbby love....RIU porn, us porn not so much the outside porn...so about the lacy boobs...lmao


Well-Known Member
you dont have to be shy......who cares all boobs are beautiful thats ANOTHER thing the porn section would be a place that ya'll could get over your silly inhibitions about your bodies or your sexaul desires we could love and support one another and say hey your kaks not small or yeah my kak is like that too..or damn those boobs are big how do you keep those up and your like I wear and she is like hell yeah my boobs are huge to im goin to buy whats shes using as shelf support etc


New Member
Well I can relate to some of that BUT I sure as HELL aint showing anything off to anyone not in private and CERTAINLY not for EVERYONE to see. :shock:

you dont have to be shy......who cares all boobs are beautiful thats ANOTHER thing the porn section would be a place that ya'll could get over your silly inhibitions about your bodies or your sexaul desires we could love and support one another and say hey your kaks not small or yeah my kak is like that too..or damn those boobs are big how do you keep those up and your like I wear and she is like hell yeah my boobs are huge to im goin to buy whats shes using as shelf support etc


New Member

later peeps:roll:[quote=pinksensa;644423]thats cool i got a good imagination....[/quote]