Who uses meth........

Now out of all of that, how much do you think is propaganda/scare tactics to get people to not do meth. Don't get me wrong, it's not a pretty drug when in the hands of stupid people.. but to be honest, it doesn't scare me any more than any other street drug. There are three things I will question about the article (so pretty much, not a bad article.. :-D )

I'll believe the:

"Over time, meth destroys dopamine receptors, making it impossible to feel pleasure."

as soon as I believe that ecstasy puts holes in your brain and LSD is stored in your spine.

Below that:

"Chronic abuse can lead to psychotic behavior, including paranoia, insomnia, anxiety, extreme aggression, delusions and hallucinations, and even death."

You can say that about chronic use of ANY amphetamine. It is called "amphetamine psychosis"

the one other thing that drives me nuts is:

"Meth Mouth"

It leads people to believe that any route of administration will cause this.. you telling me IV'ing some crystal or insufflating a line of crystal are gonna make your teeth fall out? Fuck no, sure smoking a substance that a shitty chemist made that has residual acid left over (more than likely hydriodic acid) or when you are using LiAlH4 or NH3 (anhydrous) you're going to have problems!

You realize a lot of the reasons meth mouth happens is because of the lack of saliva in your mouth? Not because of the smoke that comes in contact with it

Just saying, your argument is flawed
Ummm Meth is bad it just a bunch of random stuff someone put together stay with stuff that grows from the ground!!!!!!!

There are mushrooms that will make you dead within a few hours of eating them, and there's LSD which is a more than 20 step synthesis to produce and is one of the safest drugs known to exist.

Sorry, it's just a pet peeve when people talk about only using stuff that comes "from the earth". Just because it grows naturally doesn't necessarily make it safer.
Yeah those would be the people from the other sections comming in here knowing nothing other than bud or the occasional shroom trip.
You realize a lot of the reasons meth mouth happens is because of the lack of saliva in your mouth? Not because of the smoke that comes in contact with it

Just saying, your argument is flawed

my argument is not flawed, if you actually got clean meth, that effect would be reduced significantly.. people get nasty street meth that is dirty as fuck. They are smoking chemical solvents and such.
my argument is not flawed, if you actually got clean meth, that effect would be reduced significantly.. people get nasty street meth that is dirty as fuck. They are smoking chemical solvents and such.

Most people don't have the knowledge or money to make clean meth,no one sells it clean because it cost more and dope dealers don't care about their customers health.That's the flaw in your argument,,,,,reality
Most people don't have the knowledge or money to make clean meth,no one sells it clean because it cost more and dope dealers don't care about their customers health.That's the flaw in your argument,,,,,reality

what are you talking about? Making clean meth costs about the same price as making horribly dirty meth man.. I've seen a lot of ice and a few years back ppl were bringing in methylaminorex, it's all in the cook.
It doesn't mean dick how "clean" the meth is. you can get meth mouth from abusing adderall if you use enough! Like i said it has a lot to do with the JAW CLENCHING and the lack of saliva.

your teeth need fresh saliva to help with bacteria.
It doesn't mean dick how "clean" the meth is. you can get meth mouth from abusing adderall if you use enough! Like i said it has a lot to do with the JAW CLENCHING and the lack of saliva.

your teeth need fresh saliva to help with bacteria.

All right, but I still do not see people smoking harsh chems aiding the development of their teeth lol.

Acid + Ca > blah blah blah + CO2 (g) right?

The CO2 in this would be from the destruction of your teeth ;-)
ill be honest from my own experience meth does not bring on a phsyical addiction unless injected or smoked...the people you see usually picking their faces off and going crazy are people the smoke meth. you're always having a glass pipe in your mouth and always keeping a constant buzz and many people aren't able to handle any drugs let alone things that can bring out character flaws. I've known people who did lines of meth for years on end and stopped w/o any withdrawal kickbacks except for being overtired for 2-3 days. As the saying goes meth addicts dont die they just fade away.

in my experience I've forced myself to lay down to rest my eyes and my body...doing anything w/o common sense is a bad idea...just cause your fucked up doesn't mean you can't take care of your basic needs...if your not hungry drink a nutrient shake...if your not tired close your eyes for a little bit. People don't know how to maintain don't know how to maintain on any real substance it's about the person not the drug.

its also to remember alot of information out there nowadays is based on 1960s speed...made from different chemicals that affected you differently. the shit made now affects you through chemicals in your brain to make you feel up. much less of an effect on your heart and physical system(metabolisms still boosted temporarily) the old shit would make your heart blow out if you did too much. It sounds ridiculous but whats on the street isn't as potent as the older speed from the 60s.

Any1 with underlying psychiatric disorders should stay away and from what I've learn through old timers the women lose it quicker picking then the men but alot of people just can't mediate or maintain...I've done it only weekends and I've also done it to jsut to stay up for work and school and not party and people please realize theres a difference.

Albeit most drug users are irresponsible doesn't mean that it's impossible. crack is highly addictive physically while meth is a mental or psychological addiction. No more than i want to smoke weed. Actually I'm annoyed when I run out of weed but haven;t done a line in months and it's the farthest from my mind...if it was it offered I'd do it though...don't believe all the hype but I wouldn't recommend it to any one weak-minded because your worst character flaws will come out if you let them...that's what happens when your up thinking about shit...the longer your up w/o sleep and food you start getting more paranoid and more out there but its not hard to keep yourself regulated if you know you have to maintain...I have life to prevent me from fucking up. Some people can't maintain and they should stay away from everything not just meth but all drugs.
I love that Hidden Agenda, know's the P and P code talk for gay meth user's..FFAF...<--the knew "lol"..lol....use it!!! love it...don't love it like gay people on meth though..that could get pretty weird!!!
Imagine if Michael Jordan used meth before every basketball game...He would of probably been able to dunk from half court...;) booooooo meth!!
Imagine if Michael Jackson used meth before having children over.. he probably would have been able to "dunk" from half way across the room.

lol.. that's terrible.
thats sick lol but you do get this feeling like everything you do while "up" is better than you would have done it if you werent "up"...thats probably the most psychologically addictive part...noone wants to stop doing something they think is really helping them

PS...anyone who thinks Ecstasy (MDMA) is like amazing...they should realize the main ingredient in mdma is meth...thats the MA part in MDMA Methylenedioxymethamphetamine so for all those who are against meth and for E...well from someone whos tried both I prefer the MA by itself and much easier to maintain on then the E...but thats also personal preference...
I also found the E much more physically draining than speed but recognized a semi-speed like feeling in the E.... I'll put it this way, when your on E and you feel all tingly almost like the sensations in your body are on a roller coaster going up and down... I would have that same feeling from getting pretty "up" and smoking alot of weed and I'd get that same type of sensation but without the weed it felt like the rollercoaster feeling but just in one direction not up and down...idk if that made sense to anybody ...if not I'll try to reiterate it clearer but it's very hard to describe sensations accurately.

Just wanted to provide some facts and experience for people who don't have experience w/ these drugs and have pre-conceived notions from media, law enforcement and people being made examples of (tweakers, pickers and such) most people that do meth have no issue maintaining jobs and friends and body weight...shit the metabolism boost wears off after about 2-3 weeks unless doing mega-lines and well then your partying a little to hard for a little to long and you'd run into issues no matter what chemical it would be. Every drug requires some responsibility to maintain a lifestyle; the problem is people get to attached to the party lifestyle and then don't wanna work so they turn to crime but that person chances are couldn't maintain on any hard drug meth may just've been that persons pick.
It's a shame people lose them selves to this stuff but where's the personal responsibility for allowing yourself to go that far...i did spd on and off (mostly on) and had no problem stopping (no withdrawal effects) so I can tell you from personal experience it's not physically addictive (as phsyically addictive as weed). We all must take responsibility for our actions if one can not handle a drug responsibly than don't keep at it, while noone plans on becoming a crackhead/hoe as a child one must ask oneself "what did you do to get to this place? and why didn't you stop before you got to it?" crack and heroin are horrible drugs to quit but meth is really just a decision of do I want some now or not...if people wanted to stop using meth they would, but most people just dont want to stop same as the people who just don't want to stop smoking weed. If you really wanted to stop and made the decision to you probably would stop. but if you don't want to stop doing something why would you expect to stop doing it just because people around you think its bad or want you to stop...its not an addiction I feel its just a choice.
PS...anyone who thinks Ecstasy (MDMA) is like amazing...they should realize the main ingredient in mdma is meth...thats the MA part in MDMA Methylenedioxymethamphetamine so for all those who are against meth and for E...

The only thing they have in common is they both have methamphetamine in their name.. the effects can't really be compared too well. There are other methamphetamines and amphetamines that don't really fall into the same effects of either.

e.g any of the DOx's

DOM (STP): 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine

ya kno?
I'm just saying that E and meth are alot closer related then people may realize... I was only comparing effects from my experience with both but the up feeling from the E is cause of the meth... and I noticed people who've done meth have a tolerance to E at least in my experience...my first time taking 2 ezs i didn't feel to much where everyone else was fuckd up...but the feeling I got was similar to meth just a little more mellow to me it felt like when you do a line of meth and smoke alot of weed but that just how i felt it im sure others would disagree...
i can't say for certain just how it felt to me and compare that to past use of other things...to me it felt like being up physically(yet relaxed mentally) which I've achieved similar sensations as I mentioned before