WhoDat Sticky Trap


Well-Known Member
It was 85F yesterday and today its already feeling like its in the mid 80s again! Crazy weather but I love it!


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
It's warmer now, but I've shelled out over $1,000 on propane for heat in the last 5 weeks....not to mention an increased electric bill from the 1500w space heaters to supplement.
Space heaters use a lot more energy than the 600's....as in 2 1/2 times.



Well-Known Member
whodat i have dream of heating in the winter with grow lights in tubes. it is back to 70ish for at lest a week or so here


Well-Known Member
4-7 days WTF?!@!

I'm like 14 - 20 days in my homemade cloner. I have gotten roots as fast as 8 - 10 days in rockwool.

How the F did you get 4 days? Is there a secret?
it is definitely strain dependent but no real secret here. I use the clonex gel, then put them in my easy cloner. I use a heating mat under it so that the water gets heated a lil bit. heating mat came with a seed starting kit with the dome . this is pretty much the kit I bought that had the mat http://www.hydrofarm.com/product.php?itemid=1899 this is the gel http://www.hydrofarm.com/product.php?itemid=2637 and the ez cloner they want to charge you 400 dollars for lol http://www.hydrofarm.com/product.php?itemid=14387


Well-Known Member
so with a rooting solution, a heating mat that is supposed to raise the temp 10 degrees above room temp(lets say to 80ish), the ez cloner (which you can build for very cheap;like 60-70 dollars) and I add a few air stones to the water. with this method you should be able to get those faster rooting times. at 4 days was just one strain ive had but even then im leaving it in there til day 7ish.


Well-Known Member
This is how the fucking song should have been done originally:



Well-Known Member
I really got a kick out of this one, and the "royals" sang by the sad clown.



Well-Known Member

I'm going to officially let my dad know that I want to buy his old record collection & phonograph (just needs a new sapphire needle and it's good to go).
Soooo many great songs....


Well-Known Member
Why??? .......
Currently, I get to grow as much weed as I could want. Sure sometimes I think about the big scale of things. But more than likely if we went legal they'd find a way to fuck it up somehow! If they went legal and left the medical people where we were to begin with I'd be fine with that but I'd just see it not going that easily. They'd make it legal statewide and then say since its legal we can't grow our own now and have to buy it somewhere else, or who knows what. Thats why I just say I'm happy with how it is for now, cuz for now it works just fine for me!


Well-Known Member
some of us want to grow and breed for a living and do this day in and day out for the rest of our lives or for a bit anyway:weed:


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Hope all yall are doing alright and had a good weekend bongsmilie Pics to come, the grow did good without me around :-) its always so nerve wracking leaving to to go on its own!