WhoDat Sticky Trap


Well-Known Member
Alright, one more music spam for tonight that I think you might dig:



Well-Known Member
whodat i have dream of heating in the winter with grow lights in tubes. it is back to 70ish for at lest a week or so here
Where my friend grows my silverberry, he uses a wood stove and has all of his exhaust from 1 1000 and 2 600 watts just dumped into his living room. It stubs up in a laundry basket full of crushed charcoal for a little smell control. He's a single guy living way in the woods. It was half my idea to help him offset the electric cost the same way I did in my shed.

Who, buds looking great as always. The berry bubble looks fucking awesome!


Well-Known Member
Thanks jimmer :-)

I think Dr does the same with charcoal too. Iv yet to run a heater in the grow shed with the alternating cabs theres always at least 1-600 burning at a time and for 16 hrs out of the day the veg 600 is on... But it hasnt really gotten all that cold around here besides a few days.

I need to get some BnS shots up. The flowering ladies got a little dry while I was gone but Im chopping in a week any how. They wont be 100% ready by then (BnS) but I want the new build done and next crop in there flowering by march 1st,,, The Berry Bubble will be pretty ready by then I think though, its doing really well Im pleased.

Hey doobs I havnt had a chance to listen to those songs you posted yet, but thanks allot for sharing Im sure I'll be digging when I get around to it!


Well-Known Member
Yes I do whodat get those pics up. I will barrow my moms Nikon and get some good pics of my stuff up:weed:


Well-Known Member
Will do doc, I'll also try and get some BB shots right before the lights come on,,, all 10 plants from seed are very uniform and pumping out some chunky frosty icky sticky buds.
Whomever got some beans of those from me I think you can rest assure they will turn out good for you :-)
Iv been doing some thinking, selling seeds could not only be more profitable (not the most important thing to me) but a bit safer as far as transporting final product. Would also be exciting and a great learning experience too. I wont get to bean making until I get to a more friendly spot, but once I do I think I'll get bit more serious about it.




Well-Known Member
been doing some thinking, selling seeds could not only be more profitable (not the most important thing to me) but a bit safer as far as transporting final product. Would also be exciting and a great learning experience too. I wont get to bean making until I get to a more friendly spot, but once I do I think I'll get bit more serious about it.
well you knew it was in my plans from the time i put my first post on riu the back at it grow if i remember right:weed: keep in mind to do it right it will take and investment of time but you are right in the end could be a lot of seed under ten six hundreds


Well-Known Member
Got some pics but will have to wait till tomorrow sorry.

thanks for subbing CM. The lights are on a mover, and these are in one gallon of soil.



Well-Known Member
didnt know you are running one gal learn something everyday the dwc is going to be a carzy big step up then nice.


Well-Known Member
The soil containers Im running now are 1.5 gal but only holding about 1gal of soil each.
Haha I wouldn't say CRAZY big, still just two lights and 8 plants :-)


Well-Known Member
pic uploader= :spew:

BnS Day 51~12/12
These have developed a decent bug issue while I was gone, mites, and still got some fungus gnats since the beginning, will be chopping at the end of the month.


BB day 51~12/12


Woot root!




Root woot!

