Wholesale cannabis prices hit historic lows in January

You seem to support legalization so why has what state you are in the issue.

when legalization reaches me, i will determine if the model works for me. if it does not, i will just continue doing what i do.

as with most growers i suspect they already have no respect for the anti-cannabis laws, but most would feel better if they could legally grow 4 plants.

IMO, 4 plants is no bueno. how can one do any breeding, even if it's just basement chucking....? i enjoy creating new crosses, growing them and sampling. if they have promise, i take it step further. its a hobby and fun.
I'd like to grow for myself and my friends and will probably get a grow going once the state vs. Feds thing irons itself out over the next few years. It's still verboten federally and I have a job that has zero tolerance for illegal activity.

Cheap beer is better than no beer.

i used to brew. me and a buddy made all kinds of different beers. became too much work. we haven't done it in years.

plus our beer was rich and fattening, lol we brewed a 11% double IPA one time that blew my fermentor lid off 3 times before i installed a blowover tube. damn good beer though !!!!
when legalization reaches me, i will determine if the model works for me. if it does not, i will just continue doing what i do.

as with most growers i suspect they already have no respect for the anti-cannabis laws, but most would feel better if they could legally grow 4 plants.

IMO, 4 plants is no bueno. how can one do any breeding, even if it's just basement chucking....? i enjoy creating new crosses, growing them and sampling. if they have promise, i take it step further. its a hobby and fun.

Plant count sucks in so many ways, another bottleneck to the species.
Yup it was a good run. I am going cycle by cycle now and looking for an out. There is no way I will survive 500$ indoor weed. I guess 20 year job security was nice, too bad I didn't push harder and was only reasonable in my efforts.
As a consumer, I for one am glad for legalization and regulation. I'm looking forward to $100 z's with tax included, readily available in a store, with a variety of selections when it finally arrives. Before legalization, this would have been a pipe dream. Now, it's on the verge of reality. Unfortunate for some growers, but a boon for consumers.
Here you can already buy ounces of mids for roughly a 100 when ordering from MOM’s. Does the US have mail order marijuana ? In Canada we have a huge selection to choose from.
The Growers on the east coast in the 80’s and 90’s made millions. I remember when it was $5000 a pound shipped out of state for original outdoor grown skunk weed.

This is spot on. In the 80's & 90's alot of growers made a shit load of money. I didnt know anyone thay made millions but I heard stories and heard of the news report busts. Back on those days..what few indoor growers i knew of...hell 4 or 6 thousand watter in a basement was big time to just about everyone that was in the loop. And at 3 to 5k a pound..it was. It was all you needed to "pay the bills" and whatnot. We were paying the bills like a mother fucker lol !!! Sure it wasnt millions but hey..newest & latest model jet ski or snowmobile is out? No problem. I will take 2 please. Cash!!! Thats how it was in the early and mid nineties. For me and my grow buddys anyways. It was cowboy times for us. We couldnt crop out fast enough. Gone!!! To even find really good indoor domestic was a treat compared to Mexi brick everyone got on Friday with a paycheck. There werent that many growers. And there certainly wasnt anything online for grower until Overgrow.com. There was one hydro shop in the whole state of Michigan. And it was low key as hell after Operation Green Merchant in '89. Alot of people I knew got hit in that one.
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Magic mushrooms or meth/mdma production, then when the legal state parents wana know why their kids are so fucked.... lolol

So money is all that matters to you? You will sell anything that makes you money even if it kills or destroys lives (meth)?

Legalization can't put you to work at mcdonalds fast enough. Sorry, that is despicable.
I feel like this form of legalization is handing the power of cannabis over to corporate America. turning it into a commodity item.
Going to crush out all the small good honest people.
But I guess people making a greedy buck of this plant is nothing new.
So money is all that matters to you? You will sell anything that makes you money even if it kills or destroys lives (meth)?

Legalization can't put you to work at mcdonalds fast enough. Sorry, that is despicable.

I couls grow weed or i could work a mundane job that i will never like and waste all my life away behind a desk,

Its not about money but i dont expect you to understand why long term growers would rather grow than take shit in a worthless job.

Now read the thread again and understand that it was a dig at the legal trade (which is only about money...!) and our dislike at putting us out of a job.

Also im well educated but have scoliosis as well as a couple other disabilitating conditions so work can be hard for me, go figure why i love to smoke ans naturally saw a way forward growing plus pain relief.

Fuck do all these recent forum members get off trying to slander me, go away please....!
There will always be all levels of quality around. The market will set prices as such based on quality and quantity available. If everyone starts growing fire, or even big corporations start growing organic fire large scale then prices will drop and they will control the market.Thats kindof what were seeing now but its not fire, its at best average dank imo, probably worse.
I like to think they wont be able to grow high grade, not like the small scale organic guys do. but we will see in time.
Once its legal demand will skyrocket, if dispensaries are setup like Colorado with vertical integration to keep the market truly open and competitive to a range of people, then we might be okay (us small timers)
The vast majority of "new" consumers appear to me to be enjoying preloaded pen carts, edibles, and the occasional preroll. The demand for top shelf flowers isn't going to be that high.
You guys all grow the same shit.... most of it sucks... none of you have any special genetics..if u did...nobody else would have them and can still milk it.... unless you have something special... writing is on the wall ...adios..

The horse and carriage industry didnt like automobiles too much...

Genetics that nobody else has...opening bid.... 10 Million ... auction time... big boys only
No one died around me. The only violence was the law kicking people doors. Sure..people went to prison. It waz highly illegal. They looked at you like you were running a meth lab. We did it anyways. Took our chances and got paid. And fun? More fun than a barrel full of lesbians fun. And I wouldnt change a frikin thing.
I'm glad nobody died around you.
I could sing you a sad song about
somebody's rambling boy, but I won't.
You guys all grow the same shit.... most of it sucks... none of you have any special genetics..if u did...nobody else would have them and can still milk it.... unless you have something special... writing is on the wall ...adios..
[ ... ]
Genetics that nobody else has...opening bid.... 10 Million ... auction time... big boys only
