Wholesale cannabis prices hit historic lows in January

I feel like this form of legalization is handing the power of cannabis over to corporate America. turning it into a commodity item.
Going to crush out all the small good honest people.
But I guess people making a greedy buck of this plant is nothing new.

I guess if consumers don't mind smoking a commodity item then that would be true. Will there be a cannabis cup for cheap weed someday?
What's the difference between growing it for rec. or meds? It cost's the same to produce. I'd bet the majority of people using it as "medicine" are probably not really sick, it's mostly used to grow, possess, and use legally. Have a look in the strain review forum and see how many posts have anything to do with illness or medical effects.
How many medical users never used it prior to having a prescription? How many would use it if they lost their script tomorrow? Maybe med users should lose their sense of entitlement. Using or needing some kind of medication doesn't earn you a free ride. Try donating your time at work and see how your quality of life is.

Well said I agree. After two decades of seeing it first hand I for one am sick of the "sense of entitlement" that I have seen from the severely ill this plant has helped. Don't even get me going on the entitlement of the terminally ill....... Fucking ignorant cunt.

What is actually much worse is like I have already stated, complete fucking punks using the medical guise to grow only to sell, because they obviously lack the balls to just fucking grow and leave legitimate medical out of it.
I also do not think that there should be any laws or rules regardless of it being recreational or medical. But the laws here in Canada actually give legitimate medical people the chance to have control over their own supply without the stresses of being a criminal. Sacks of shit that use this, and undermine it at the same time only do because they are commplete cowards who lack any ethics or morals.
Wanna grow and make money do it. Do NOT do it off the backs of those who are actually growing to simply make peoples lives better. It is a complete punk goof fucking move.
Cheers :)

Is that clear enough?
Well said I agree. After two decades of seeing it first hand I for one am sick of the "sense of entitlement" that I have seen from the severely ill this plant has helped. Don't even get me going on the entitlement of the terminally ill....... Fucking ignorant cunt.

What is actually much worse is like I have already stated, complete fucking punks using the medical guise to grow only to sell, because they obviously lack the balls to just fucking grow and leave legitimate medical out of it.
I also do not think that there should be any laws or rules regardless of it being recreational or medical. But the laws here in Canada actually give legitimate medical people the chance to have control over their own supply without the stresses of being a criminal. Sacks of shit that use this, and undermine it at the same time only do because they are commplete cowards who lack any ethics or morals.
Wanna grow and make money do it. Do NOT do it off the backs of those who are actually growing to simply make peoples lives better. It is a complete punk goof fucking move.
Cheers :)

Is that clear enough?

well said
I feel like this form of legalization is handing the power of cannabis over to corporate America. turning it into a commodity item.
Going to crush out all the small good honest people.
But I guess people making a greedy buck of this plant is nothing new.
Thats exactly what it is doing. That is the whole point.
Well said I agree. After two decades of seeing it first hand I for one am sick of the "sense of entitlement" that I have seen from the severely ill this plant has helped. Don't even get me going on the entitlement of the terminally ill....... Fucking ignorant cunt.

What is actually much worse is like I have already stated, complete fucking punks using the medical guise to grow only to sell, because they obviously lack the balls to just fucking grow and leave legitimate medical out of it.
I also do not think that there should be any laws or rules regardless of it being recreational or medical. But the laws here in Canada actually give legitimate medical people the chance to have control over their own supply without the stresses of being a criminal. Sacks of shit that use this, and undermine it at the same time only do because they are commplete cowards who lack any ethics or morals.
Wanna grow and make money do it. Do NOT do it off the backs of those who are actually growing to simply make peoples lives better. It is a complete punk goof fucking move.
Cheers :)

Is that clear enough?
Read the title of the thread. It says wholesale cannabis prices. The article has nothing to do with medical.
Here's a newsflash for ya, not every cardholder is terminally ill. I'd bet most have a card so they're able to grow, possess, and use without fear of being locked up over a plant. Do you believe that they only started using cannabis after it was perscribed to them?? Would they stop if it was outlawed tomorrow?
Now you're patient who helps other patients, so what your're owed something or it should be given to you at cost? You grew as a job, meaning you got paid! Fucking hypocrite, now you're worried about people being robbed if the prices don't bottom out. You're a patient now it's not how you make a living right Mr. Do gooder? Fuck you! You're the type to suck off the government tit your whole life, get a job for a week and start calling people lazy.

I don't grow,sell,donate or have anything to do with anything medical. I don't think having a perscription earns you a free ride or shit should be donated because you have a boil on your ass. I know plenty of people who have perscriptions for things far worse than "I can't sleep at night" but they have to get up and go to work to pay for insurance to keep those meds coming. Cancer patients where I live have to call pharmacies days in advance because they're getting robbed at gunpoint for oxycontin and fentanyl so they don't stock it. But you poor medical marijuana patient have it so bad don't ya. Fuck you get off the soapbox.
Read the title of the thread. It says wholesale cannabis prices. The article has nothing to do with medical.
Here's a newsflash for ya, not every cardholder is terminally ill. I'd bet most have a card so they're able to grow, possess, and use without fear of being locked up over a plant. Do you believe that they only started using cannabis after it was perscribed to them?? Would they stop if it was outlawed tomorrow?
Now you're patient who helps other patients, so what your're owed something or it should be given to you at cost? You grew as a job, meaning you got paid! Fucking hypocrite, now you're worried about people being robbed if the prices don't bottom out. You're a patient now it's not how you make a living right Mr. Do gooder? Fuck you! You're the type to suck off the government tit your whole life, get a job for a week and start calling people lazy.

I don't grow,sell,donate or have anything to do with anything medical. I don't think having a perscription earns you a free ride or shit should be donated because you have a boil on your ass. I know plenty of people who have perscriptions for things far worse than "I can't sleep at night" but they have to get up and go to work to pay for insurance to keep those meds coming. Cancer patients where I live have to call pharmacies days in advance because they're getting robbed at gunpoint for oxycontin and fentanyl so they don't stock it. But you poor medical marijuana patient have it so bad don't ya. Fuck you get off the soapbox.

Wow you sure typed a bunch of words without saying anything worthwhile. It is hilarious that you actually think you have a point. Now go hug your brotherdaddy :)
Read the title of the thread. It says wholesale cannabis prices. The article has nothing to do with medical.
Here's a newsflash for ya, not every cardholder is terminally ill. I'd bet most have a card so they're able to grow, possess, and use without fear of being locked up over a plant. Do you believe that they only started using cannabis after it was perscribed to them?? Would they stop if it was outlawed tomorrow?
Now you're patient who helps other patients, so what your're owed something or it should be given to you at cost? You grew as a job, meaning you got paid! Fucking hypocrite, now you're worried about people being robbed if the prices don't bottom out. You're a patient now it's not how you make a living right Mr. Do gooder? Fuck you! You're the type to suck off the government tit your whole life, get a job for a week and start calling people lazy.

I don't grow,sell,donate or have anything to do with anything medical. I don't think having a perscription earns you a free ride or shit should be donated because you have a boil on your ass. I know plenty of people who have perscriptions for things far worse than "I can't sleep at night" but they have to get up and go to work to pay for insurance to keep those meds coming. Cancer patients where I live have to call pharmacies days in advance because they're getting robbed at gunpoint for oxycontin and fentanyl so they don't stock it. But you poor medical marijuana patient have it so bad don't ya. Fuck you get off the soapbox.

i'm betting you've been called an asshole before, correct asshole?
I got 5 patients. They get the HOOK up for cheap. Every month. But I grow so damn much that a large portion of my harvels go out to the street. And I really dont give a fuck what anyone thinks. Matter of fact..I quit renewing my stupid card and my patients did as well. The card thing is largely bullshit. Its fine for people that wanna follow the rules but the vast majority arent really sick (there are some and believe me..amongst the caregivers/growers/patients I know - whether they are with that caregiver or not- they get really hooked up oftentimes multiple ounces of fire for free!!) and we all did the card thing to just not get in trouble. Alot of growers in my area are doing the same exact thing as me. And many are growing more than the maximum number of plants (up to 72).Have a good day.
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Here in my town I know Iam not alone with how I approach this whole medical Caregiver/Patient thing. And my guess is alot of growers in Michigan statewide are doing it like this. Even if your following card rules and 72 plants/5 patients...your going to harvest WAY more than what your allowed. Cmon. Its all bullshit. All the growers & patients I know (and Iam in the loop so to speak) quit renewing cards and giving money th dr.s and the State. Michigan is going full rec soon anyways. Fuk em. I heard recently that the Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Dept. in Lansing has reported that renew apps are down. Alot of caregiver and patients just arent renewing cards now. People that have been here and doing the card thing since the early days just dont bother.
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Here in my town I know Iam not alone with how I approach this whole medical Caregiver/Patient thing. And my guess is alot of growers in Michigan statewide are doing it like this. Even if your following card rules and 72 plants/5 patients...your going to harvest WAY more than what your allowed. Cmon. Its all bullshit.

Of course it’s bullshit. 12 plants and only 2.5 oz usable meds allowed per patient. And now concentrates are allowed but are included with final weight.

And overages are not allowed to be sold to dispensaries so other patients can benefit.

It’s worse than bullshit. It’s a set up.
Of course it’s bullshit. 12 plants and only 2.5 oz usable meds allowed per patient. And now concentrates are allowed but are included with final weight.

And overages are not allowed to be sold to dispensaries so other patients can benefit.

It’s worse than bullshit. It’s a set up.
Overages/dispensarys were one of my main customers. I took a slight hit with those new rules. But I got around that. So did alot of others.
I would just like to point out that I am talking about Canada and only our system here in Canada.
Reading since1991 and michiganmedgrowers posts I also agree your system is bullshit and do not blame either of you for possibly not following it.
I specifically have been referring to those who instead of just growing , take advantage of our system here in Canada. I am talking about people who are in no way helping anyone but themselves. Our system is more then adequate here, it is just also sadly open to being taken advantage of by punks.
I hope this clears up a bit of the point I have been trying to make. Wanna grow? the grow, but do not do it off the backs of sick people.
Cheers :)
Overages/dispensarys were one of my main customers. I took a slight hit with those new rules. But I got around that. So did alot of others.

The one I supplied a couple years ago got busted. I have chosen to stay under the radar ever since.

And our flowers have cured her internal cysts. She is a legitimate doctor verified marijuana patient. Lab tests confirmed her health. No other treatment was used.
The one I supplied a couple years ago got busted. I have chosen to stay under the radar ever since.

And our flowers have cured her internal cysts. She is a legitimate doctor verified marijuana patient. Lab tests confirmed her health. No other treatment was used.
Cannabis truly is an amazing plant. One of the only good things to come out of this whole medical/recreational/rules & regulation cannabis movement is the research being done. We are finding out properties of this plant that is long overdue.
Ouch, now that hurts. Why you gotta be so mean? Did I hurt your feelings? How long have you been an attention seeking troll? Mind your business.

i think you stepped over the line when you accuse most medical patients of faking it.

i use it medicinally and its not even prescribed.
This weekend I'm going to make some rso with some leftover bud and iso. I'm using iso because it's cheap and it will only be used topically. I don't want to waste perfectly good everclear by evaporating it off. ;)

I've developed some form of arthritis in my shoulder and at times I can't lift my arm above my shoulders. I'm going to make a sav and see if it helps.

I'm not a med patient, but I wouldn't be able to do this without legalization. It won't be pshycotropic.

I guess I'm some kind of fraud, using my legal status to get medical benefit. Shame on me.
Wow you sure typed a bunch of words without saying anything worthwhile. It is hilarious that you actually think you have a point. Now go hug your brotherdaddy :)
My point is that people with medical cards aren't invalents. When medical became legal all of a sudden people think it should be given to them at cost. Take a look around around the forum at people who bash growers/sellers about medicine being sold above cost. Why? That's a sense of entitlement, and most aren't truly in need they just want to get high. Ever wonder why you can go online and find MM doctors? I know if I'm dying of cancer that's my no.1 priority, finding the weed doc. You want to risk your freedom or safety for nothing good for you be all the marijuana martyr you can be, but if you don't know peoples situation keep your name calling and bullshit to yourself.