Who's battling root aphids?!

Wtf ever dude. 250kw lol. Pics or it didn't happen.

I think if I had the dough to invest in a 250kw room I would have a sterile room to shower in and out of so as not to bring in any bugs on clothing and such.

I certainly would know better than to introduce foreign clones w/out ensuring they were clean.

any bug can be killed
Wtf ever dude. 250kw lol. Pics or it didn't happen.

I think if I had the dough to invest in a 250kw room I would have a sterile room to shower in and out of so as not to bring in any bugs on clothing and such.

I certainly would know better than to introduce foreign clones w/out ensuring they were clean.

any bug can be killed
i cant pm or i would send u links/pics i have no reason to lie
the infestation started around 3 years ago whn our state was first getting its shit together.....noone knew wtf a root aphid was and not only that today if someone handed me a infested clone today how the hell would you see it......there more or less invisible in the larve stage

at this point there is nothing that can eradicate root aphids available

i read a lot of trade journals the SOP if your field gets root aphids is to kill everything off in the field for 3 years......

all i did was post up my experiences with the lil fuckers you can believe what you want :) dont waste years and years battleing them just chop down and rebuild(somewhere else with all new shit)

  • just chop down and rebuild(somewhere else with all new shit)​

Not an option.

I sprayed the shit out of em w/orthene 2x this week in veg. Dead bugs everywhere. Added the gognats to my rez. as well. The infestation is noticeably better. I will not allow the fuckers to build up resisitance. Next week heavy treatments w/imid. Then to the abamectin if needed.

Sns 203,gognats, liquid pyrethrum and neem oil all going in flower rez. Next week as well.

Edit: The other thing I find interesting is that several other people on here have had em. They have not come back w/the same results as you brick.
The thing is there is always one guy out there who always says "shut it down and move" or "you cannot get rid of them"

I read several ppl. say this about spidermites when I got em. Them lil' fuckers haven't been back in over two years.

Ppl. said it bout thrips. Haven't seen them in over 9 months.

I'm sorry to hear about your problem, but I can't help but wonder if you were consistent in your application. If your room is even half as big as you claim you would need an army of migrant workers just to help spray.

There are those who quit and those who persevere.

I am interested in the met-52 it is biological and would be a great addition to my flower regimen. Botanigard claims to attack the bugs the same way as the met. But you said the botanigard hurt your girls? I would like to hear more.
The thing is there is always one guy out there who always says "shut it down and move" or "you cannot get rid of them"

I read several ppl. say this about spidermites when I got em. Them lil' fuckers haven't been back in over two years.

Ppl. said it bout thrips. Haven't seen them in over 9 months.

I'm sorry to hear about your problem, but I can't help but wonder if you were consistent in your application. If your room is even half as big as you claim you would need an army of migrant workers just to help spray.

There are those who quit and those who persevere.

I am interested in the met-52 it is biological and would be a great addition to my flower regimen. Botanigard claims to attack the bugs the same way as the met. But you said the botanigard hurt your girls? I would like to hear more.

i have met a lot of bad growers that say you just have to live with bugs and i always laughed at them but this root aphid is a diffrent bug take spidermites for instance.....we have them pop up from time to time (the last time the asshole owner let his dog run around in the grow :( ) all of our plants are inspected daily and when an outbreak is discovered we have an ipm that we will rotate in for 2 weeks that will eradicate them....notice i say eradicate and not just control this is easy to do with spidermites because they sit in eggs for three days and live on the outside of the plant so there easy to spot and kill....root aphids have a 6 WEEK life cycle and each one is born pregnant with 50-70 larvae lets say through some miracle you were able to eradicate every single aphid except for one that was off living in a closet or the wall or something that single aphid can popularize a full colony in months

our grow is split up in 2 separate 125k facilitys its given me a lot of opportunity to try diffrent ipms we have an unlimited budget when it comes to pesticides or whatever else i would like too do im fully staffed with 5 apprentice growers per facility they do excatly what i tell them(fwiw there not "migrant workers" they have all passed full backround checks and are reg with the state) i have spent 100s of hours reading trade journals about root aphid control so be sure that all of our pesticide programs were carried out to the letter\

IMO i think that any grower who thinks that they have "beat" root aphids is still living with them and either has a resistant strain or is growing in a forgiving medium remember if you see only one fly and think to yourself....oh i got them under control you actually have a colony that is so well established its now sending out scouts to find the next new home

i would also be curious to see there yields i know that our yields were cut in half because of these lil bastards we went from 2 1/4- 2 1/2+ per light to under a pound....right now i have clawed my way back to a pound and a half

botaniguard is not the right fungus strain to fight them met52 is the closest thing we got for now.....at my big grow there under control but by no means eradicated (no flyers though) we are now only using met52 and yellow sticky traps.......my advice is for this grow use the pesticides but phase them out when you start bringing new clones in and use met 52 from your first transplant on

all those pesticides beat the plant up so damn much your roots are fucked and dying because the RA inject a poisen in them to keep the wound open and the plant will look healthy till about week 5 in flower when it just starts turding out

also anything that is yellowing at all in veg just toss youll spend more on nutes and pesticides trying to "save"it then youll get back

i know this is long and rambiling ill come back and clean it up when im not so high :D
my other advice is to stay off these(weed) forums there is a ton of bad advice on here and a lot of people will talk out of there ass and swear that some shit works because they heard it from there friend who heard it from the guy at the hydro shop

i like to do my reasearch in ag trade books and those college research papers etc
madd farmer asked for my root aphid ipm ill share it here publicly

1st off your never going to beat them unless you chop everything sell ALL of your equipment and move locations this is the only way i know to eradicate them

however we can get some decent control

if your currently have root aphids you have to come to some harsh realizations your going to have to toss a lot of plants and genetics lot of growers seem to fall in love with there little runty plants and love to nurse them along but you have to be harsh

first off walk your grow.....any plant in veg that is yellowing toss.....yes you can get them back to green by aggressively using merit 75 and pyth but the plants going to turd out on you soon as it needs a lot of nutes for flower just toss it......if you notice one strain in particular is yellowing more then the others in the room you gotta get rid of it even if its the best super duper strain its not worth all the headache

next thing you have to clean..... RA can live on anything everything needs go obsessive clean all your hvac stuff the cornersof your grow.....under everything ....if your in tables(we are) each table should be broken down and cleaned weekly if we can do that with roughly 125 tables a week(3x6 tables 2 lights per) you can do this in your grow too....this means completely breaking the table down and removing it from its spot cleaning the rez cleaning the top of the table cleaning the pump and mopping up under where the rez was sitting(we use h2o2 to clean the tables and rez and bleach to clean the floors) just doing this gets rid of thousands of RA and breaks the colonys living outside of your plant

now you should have a clean grow with all your veg plants nice and green flower is probably fucked up but we are going to tackle that once you get all your old shit through there

any plants not being uppotted before your next flower cycle should be treated with merit75 at one tsp per gallon(this is like 5 times the stated directions) the first day of flower you apply this stuff by dunking the plants because most r/a live up under the root crown......good luck with these guys youll prob still have a crappy harvest if your in coco but you might get lucky if your in hydroton or soil(btw if your in soil test one plant first because ive only used this concentration in hydro)

the veg that are being transplanted(not clones well get to that) should be transplanted with 5 grams of met52 per gallon of medium.....mix this stuff up a gallon at a time and make sure the rice is fully distributed in the medium also the top inch or 2 of your medium should just be strait perilite or dyatamatious rocks(if you can afford them)

every single plant in the grow needs its own yellow aphid sticky trap also every light needs a sticky fly strip

clones....if your not using rapid rooters you should be we had this sick cloneing setup with ezclone 120s hooked up to waterchillers on a tiered shelving it was really nice all that stuff got tossed we use brand new rapid rooters every time (the ones that come with new trays) and new domes.....take double the amount of clones you think your going to need......
now after 10-15 days you should have well establised roots on everything.....anything that doesnt gets tossed all you are keeping is the top 50%.....anything that has honeydew(snowflakes) on top of the RR gets tossed be brutal if its not perfect it should get tossed

on the new clones first transplant you should be using met52 at 2 grams per gallon of medium.....

if you keep up on your cleaning and are tossing everything that dosent look great you can control the problem....if you skip steps they will be back in force even if you think you have them beat.....you dont.... so keep using the met/sticky traps/culling/cleaning
you need to be treating the roots for the first two weeks in veg(or more if you have a small grow and can afford it) and veg shouldnt be any longer then 5-6 weeks after transplant from clone so the colony dosent have the time to populate flower will start to look better and better and better as you are phasing out all the nasty stuff

edit we have been flyer free for over a year at this point using this ipm.....we do still have root aphids but are managing them if i had to do our big grow over again i would have started everything from seed and never ever accepted any clones
as of this date root aphids are unbeatable

i am a grower running over 250,000 watts we have spent over 3500$ on pesticides and nothing will work

neem-pyth-rosmary-clove-tobacco have very little effect on them pyth can sometimes knock a colony back enough to allow you to squeek through flower but most of the time the plant will go belly up by week 5

imid(baer tree and shrub.....merit 75) this stuff always "seems" to work the first time you use it then a few months later there back with a vengence and now there imid resistant.....imid is only 75% effective....do your homework your breeding resistant colonys in under 6 months

orthaline smells like dogshit a little more effective then merit but again colonies are resistant within 6 months

spectracide dosent have too much of an effect on them

botanicguard had very little effect on the bugs.....beat the shit out of the plants

Met52 man i was excited about this one its a fungus that is targeted to root aphids it does keep the colony at bay if you have an infestation you can pull off decent harvests in my private grows this stuff is used from the start as a phrophlatic it will not eradicate a established colony but again keeps them in check this is the only pesticide we are currently running

media plays a big part

love rockwool/coco/dwc

hydroton and soil not so much

we went from hitting 2 1/2+ pound per light to under a pound per light

we got them from a dirty clone........no strain is worth the risk of getting them you wont notice them till its too late

when you see a flyer its too late there only sent out when the host plant can no longer support the colony

your only effective solution is to trash all the plants sell your ALL of your equipment move the grow location and start from seed

250, 000 watts huh bro. Extravagant claim. Possibly the most extravagant claim of all time. Lets see some pics. Until you do, I'm sure you can expect to receive some heckling.
The thing is there is always one guy out there who always says "shut it down and move" or "you cannot get rid of them"

I read several ppl. say this about spidermites when I got em. Them lil' fuckers haven't been back in over two years.

Ppl. said it bout thrips. Haven't seen them in over 9 months.

I'm sorry to hear about your problem, but I can't help but wonder if you were consistent in your application. If your room is even half as big as you claim you would need an army of migrant workers just to help spray.

There are those who quit and those who persevere.

I am interested in the met-52 it is biological and would be a great addition to my flower regimen. Botanigard claims to attack the bugs the same way as the met. But you said the botanigard hurt your girls? I would like to hear more.

Regarding thrips and mites: azatrol as a foliar will utterly destroy generations of them, however in my experience with the product they won't have time to build resistance. I've also used it as a soil drench with root aphids with 100% eradication after two doses at a tbsp/ gallon, however I'd be weary about using it in the res.
orthene +gognats in veg really put a hurtin on the bastards. Gognats alone killed a ton of em in flower. I spent two hours cleaning my flower trays. Gonna give my girls a couple days to recover w/some fresh nutes then gonna hit em w/ some evergreen/sns 203 in flower and merit in veg.

  • your only effective solution is to trash all the plants sell your ALL of your equipment move the grow location and start from seed​

So can I asssume you have a few hundred lights and hoods for sale? I'm interested.
orthene +gognats in veg really put a hurtin on the bastards. Gognats alone killed a ton of em in flower. I spent two hours cleaning my flower trays. Gonna give my girls a couple days to recover w/some fresh nutes then gonna hit em w/ some evergreen/sns 203 in flower and merit in veg.

  • your only effective solution is to trash all the plants sell your ALL of your equipment move the grow location and start from seed​

So can I asssume you have a few hundred lights and hoods for sale? I'm interested.

we are stuck with what we bought by the time we released we had an infestation we allready had too much money involved to shut down and move thats why i have been trying to find a root aphid ipm )

250, 000 watts huh bro. Extravagant claim. Possibly the most extravagant claim of all time. Lets see some pics. Until you do, I'm sure you can expect to receive some heckling.

i allready offered to pm joe pics(once i can pm)i cant post pictures of our business on a public forum because ive signd NDA's however i am not trying to make a name for myself in this community and personally could give a shit if you dont belive me i was googeling root aphids and i came across this thread it seemed recent and i thought i could help out YOUR community before some of these guys wasted there money

250k while large in my state is no where near the largest hell we have companies with more then double that.....the second dispensary to open in jersey there FIRST facility is 80,000sqf and there talking about 1,000,000 watts the mmj movement has large money behind it
we are stuck with what we bought by the time we released we had an infestation we allready had too much money involved to shut down and move thats why i have been trying to find a root aphid ipm )

i allready offered to pm joe pics(once i can pm)i cant post pictures of our business on a public forum because ive signd NDA's however i am not trying to make a name for myself in this community and personally could give a shit if you dont belive me i was googeling root aphids and i came across this thread it seemed recent and i thought i could help out YOUR community before some of these guys wasted there money

250k while large in my state is no where near the largest hell we have companies with more then double that.....the second dispensary to open in jersey there FIRST facility is 80,000sqf and there talking about 1,000,000 watts the mmj movement has large money behind it

:lol: Allow me to interject:
First, the phrase is that you "couldn't give a shit." Could portrays that you in fact could care even less.

Heres your first quote: "i am a grower running over 250,000 watts we have spent over 3500$ on pesticides and nothing will work".. Sort of paints the picture that you're a dude roller skating around a massive warehouse full of thousands of plants doesn't it. You can understand that most would take this statement at face value that its your personal grow.

And another quote of yours, as the story starts to unfold: "we have them pop up from time to time (the last time the asshole owner let his dog run around in the grow ".. So we're getting closer to the real story. I don't doubt that there are large/ massive MM grows.And that said grows have employees. But the Feds know about them and have their hands in the pot. Simply working at such a facility is cool. Just like its cool to operate the espresso machine at starbucks, or make sure Splash Mountain is running properly at Disneyland. I don't doubt that you may work at such a place of business. It just came off a little incredulous which is why myself and Joe were clowning on you. Carry on,manus
Anyone ever mix sns203 and evergreen liquid pyrethrin together as a drench?

I mixed 4.5 oz of the sns and 3oz of the evergreen into 3 gallons of ro water and as soon as the pyrethrin hit the 203 the mixture turned cloudy white and foamed a bit. I did a media drench on 1 of my flowering moms and 6 of all different ages in sog flower as a test run. This stuff is a pretty potent mix. It made my eyes water.
my other advice is to stay off these(weed) forums there is a ton of bad advice on here and a lot of people will talk out of there ass and swear that some shit works because they heard it from there friend who heard it from the guy at the hydro shop

i like to do my reasearch in ag trade books and those college research papers etc
You're a joke.
I'm generally not so forthright, but you are.
I call BS anyways on 250,000 watts but put that aside.
I had RA's so bad it was pathetic.
I BEAT them with Bayer Tree and Shrub.
I've had 3 grows back to back since the infestation, and not ONE root aphid in my shit.

Sorry about your luck, and not being able to get your shit together fighting root aphids.
A mixture of Biological, chemical, and other tactics will ERRADICATE pretty much ANYTHING.

I think you just don't want to admit it to yourself that you're being defeated by little Root Aphids.
I think your Ego is just to big to accept that YOU can't beat them and to others it's really not that big a deal.

Also, you say to stay off these forums.... Yet you're still here.
Giving shit advice with like 9 posts, lmao.
Why are you here?
You don't want to show your 250,000 watt setup unless it's through PM's so WTF? (total bullshit anyway)
If it was a legal grow you'd have no problem showing it. If it was illegal you wouldn't have apprentices. If you did, you'd be busted already.

You're too transparent.
It's insulting really.

Crawl back under your rock.
Stick to your scientific papers, and take your ass off the internet.
The same scientific papers that still have you losing a drawn out Root Aphid battle.
Too funny.

Sorry, I'm not generally so forward but come on..
Take that shit somewhere else.
well the sns203/pyrethrin mix seemed to do the trick. I drenched half my sog a week ago and then put out 100 sticky traps. Most of them are still bug free. No gnats, aphids or anything. My rez is starting to stay clean.

Happy happy happy.

As far as veg goes I sprayed twice w/orthene and added the gognats and those plants look so much better. I'ma hit em w/the sns/pyrethrin this week as there are still a few fungus gnats here and there.

I like the sns/pyrethrin combination better than the gognats. It doesn't leave my rez as funky. It also seemed to do a better job against the fungus gnats.

I'ma have to get myself a better mask tho. I could taste rosemary and cloves for hours afterwards. The 3m mask I have must be letting some by.

Anyone have any good suggestions for a respirator?
well the sns203/pyrethrin mix seemed to do the trick. I drenched half my sog a week ago and then put out 100 sticky traps. Most of them are still bug free. No gnats, aphids or anything. My rez is starting to stay clean.

Happy happy happy.

As far as veg goes I sprayed twice w/orthene and added the gognats and those plants look so much better. I'ma hit em w/the sns/pyrethrin this week as there are still a few fungus gnats here and there.

I like the sns/pyrethrin combination better than the gognats. It doesn't leave my rez as funky. It also seemed to do a better job against the fungus gnats.

I'ma have to get myself a better mask tho. I could taste rosemary and cloves for hours afterwards. The 3m mask I have must be letting some by.

Anyone have any good suggestions for a respirator?

Good to hear.
Respirator: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00009363G/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I work with solvents and resins quite a bit for various hobbies. The respirator in the link is solid for the $
The Dewalt goggles at the bottom of page also fit perfectly with the resp and are comfortable
It looks a lot like the one I have. My resp has the pink cartridges tho.

Is that one that much better? The price is comparable.