Who's Gonna Win the NBA Finals This Year?

i am starting to think the bulls may not be able to take the heat down, it pains me to say that because i am a bulls fan and i hate the heat...rose is pretty much doing it all by himself...say what ya want about lebron...but if lebron guards rose..i do not feel good about the bulls chances.
miami needs to win the finals desperately for theyre market and for lebron. not only that, but what miami did by forming a superteam, they gave themselves a 1year headstart over other teams. we already saw 3 other teams this season try to form theyre own superteams. by the start of next season evern MORE teams will want to make superteams, such as lakers, boston, etc... so miami will no longer be a 'superteam' as much as they were therefore forfeiting theyre advantage. this is the best chance they have of winning it all this season, every year that chance will decrease dramatically.
I pray ever time i watch the Heat play that they will lose i hate Lebron he is so full of himself and such a pussy. I know he is a very gifted player but there is something about him that won't bring me to like him i dunno i can't help it, im from ohio and i didn't like him when he was at cleveland so it has nothing to do with him leaving. His big press conference when he made his decision made him look like even more of a joke

Hope he never wins a ring i know he probably will though but i hope not
i use to like lebron until he did that whole drama with the gay ass decision...i do not blame him for leaving the cavs...i blame him for making a fucking tv show about it and not giving the hometown franchise who drafted him and their fans a heads up..just be a man and sign with the heat like every other player who has ever played.

Yes I am, knowing that they will easily go to the Finals and probably win it if it's against the Mavs... Remember the last time the Heat faced the Mavs in the Finals???
I tip my hat to Dallas... They deserve it. Oklahoma made too many young mistakes. I hate to admit it but it's looking like its going to be Dallas vs Miami
The heat are going to romp the mavs. Bosh is lookin nice throughout the finals, wade...uh he's a bit off but turns it on in clutch(sucks at free throws though ha), and lebron is just unstoppable and he's not in the mindset to mess things up, dudes on top of his game. But besides them a bit one dimensional. Mavs are really dynamic, score a lot, and play well together, but I think they are going to get shook hard by the d that the heat plays as well as the momentum they can build up. Should be a nice match up but I'm going to say heat in 5...
Watched it and it was a hell of a game, always fun to watch these things with Mavs fans, I was worried the heat were going to walk away with it but now we have a series!