Who's Gonna Win the NBA Finals This Year?

ok so the heat won the game by 2 because Dirk didn't hit the shot he usually hits all the time.
you got a win by the skin of your ass...big fucking deal.
mavs are still taking it.
dirk > lebron any day...my debate? dirk's game 1 vs thunder.
i don't think i need to say anything else.
i fucking hate the heat. >.>
Ok and the mavs won by how many in game 2? thats what I thought.. 2 points.

yeah yeah, it's been a close series for the most part so far besides game 1.
i'm a celtics fan so all i'm just watching in hopes dirk gets a ring.
i fucking hate lebron...traitor.
there's no way the celtics shouldn't have won the title...if only rondo didn't get hurt and we didn't trade perkins.
the series has been really close.

game 1 was a bit of a sweep but only b/c the mavs went on a dry run the last few mins, the first part of the game wasn't that bad.

the mavs can take this one, but they cannot miss 3pointers like they did yesterday...

i think the mavs are going to take this one... just because lebitch and company deserve that kind of Karma....


god forbid he and that disgusting ballboy touch the clothes at the same time.

LE BITCH. he's over-rated, and his bitch attitude will leave him a legacy few will desire.... the commentators on ESPN ride the heat's dicks so hard it's not funny..... and even when the mavs pull a 15-2 run to catch up, the heat get all the credit.... it's pretty pathetic....

ok so the heat won the game by 2 because Dirk didn't hit the shot he usually hits all the time.
you got a win by the skin of your ass...big fucking deal.
mavs are still taking it.
dirk > lebron any day...my debate? dirk's game 1 vs thunder.
i don't think i need to say anything else.
i fucking hate the heat. >.>

Heat are just a bunch of double dipped douche bags of the douchiest variety. Go Mavs!