you turd ..i posted no the is current players taking and making or missing the last shot of a game..kobe falls into the the league average and below carmelo and many others ..there are 30 or so guys currently more effecient then kobe on the last shot of the game..kobe's refusal to pass hurts his team...and if perkins does not get hurt last year ..lakers lose //the lakers were like 16-12 last year in the post season...gasol bynum odom the roster is loaded. like i said durant and westbrook are taking down the west this year.
LIKE I SAID, how are you going to base Kobe's career this year, since you said 'current' players & I read that 'blog' you call an article months ago. You do realize anyone can write a blog an make it sound like someone is better/worse then they are. Here, I will show you:
"Corso is so smart when it comes to NBA, in fact... he has been watching since I was nothing more than a jizz-baby..."
See, that entire little blog entry was false... yet, I can easily make it facts by writing it... uh, wait, it still makes it false. So your going to base Kobe's last shot attempts amongst active players currently, when Kobe is over the peak of his career? Like I already said, you might as well sum up Jordan's career as a Wizard, your doing the same exact thing. I remember reading an article in the paper that Jordan was no longer leading in anything he once did as a Wizard... so I guess he isn't top 10 because he didn't end his career with the stats of someone that is 25-years old? Like I said, you HAVEN'T been watching NBA as long as you claim, because your STILL using articles/stats as arguments, because that's all you know/read. If you knew NBA you'd know in Kobe's prime he was considered the premier, lockdown player at the end of games & to this day is referred to as the BEST CLOSER TO EVER ENTER A GAME, EVER. Did you catch that, HE WAS, nobody is saying he STILL IS. An guess what, I can care less if he was or still is, as long as he once was, that's all that matters, everyone get's old & starts declining... it's going to happen to Rose, Wade, James, just as it did Magic, Bird, Jordan... so what makes Kobe any different? Why are you acting like he should still be playing like a 25-year old?
I guess every single sports professional analyst such as Van Gundy, Reggie Miller, Chuck, Webber, Kenny Smith, & co. are wrong when they say Kobe is the best in the clutch. I guess all of those professionals, getting paid more money per-minute then you will ever get the chance to see in your pathetic lifetime, I guess they're opinions are wrong & the John Doe (you) who doesn't get paid, who never played NBA, who doesn't know as much... is right? I can't believe there is people out there who still think they can fool a REAL NBA fan with they're stats & BS. I mean, fuck, if you ever watched a God Damned game, even this year... you'd of surly heard the commentators mention at least 3-4 times in the 4th quarter of close LA games that Kobe is the man to put the rock in his hand. Why else do they say that? Do they say that because they think he sucks in the clutch? Or is it because he has hit more game winning shots the anyone in the league, including Jordan?
I guess the dude that holds the most winning shots in a game isn't the most clutch? You forgot to dig up that stat or fact in your homework research... this is why inexperienced fans such as yourself need to stop relying on an NBA dictionary for your knowledge, it doesn't work that way, you actually have to see the game. Lakers would have never beat Boston if Perkins didn't go down... who cares, HE DID GO DOWN! That's part of the game, it's a SPORT, if you lose a player that's part of the SPORT. LA was in that series without Bynum & we can see how effective Bynum is when he is healthy, so who says that Boston would have even made it to game 7 if Bynum played? Again... before you go to Google & search Bynums stats because that's what you do... bare in mind, Bynum is a player that doesn't put up the best numbers but his mere presence makes the team better & play better. Bynum is a crucial piece of property to the LA franchise which is why they never traded him. So if BYNUM wasn't injured then maybe Boston would have never gone 7... so don't give me the WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED. Nobody ever cares about WHAT IF.
What if you were straight? Who cares, because your not... same goes with the LA/Boston series... it happened, it's over, can't go back.
Like I said, don't play this game with me, this isn't even me getting started, haven't even scratched the surface. I can do this all day & all night & I guarantee you, there won't be ONE TIME in this entire conversation (because it's hardly an argument when it's this easy) not once will you get an upper hand on me. In life, those who are wrong never win, so... I suggest you takes life's advice.
I love the Sheen comment, just goes to show how I'm getting under your skin with such simple technique... called facts.
Guess what.... that was reply #1 for you... guess what else... I'm STILL