Who's got their entire vegetable garden out yet?


Well-Known Member
I'm in south-central British Columbia, about three hours north of the US border. Because I'm living in this particular property just temporarily, I'm doing mostly a container garden, with some lettuce and onions in the ground. I'm using 27.5 gallon containers, and a bunch of 18gal. Potatoes, carrots, beets, kale (several varieties), lettuce (several varieties), tomatoes, radish, onion, a whole bunch of herbs, and a few things I'm sure I've forgotten.

Everything is now outdoors permanently after I transplanted my beans out there this morning, and after dropping seeds a couple of days ago. Many wait until the May 24 weekend, but the environment has been pretty stable lately.

Are you outdoors yet?
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Got a bunch ready to go out to garden, started indoors , but it's been raining last few days here, just waiting til the rain let's up a bit then outside it is. Lol
Figure I should get a handle on the veggies too! :D
Got a bunch ready to go out to garden, started indoors , but it's been raining last few days here, just waiting til the rain let's up a bit then outside it is. Lol
Figure I should get a handle on the veggies too! :D

Where approximately are you located geographically (parallel)?
I just set up a new 9'x3'x10" bed to try out square foot gardening. I've already got several other beds and smartpots, hugelkultur mounds, etc. but have never tried a square foot garden. Just sprouted a bunch of new veggies...thai winter squash, japanese otome watermelons, yellow squash, cucumbers, leeks, tomatillos, lipstick peppers, aji peppers, rainbow chard, bok choy, red kale, shishito peppers. Lot of stuff I have not tried growing before.

I'm in Hawaii so we can grow year round, but are less motivated to garden during the rainy season.
I just set up a new 9'x3'x10" bed to try out square foot gardening. I've already got several other beds and smartpots, hugelkultur mounds, etc. but have never tried a square foot garden. Just sprouted a bunch of new veggies...thai winter squash, japanese otome watermelons, yellow squash, cucumbers, leeks, tomatillos, lipstick peppers, aji peppers, rainbow chard, bok choy, red kale, shishito peppers. Lot of stuff I have not tried growing before.

I'm in Hawaii so we can grow year round, but are less motivated to garden during the rainy season.

That's awesome. I love trying new things, and especially growing new things I've never grown before.

Never been to Hawaii. My wife has been numerous times, and loves it there. She's got it on our roadmap as we love to travel. I've lived in Canada my whole life, and we have to squeeze our outdoor plants into a relatively small window (especially when I lived up near Alaska).
Never been to Hawaii. My wife has been numerous times, and loves it there. She's got it on our roadmap as we love to travel. I've lived in Canada my whole life, and we have to squeeze our outdoor plants into a relatively small window (especially when I lived up near Alaska).
I'm always surprised when I visit places with short growing seasons, how peoples gardens just seem to be exploding with growth. Growing in the tropics can be tricky despite the year round warm weather, we get a ton of pest and fungal pressure since we never get a winter to sort of "reset" things.
I'm in Massachusetts and the only things outdoors right now are the cold hardy plants like brussel sprouts, lettuce, beans, kale and broccoli. Oh, and the garlic and leaks. Got onions, carrots, beets and radishes down but nothing has come up yet. I was gonna try to get some stuff in the ground this weekend, but I guess it's supposed to snow tonight ... which is bullshit lol
I just set up a new 9'x3'x10" bed to try out square foot gardening. I've already got several other beds and smartpots, hugelkultur mounds, etc. but have never tried a square foot garden. Just sprouted a bunch of new veggies...thai winter squash, japanese otome watermelons, yellow squash, cucumbers, leeks, tomatillos, lipstick peppers, aji peppers, rainbow chard, bok choy, red kale, shishito peppers. Lot of stuff I have not tried growing before.

I'm in Hawaii so we can grow year round, but are less motivated to garden during the rainy season.

I was actually just talking about hugelkultur mounds today but I actually didn't know what they were called until I read your post and looked it up. I have a big pile of punky birch logs next to my garden from a tree I dropped and never got around to splitting. I was thinking of giving it a try this year. What do you grow on yours?
snow in may is some bullshit lol.

I've grown all sorts of stuff in my mounds. Corn, Winter Squash, sweet potato, etc. Right now I have some pineapples growing. I actually need to redo the mounds because they have shrunk so much after all the wood has decomposed. Its a great way to fill space in deep beds if you dont have enough soil. My yard has only a few inches of topsoil before you hit solid lava rock so I gotta be resourceful. I recently tried buying cheap bagged soil to use as filler and my local home depot and ace were completely sold out of every type of soil product.
snow in may is some bullshit lol.

I've grown all sorts of stuff in my mounds. Corn, Winter Squash, sweet potato, etc. Right now I have some pineapples growing. I actually need to redo the mounds because they have shrunk so much after all the wood has decomposed. Its a great way to fill space in deep beds if you dont have enough soil. My yard has only a few inches of topsoil before you hit solid lava rock so I gotta be resourceful. I recently tried buying cheap bagged soil to use as filler and my local home depot and ace were completely sold out of every type of soil product.

It wasn't until a few years ago that I learned that pineapple takes two years to fruit out. That's not happening in Canada except for in a heated greenhouse :)
Been gardening outside for a few years now. I'm on the west coast, Vancouver Island in BC, we're lucky to have nice climate here. Started my seedings in the basement and greenhouse and been moving them outside slowly over the past few weeks. The garden is coming along nicely this year, lots of time on my hands these days being laid off due to everything. Lots of herbs and such, tomatoes, radishes, onions, Brussels sprouts, carrots, lettuce, peppers etc

I'm in Massachusetts and the only things outdoors right now are the cold hardy plants like brussel sprouts, lettuce, beans, kale and broccoli. Oh, and the garlic and leaks. Got onions, carrots, beets and radishes down but nothing has come up yet. I was gonna try to get some stuff in the ground this weekend, but I guess it's supposed to snow tonight ... which is bullshit lol

Almost the same here (central mass). I've got the cold wx stuff out and growing, some from seed. I did commit some tomatoes and herbs to earth boxes on the deck, but they are covered at the moment because it's snowing and we have a freeze warning tonight.

My peppers are in grow bags and I bring them in. I've got 4 ghost pepper plants going, some anaheims, some habernero's. I'm trying to get some sweets going but they are being fussy. I may just buy some starts for those. Also planted some fig trees, and some rhubarb plants. They seem to be doing fine. Strawberries are doing well but I cover those. Planted some blackberry bushes but still too early to tell how they are doing. Also expanded my orchid with a new peach tree (have peaches, pears, apples, and cherries.

One thing new I'm trying this year is straw bale gardening. You prep them with high doses of nitrogen rich fertilizer which begins composting them internally. When the internal temps come down to below 100, you can plant just about anything, but plants that love warmth do really well. So even up here we can grow sweet potatoes and okra.

I'm going to try to grow a hemp plant in one. Litre for litre they are much cheaper than soil. So it will be an interesting experiment.

Oh, and I bought a dehydrator. Yes, I'm going a little stir crazy. If I had a meth barbie I'd probably be spending all of my time and money on her, but alas, I'll settle for my garden. :(

Anyone have a good infused jerky recipe? ;)
I have just about every bit of space growing something right now. Mostly early cool season crops that will be replaced with tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc.. once they're harvested.

Radishes, turnips, mustard greens, peas, lettuce, potatoes, beets, spinach, and Komatsuna tendergreen are planted and growing. I've been harvesting lettuce, radishes, and the Komatsuna plus some overwintered carrots, beets, mustard greens, and onions.

I have not put any tomatoes or peppers in the ground yet but I'm planting a couple early season varieties today. Some Siletz and Siberia. I'm going to wait to put the beefsteak varieties, peppers, and eggplant in for a couple weeks. I have a ton of tomato starts and I only have room for a fraction of them. I always start too many plants. I have trays of other flower and herb starts as well. The front yard is going to be a show of color again this year.
Everything is from seed except 6 fuschia that were 3/$1 to put in hanging baskets and a couple cherry tomatoes the lady wanted. I was sowing my garden indoors back in February under lights. A pack of 100 seeds costs less than a single plant and mine are nicer than the ones at the store. Whatever I plant just grows. Probably because I just leave things alone and don't keep mucking around with them. It's the same for most plants. Just give them what they need and watch them grow.

We've been eating from the garden for awhile.


I need to get it cleaned up around the raised beds. It's a mess.





A couple trays of tomato starts. 36 plants


I have just about every bit of space growing something right now. Mostly early cool season crops that will be replaced with tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc.. once they're harvested.

Radishes, turnips, mustard greens, peas, lettuce, potatoes, beets, spinach, and Komatsuna tendergreen are planted and growing. I've been harvesting lettuce, radishes, and the Komatsuna plus some overwintered carrots, beets, mustard greens, and onions.

I have not put any tomatoes or peppers in the ground yet but I'm planting a couple early season varieties today. Some Siletz and Siberia. I'm going to wait to put the beefsteak varieties, peppers, and eggplant in for a couple weeks. I have a ton of tomato starts and I only have room for a fraction of them. I always start too many plants. I have trays of other flower and herb starts as well. The front yard is going to be a show of color again this year.
Everything is from seed except 6 fuschia that were 3/$1 to put in hanging baskets and a couple cherry tomatoes the lady wanted. I was sowing my garden indoors back in February under lights. A pack of 100 seeds costs less than a single plant and mine are nicer than the ones at the store. Whatever I plant just grows. Probably because I just leave things alone and don't keep mucking around with them. It's the same for most plants. Just give them what they need and watch them grow.

We've been eating from the garden for awhile.


I need to get it cleaned up around the raised beds. It's a mess.





A couple trays of tomato starts. 36 plants



I'm jealous...I just power raked and fertilized my lawn..Garden wont go in for another week for early stuff..2 weeks for the tender stuff..
I probably should have put that post in the How does your garden grow thread.

Hey, I'm thankful you put it here. It fits in here just as well ;)

I can't remember if you've mentioned whether you're an outdoor cannabis grower as well. Do you typically put some plants back there in the yard too?