Why are Americans afraid of government?


Well-Known Member
Right, and I agree with you. But, why are they confused as to what the problem is? If we were to explain to them that their government is corrupt, over-reaching and hindering free market liberties, they wouldn't believe us. From what I can see, they are calling for more government regulations to hinder the free markets even further.
So, it can't be abusive corporations that has them upset. Charlie, is there anything you believe politicaly or socialy that corporations in general don't want you to believe?

I'm guessing here:
you want less regulation
you want tort reform
you want less product liability
Free Choice is every American's birthright
The market is always decided by consumers
The government has no business in the business of business
Corporations should have the right to endorse and fund any political campaign
Corporate taxes should be low or non-existant
Unions should be abolished or limited
Government is always the problem
If there were no government regulations everything would be just fine


Well-Known Member
Yes, and the "true" 99 % have such respect for the rule of law that they would encourage and condone shooting people without affording those people their right to due process.
I know I can hardle believe it myself, It is a very scary time- I can't believe all of these so called 99% haven't thrown their support in to back Ron Paul and his fight against this sort of disregard for law and life and liberty and the constitution
How can they support murdering citizens without trial and attacking other nations without declaration of war?


New Member
Nowhere in my post did I say that Christians are the minority.
I am pointing out that you could consider David Duke a representitive of minorities, in that he was a Klan leader and Klansmen and those who share their ideals are a minority and as a successful politican and scolar Dr David Duke could be considered one of that groups few representitives.
I was just defending David Duke, I think it was you who asked who thought christian fundementalisim is good- and I was pointing out that i'm sure Christian fundamentalists do. I think I was trying to respond to several posts at once. I would also say real Christians who follow the literal word of the bible are a small minority- so maybe Christians are a minority once you discount those who mearly identify themselves as Christians.
I saw this guy on the news he said he was going to burn korans for 9/11 but now he says he won't. you cant hype something up and then not do it
Next you will be trying to tell me having women in the workplace hasn't lowered our standard of living.
Heres the thing with the berrys, they do not sell for a fair price and the workers are not paid a fair wadge and the whole berry industry has been screwed up by a abundance of cheap illegal labor and govt subsidies and our work force is spoiled because these same conditions remove their motivation and incentive to do the work that needs to be done.
But instead of telling people this they want to trumpet that crops are rotting and people are losing money because of enforcement of immigration laws.
Do you realize that with their strict immigration controlls and one child policy Chineese workers can look forward to an increasing standard of living and payscale and will see a further decrease from their allready low unemployment.
A Jewish ladys poem that was placed on a luciferian statue that France gave us because the intended reciepant didn't want it- Is Not What Our Country Was Founded On. Or Built Upon- Is is the ORIGONAL Constitution and Declaration of Independance and Bill of rights you should quote
their was a time i lived in Mexico and worked as a driver, I eventually ended up being stopped at the border with eight people hidden in the vehicle, - just thought some of you might find that chapter of my life interesting if your looking for perspective
Your reading comprehension and retension really sucks- You are lying or you are unable to read or unable to understand what your reading - I never said that and never wrote that.
I did say Hitler is misunderstood a fact you illistrate very well with your total lack of understanding of how he rose to power and how he was able to have done what was done.
Because Hitler acted single handedly- guess he was the only one to blame? It was the Germans that elected and fought for Hitler and.supporded him and his views and goal. The US and the German people supported Hitler if they did not he never would have been able to do what he did. , I keep seeing the term Americans in this thread- do any of you realize that Americans come from many different countrys spread over two contents? Think it pisses anyone off when we refer to ourselves as Americans as if the USA was the only country in the Americas?
The 99% know Ron Paul Is a Corporations wet dream


Well-Known Member
Reread it. It may not be real clear however, I said the people who are financing the Occupy movement. Those behind the curtain.

this is a rather thoughtless argument on it's face. I don't see anyone in the occupy movement that wants to "squash" the middle class - I see the right wishing to do this with it's attacks on unions, it's personizaton of corporations and its defense of the 1 percent who can indeed destroy the middle class, its dismantling of legislation designed to protect the middle class. Look back at history and see the future of the US, Feudalism where there are a few powerful and the rest of us are serfs.


Well-Known Member
Reread it. It may not be real clear however, I said the people who are financing the Occupy movement. Those behind the curtain.
Alright, the people who are financing the occupy movement - Now I am not exactly sure who they are, perhaps you can tell me, but if you whip out Soros then you are going to have to tell me how R. Mellon Scaife, The koch brothers and a host of other very rich people who are backing every right wing movement under the sun are not ACTUALLY interested in the feudalism I mentioned. We do know that a large group behind that curtain over there on the right are certainly not interested in "preserving" the middle class - and we know that by their actions.


Well-Known Member
a load of us "freedom fighters" happen to be just too dam lazy to do anything about and a small portion are scared shitless and would rather just let the govt take control because they believe you follow the rules then no one gets hurt.


Well-Known Member
The true 99% are those of us who go to work every day, do our best to be good mothers and fathers and treat our fellow man with respect. We are charitable, believe in the free market, non-crony capitalism ... and we love freedom and liberty.

America was born of revolution ... a revolution against an over reaching King. Why do we fear government? Because its in our DNA.

And by the way, the OWS groups? They are the one percent that are the parasites. Look at them ... they shit and piss on public property. They throw firebombs at the police. They have no respect for the rule of law.

I think a few well placed rifle shots would end this anarchist drivel.
If they where in Texas Wall street could shoot them for trespassing on their zuccotti park. Just as long as its not in the back.


Well-Known Member
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It seems that laws cannot be made to restrict the citizens from peaceably assembling in order to petition government for a redress of grievances. Wall Street isn't government. The protestors should move to the Capitol and petition there, then the government has it's hands tied as it must either then send in agent provocateurs to incite violence, or it must protect the right of people to protest. I really don't think the framers had the intention that protesting could only be done in certain areas. It would seem to me that the framers intended ANY public land to be fair game as a point to protest from. The white house lawn belongs to the people, not the government.


Active Member
A lot of the middle-east has turned its back on the government and rebelled and won, yet the states have an "occupy" movement that is laughed at and doesnt really do much.

My question is, why are so many Americans afraid of government? If the 1% is truly destroying the lives on the 99%, isnt that enough to rebel against the government? Or is occupy just a lazy form of, "well at least i am doing something and I want to be peaceful while my house gets taken away from me"
I don't know about the rest of the country, but I will tell you my reason for not rioting.
I imagine many might be like but....I work. If I don't work, I don't eat. I am not on Government Assistance of any sort. I have sick and ailing family members to care for. I TAKE OFFENSE TO YOU SAYING AMERICANS ARE AFRAID, when most Americans do share many beliefs with the OWS and such groups. But let's face it, MOST OF US HAVE JOBS AND FAMILY TO CARE FOR, and quitting my job to go and fucking squat is not a fucking option.

Many of us have kids, we can't just say "fuck you big guv" because we need that income. I don't know your situation financially VILEPLUME, but it's not cut and dry and has NOTHING to do with fear. It has everything to do with living paycheck to paycheck, and if I miss a paycheck, then I can't buy medication, put gas in my car, and put food on the table. FEAR? Fuck you. More like SURVIVING. Not everyone is fortunate enough to go and "occupy any space" when we have responsibilities that affect our families.

Now, if you want to pay for my family's health care, drive them to work, take our kids to school ON YOUR DIME, then I will gladly march up Wall Street in your honor. Until then, shut the fuck up with that fear shit. It has nothing to do with the working man's situation. Sorry to offend, but I have immediate responsibilities.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of the country, but I will tell you my reason for not rioting.
I imagine many might be like but....I work. If I don't work, I don't eat. I am not on Government Assistance of any sort. I have sick and ailing family members to care for. I TAKE OFFENSE TO YOU SAYING AMERICANS ARE AFRAID, when most Americans do share many beliefs with the OWS and such groups. But let's face it, MOST OF US HAVE JOBS AND FAMILY TO CARE FOR, and quitting my job to go and fucking squat is not a fucking option.

Many of us have kids, we can't just say "fuck you big guv" because we need that income. I don't know your situation financially VILEPLUME, but it's not cut and dry and has NOTHING to do with fear. It has everything to do with living paycheck to paycheck, and if I miss a paycheck, then I can't buy medication, put gas in my car, and put food on the table. FEAR? Fuck you. More like SURVIVING. Not everyone is fortunate enough to go and "occupy any space" when we have responsibilities that affect our families.

Now, if you want to pay for my family's health care, drive them to work, take our kids to school ON YOUR DIME, then I will gladly march up Wall Street in your honor. Until then, shut the fuck up with that fear shit. It has nothing to do with the working man's situation. Sorry to offend, but I have immediate responsibilities.
You do realize that the reason you do all those things with the veracity that you do them is precisely because of fear right? Fear of your children starving, fear of family getting sick and dying, fear of you not being a provider, fear of not getting that next precious check that just barely lets you squeeze by until the next one. Face it, your life is chock full of fear. Most people live just like you do.


Active Member
Many are not afraid of the government, they are too uneducated (read ignorant or stupid), uninvolved and too busy with their reality television to pay attention to what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the Occupy peeps will move to DC now that winter is hitting NY. DC is nice this time of year.....


Well-Known Member
So you think dems are good and reps are bad. Thats why you and I will never see eye to eye.
I think all of them, dems and reps are dishonest, decietful and dimwitted as well as evil.

Alright, the people who are financing the occupy movement - Now I am not exactly sure who they are, perhaps you can tell me, but if you whip out Soros then you are going to have to tell me how R. Mellon Scaife, The koch brothers and a host of other very rich people who are backing every right wing movement under the sun are not ACTUALLY interested in the feudalism I mentioned. We do know that a large group behind that curtain over there on the right are certainly not interested in "preserving" the middle class - and we know that by their actions.


Well-Known Member
So you think dems are good and reps are bad. Thats why you and I will never see eye to eye.
I think all of them, dems and reps are dishonest, decietful and dimwitted as well as evil.
It is always easy to simply say "they are all crooks" but that brings us nowhere and lets us inherit no truth other than that of the cynic. I am not calling you thoughtless but I have found in my arguments that those who wave their arm while exclaiming that they are all bad have never done any real examiniation of the sides of the argument and the players themselves. I don't find much truth in polarization either - Dems = good Repubs = bad works poorly and I see that is what you have gleaned from my post. My point was that the right is not interested in the middle class if the middle class stands in the way if its agenda, which is far different than you claim. Your claim was that the OWS backers were not interested in the middle class. Not knowing who these backers actually are, I can not agree or disagree.


Active Member
You do realize that the reason you do all those things with the veracity that you do them is precisely because of fear right? Fear of your children starving, fear of family getting sick and dying, fear of you not being a provider, fear of not getting that next precious check that just barely lets you squeeze by until the next one. Face it, your life is chock full of fear. Most people live just like you do.

Ok, give me a solution. If I am taking care of my family with the money I earn, how do I just drop everything to protest? Give me a solution. Do you have a family that you provide for? See, I fucking work for a living. It has nothing to do with fear. If I quit my job, my kids are not provided for. Give me a solution and I'll entertain your "fear factor."


Active Member
That's called Stockholm Syndrome. :)

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You know, the deifintion of Stockholm Syndrom is having EMPATHY FOR YOUR CAPTORS. That's something I DO NOT have for my government. I am a working man with a job providing for my family. If I don't work, my family goes on welfare. And I am not going to depend on welfare the rest of my life. What are you, like 20 years old? Because you are a sad individual that knows nothing of responsibility, or at the very least, does not understand the concept of earning a dollar to feed your family. Should I just quit my job? Is that what you're saying? Quit my job and just hope my family will somehow forage for food, pay for college, healthcare, etc... Talking to an idiot like you is pointless. Don't address me until you're willing to pay for my kids college.