BT .what do you to show my pay stubs... on a $430.00 gross I cleared $375.00on a $10.00 per hr job, thats including unemployment ins. fees, union dues, fed and prov. tax... and if family members don't work they don't pay..this myth of crushing taxes is wrong..our income tax runs about 18%.... all this enslaving talk boggles the mind....
the only study I need is that fact that Canada and Canadians will do anything to keep our system..if it was so bad and a tax burden wouldn't the population be up in arms...our citizens are happy in our health. more or less... its yours that isn't
.and I did post an article saying what the US people think about your system..if your examples are to be taken as fact, then so should mine.... I respect your opinion...if not they way you present them with a slightly acidic tone.......
So dinner at 8...
I don't want to see your pay stubs. Besides, you have to remember that in the United States the base tax rate is 15% + whatever income tax is.
So once a person gets beyond basic entry level positions it starts to hurt. It doesn't strike me as justifiable for any one to demand that some one else work for their benefit, that is what slavery was. My equalizing any system that relies upon forced labor through any method (whether it be actual hard labor, or taxation) is a description of what the system is.
Though what about a single person earning around $45K in Canada, how badly are they mauled?
Or, a person that wants to run their own business how much do they have to pay in fees, and license and in overhead to cover the expense of doing paperwork?
How much is spent on frivolous lawsuits in Canada?
What about obesity rates?
There are large differences between the United States and Canada, and any potential problems seen in Canada with its healthcare system are likely to be magnified at least 3 fold if not higher in the United States.
The answer that "it works in Canada" or in the United Kingdom isn't an answer at all, but that is often the only response that a person that supports Nationalized Healthcare is capable of giving. There is no research conducted by the electorate to actually determine what impact the ideas of politicians are likely to have on them.
Jefferson's vision of a informed electorate is a mockery. I can't help but laugh when I think of how many people do nothing more but sit on the TV and make their decisions based on how a politician looks, dresses, or sounds.
Or don't even care enough to vote.
The idea of democracy is slowly being eroded by corruption, and apathy.