Why Are People Anti-Religious?

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I have my answer: hate.

very true pimp... + rep brother...

i have done some research and some of the, well most of the atheists on here are a breed of their own despised by most other SANE atheists cause they give SANE atheists a bad view in the eyes of the world when their message should be about peace and what the truth can bring to ones life, instead, these belittle every believer they can put their words on...

a bit hypocritical
Not to be nit picky, but isn't most religions little more than philosophy? I mean, it's all "beliefs" whether it includes a deity or not. If you "believe" you evolved from apes, then that could be construed as a type of religion. There must be at least a few thousand different religions in the world so don't tell me that can't be. So a person "believes" something; big deal; is that any skin off your nose? Maybe most people on here are not nearly as tolerant as they want everyone to think. Consider this a sociology experiment. :)
Not to be nit picky, but isn't most religions little more than philosophy? I mean, it's all "beliefs" whether it includes a deity or not. If you "believe" you evolved from apes, then that could be construed as a type of religion. There must be at least a few thousand different religions in the world so don't tell me that can't be. So a person "believes" something; big deal; is that any skin off your nose? Maybe most people on here are not nearly as tolerant as they want everyone to think. Consider this a sociology experiment. :)

No. The difference lies in the consequences. Incorrect philosophy? Then you're wrong. Woop. :mrgreen: Incorrect religion? Then according to its adherents, you risk anything from a probationary reincarnation as a crab louse in Rangoon ... to eternal suffering in a rather icky place. I think someone here said it already ... religion is about control. cn
Life is a bit like Buzz Lightyear in the movie Toy Story. He said he was flying but, as Woodie pointed out, it was just a controlled fall. BTW, I love crab rangoon! :)
I think organized religion is an injustice on mankind. Your argument seems to be "it doesn't hurt anyone, so why do atheists get so upset about it?" or that we can't be because we don't believe it, but you must acknowledge the harm it does cause. It leads impressionable minds to horrible ends, it hinders scientific progress, it enables people to blindly support illusory justifications, it DOES cause harm. Much more than I could possibly type out on my phone..

The pursuit of spiritual enlightenment is every mans right, and how we get there is a choice that can only be made by the individual and it can't be taken away, only ignorantly given.
Life is a bit like Buzz Lightyear in the movie Toy Story. He said he was flying but, as Woodie pointed out, it was just a controlled fall. BTW, I love crab rangoon! :)

"Falling ... with style". Great line. I have every Pixar movie made ... Cars 2 is almost here!

Crab Rangoon ... looks somehow sacramental. cn
So, you want to play God and take away their freedom to choose? I agree that organized religion sucks; I absolutely hate it with a passion, but there is no way I would take a person's right to choose for themselves. Do you realize the consequences? I mean, somebody somewhere has to be wrong. It takes all kinds to make the world go round and some people will get sucked into the power trip of religion just because it is human nature. If it were not "God" it would be worshiping the moon or sun, aliens or something else. Mankind has a predisposition to worship "something".
So, you want to play God and take away their freedom to choose? I agree that organized religion sucks; I absolutely hate it with a passion, but there is no way I would take a person's right to choose for themselves. Do you realize the consequences? I mean, somebody somewhere has to be wrong. It takes all kinds to make the world go round and some people will get sucked into the power trip of religion just because it is human nature. If it were not "God" it would be worshiping the moon or sun, aliens or something else. Mankind has a predisposition to worship "something".

Persuading them with logic and reason is not taking away their right to choose anything. No one demands anyone stops believing, just stop interfering in our lives through the force of government. Our FF created a secular government for some of these very reasons. They too saw harm in the mixture of the two. We have this secular government and people like the congressman in the video are hurting us as a people. The prop 8 campaign was religious in nature and harms gays for no secular reason but because god tells them its a sin. This is insanity.
Of course we are biased, the name of the thread asks why we dont like religions or the religious, so we answered. Of course.we are biased. That doesnt mean though that by answering your question we desire to have our oppinions debated. It was asked, so we answered. If our beliefs was all that was desired, why argue with us. This is an example of another reason we dont like the religious. LONG LIVE RELIGICIDE (as a religion of course...)

I believe you are confusing me with the OP. My point was that these answers, which seem to be anti religion, are exactly what you would expect to find in a philosophical themed forum.
Life is a bit like Buzz Lightyear in the movie Toy Story. He said he was flying but, as Woodie pointed out, it was just a controlled fall. BTW, I love crab rangoon! :)
theres a chinese joint up the road that amkes a serious lobster Rangoon....its some serious shit!
theres a chinese joint up the road that amkes a serious lobster Rangoon....its some serious shit!
That sounds incredible. I have to get my wife (she's a chef) to do some rangoon with red king crab. Mindphuk, I'll get the memo out to the xtians, LOL.
I still don't understand why anti-religious people post in a "spiritual" forum. It's like a fat person offering you a diet plan, LOL.

God works in mysterious ways eh pimp?:peace:
people have harden their eyes and souls to nothing. so they have closed their spirit eyes to what could change their life. their tired of all the crap they gotta deal with. not a comparision but its like when you pay 20 dollars(top dollar here) for a gram and it comes to you tan or brown and hardly glistens. ive gotten so many times along with morons, me telling them what god has spoken to me and them telling me to keep asking like things will change. not disputing religion or anything its just not my path for their church is all im saying! people dont want to see or hear anything. o and i dont like religion in the first place it takes away from christ in the long run
o and i dont like religion in the first place it takes away from christ in the long run
For the people that believe in Christ, I think they would probably all have to agree that the "church" is a far cry from what Christ wants. It's gotta be.
You are fooling yourself. There are literally millions of Christians who would argue the church is an integral part of thier faith.
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