All religious people are equally stupid

William Daniel Phillips, Nobel Prize in Physics (1997), Methodist.
Gerhard Etrl, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2007), Christian.

Clearly, these two 'believers' are a couple of simpletons.
You mean when they told me as a youth that Jesus changed the water into wine, it was fake?
I see the believers point of view and reject it...

I see the atheist point of view and reject it...

I see people willing to believe in something that they think will help their lives...

Who cares what anyone believes ?

I don't want your anti christian views pushed at my door ...
I don't want the Christian view pushed through my door...

I want you to believe and serve any god/God you so desire....

I want everyone to have a perfect pursuit of happiness....

If that includes god, then so be it... enjoy your God!

Let your hate and disrespect of others and their views of god and life that differ from your views go....

Just let it go... let it go...
You mean when they told me as a youth that Jesus changed the water into wine, it was fake?
How do you know...
How can something that did or did not happen before the age of information be established...
I'm not saying anything is real or fake...
Is your reality, the real reality? But how can you be sure? One way or the other...
Either you have faith and you believe...
or you have no faith and are a disbeliever...

If there is a in between... color me there...

sand.. this may have been good to keep the masses in line way back when people lived in huts and were regularly fed to the is not representative of society now..those who cling to it? fine..just don't do it in my space..or my government! that's the issue i have with the conservative right..they want to dictate to everyone on lifestyle..the bible is out of vogue.
From Wiki: Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.

Relationship between religion and science

The relationship between religion and science has been a subject of study since Classical antiquity, addressed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others. Perspectives from different geographical regions, cultures and historical epochs are diverse, with some characterizing the relationship as one of conflict, others describing it as one of harmony, and others proposing little interaction. The extent to which science and religion may attempt to understand and describe similar phenomena is sometimes referred to as a part of the demarcation problem.

Science and religion generally pursue knowledge of the universe using different methodologies. Science acknowledges reason, empiricism, and evidence, while religions include revelation, faith and sacredness. Despite these differences, most scientific and technical innovations prior to the Scientific revolution were achieved by societies organized by religious traditions. Much of the scientific method was pioneered first by Islamic scholars, and later by Christians. Hinduism has historically embraced reason and empiricism, holding that science brings legitimate, but incomplete knowledge of the world. Confucian thought has held different views of science over time. Most Buddhists today view science as complementary to their beliefs.

Faith is a Strange thing...but if that floats your boat..then so be it...who am I to argue?...

This Argument will rage on for all eternity...well until mankind has Fucked the Planet up...

Nature IMHO is the one True Religion...shame we didn't listen or see it....This World is run on $$$$(could you say this is Religion) nothing else matters to the Powers that be IN all Countries...

You are Born, You Live(if you lucky) You Breed and You Die...End of...Oh and you work a Shit load of Hours to pay a Shit load of Taxes to still not be entitled to decent Health Care or Benefits if you lose your Job.....

Religion + Science + Government = War, Greed, Famine, Disease, False Hope...Etc...

As I have gotten older I've noticed that my belief in the conventional religions that I was taught to be almost fairytale like.....a man who lives in the clouds , a man who builds an ark to house 2 of every kind of animal, someone rising from the dead , people living to be hundreds of years old,the parting of the sea......there are sci fi movies now that doesn't seem to have as many unbelievable characters as the bible.......but with that being said
I dont think that we just began from the big bang I want to be beiieve that there is something out there responsible for our exsistance something greater than us.......will I ever find that out That's the big question but while I'm waiting for this possible revelation I strive to be the best person I can be
while wondering does our energy continue on when our bodies have drawn their last breath........I think they do !
Yay a thread like this...

Anywho I am not a believer, nor am I not a believer. If it exists, it exists. Anywho my stance is this:

Religion was made for one purpose, and one purpose only: To give people hope. Many religious people, are as such because they believe in the afterlife and want to choose to strive to be "good" so that they can live forever in what is promised to them in the bible. Without this over all hope guiding their lives, many people would falter, and there would be utter chaos. There are some people that are so "devout" that they give 10% of ANY earnings made, attend church very often, listen to only religious music etc. These folks would crumble without the hope of an afterlife with their god of choice.

Then you get folks like me. I believe what you do here is what matters, I do not believe that there is an afterlife nor do I think Humanity is the only species in the universe that was created. If there is a "deity", I can only hope that I lived accordingly enough to not be considered "evil". When people try to talk me INTO religion, I listen to what they say and ask questions just to find out hey they tick. Yes it may not be logical to me but a lot of things rarely are. I am very logical and thus I cannot (I tried last year to get into faith and religion) believe in my head the things that are said based on scientific fact. (not conjecture).

While to a certain degree, I can understand what the OP is saying (there are tons more of NON religious people that it could cover too - anti gay people, anti smokers etc) it would be a pity to lump everyone into one category. Let them have their beliefs ; you have yours!
sand.. this may have been good to keep the masses in line way back when people lived in huts and were regularly fed to the is not representative of society now..those who cling to it? fine..just don't do it in my space..or my government! that's the issue i have with the conservative right..they want to dictate to everyone on lifestyle..the bible is out of vogue.

You're so fucking ignorant..
If you believe the history book's account of things.....'
911 was an attack from 19 muslims, and had nothing to do with thermite, corruption, fraud, or corporate greed.
So, by that logic, of course all the history books make out the non believers as the idiots.
Nothing ever changes.

I have to disagree. History itself never changes but the way that its taught does. For instance, when I was young I was taught that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas and that dinosaurs were big lizards. Now we know that the Vikings were probably in N. America long before Columbus and that many dinosaurs were actually more avian than reptilian. It takes time to learn the truth about history. I suppose the best we can do is to record what we (currently) believe the truth to be.
Couldn't resist....



I have to disagree. History itself never changes but the way that its taught does. For instance, when I was young I was taught that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas and that dinosaurs were big lizards. Now we know that the Vikings were probably in N. America long before Columbus and that many dinosaurs were actually more avian than reptilian. It takes time to learn the truth about history. I suppose the best we can do is to record what we (currently) believe the truth to be.

Lol vikings might have been there first but the british colonised the americas didnt they? Be it forcefully until we got our asses kicked at the battle of independence.
Lol vikings might have been there first but the british colonised the americas didnt they? Be it forcefully until we got our asses kicked at the battle of independence.

The post by PhatPhucker that I was responding to, was plainly copied along with my post concerning it. How is your post even remotely valid (when taken in context) to what I said? Lack of attention to detail may have been the reason for the little, red woolen panty spanking your country suffered at colonial hands. Subjugation and invalid responses--REJECTED! lol that.
its easy to call people of religous faith cowardly from a country that allows religious freedom. For those in countries that do not I would argue their faith leads to bravery. Buddhists in Tibet for example living under Chinese rule.

Maybe some of the ever so friendly atheists could break down Buddism into its cowardly dumb ideas for me. It would be interesting.

Can a woman become a Buddha, or attain any of the higher levels of enlightenment? From what I recall, it's pretty damn misogynistic like the rest.
But, just to clarify, I find believers of ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS to be boring and stupid and hypocritical and cowardly.

And their intelligence (or lack of intelligence) is normally in direct proportion to the fanaticism of their belief.

I think it's unfair to generalize religious people in that way. The guy who straps C4 to himself and detonates it in a crowded mall is much more stupid than the weekend warrior Christian who goes to service every Sunday, lets be real.. Each religion is dangerous, but in their own, very different ways.
Yay a thread like this...

Anywho I am not a believer, nor am I not a believer. If it exists, it exists. Anywho my stance is this:

Religion was made for one purpose, and one purpose only: To give people hope. Many religious people, are as such because they believe in the afterlife and want to choose to strive to be "good" so that they can live forever in what is promised to them in the bible. Without this over all hope guiding their lives, many people would falter, and there would be utter chaos. There are some people that are so "devout" that they give 10% of ANY earnings made, attend church very often, listen to only religious music etc. These folks would crumble without the hope of an afterlife with their god of choice.

Then you get folks like me. I believe what you do here is what matters, I do not believe that there is an afterlife nor do I think Humanity is the only species in the universe that was created. If there is a "deity", I can only hope that I lived accordingly enough to not be considered "evil". When people try to talk me INTO religion, I listen to what they say and ask questions just to find out hey they tick. Yes it may not be logical to me but a lot of things rarely are. I am very logical and thus I cannot (I tried last year to get into faith and religion) believe in my head the things that are said based on scientific fact. (not conjecture).

While to a certain degree, I can understand what the OP is saying (there are tons more of NON religious people that it could cover too - anti gay people, anti smokers etc) it would be a pity to lump everyone into one category. Let them have their beliefs ; you have yours!

I'm going to have to disagree with you're opinion that religion was created to give people hope, I would argue that "giving people hope" is a by-product of religions original intent, be it catholicism, any sect of christianity, Islamic, Judaism (yes there are Buddhism, maybe Confuicianism and probably a few others that don't fit this broad statement) that is the original intent of religion was mind control for the masses. By getting people to fall in line with one train of thought, persecuting anyone who didn't fall in line with that train of thought and fuck yes using guilt and ignorance to persuade people to do as the masters (priests, preachers and whoever controlled them) wanted so that they could have a peaceful and idealistic community. That's what they wanted you to think, all the murders that took place in the name of god were "justifiable", bunch of fucking psycho paths lead most all religion!!

Def of psychopath:

[COLOR=#878787 !important]noun: psychopath; plural noun: psychopaths[/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

Lets look at the first part:

Chronic mental disorder, well someone who believes god talks to them and they must live their life by the words he told them, many a crime or murder has been committed in the name of god or because god spook to someone.

Abnormal or violent behavior. LOL where to begin... It's not except able that a man fuck a 10 year old boy or girl, yet priests have covered up the fact that like little boy booty for 100's of year, abnormal enough for ya? Violent, well that's a no brainer, just about every war is due to religion.

The OP's original statement that people who believe in religion are all stupid obviously is incorrect that's like saying all republicans are stupid when in fact there are a few that are smart, Ron Paul for one.