From Wiki: Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.
Relationship between religion and science
The relationship between religion and science has been a subject of study since Classical antiquity, addressed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others. Perspectives from different geographical regions, cultures and historical epochs are diverse, with some characterizing the relationship as one of conflict, others describing it as one of harmony, and others proposing little interaction. The extent to which science and religion may attempt to understand and describe similar phenomena is sometimes referred to as a part of the demarcation problem.
Science and religion generally pursue knowledge of the universe using different methodologies. Science acknowledges reason, empiricism, and evidence, while religions include revelation, faith and sacredness. Despite these differences, most scientific and technical innovations prior to the Scientific revolution were achieved by societies organized by religious traditions. Much of the scientific method was pioneered first by Islamic scholars, and later by Christians. Hinduism has historically embraced reason and empiricism, holding that science brings legitimate, but incomplete knowledge of the world. Confucian thought has held different views of science over time. Most Buddhists today view science as complementary to their beliefs.
Faith is a Strange thing...but if that floats your boat..then so be it...who am I to argue?...
This Argument will rage on for all eternity...well until mankind has Fucked the Planet up...
Nature IMHO is the one True Religion...shame we didn't listen or see it....This World is run on $$$$(could you say this is Religion) nothing else matters to the Powers that be IN all Countries...
You are Born, You Live(if you lucky) You Breed and You Die...End of...Oh and you work a Shit load of Hours to pay a Shit load of Taxes to still not be entitled to decent Health Care or Benefits if you lose your Job.....
Religion + Science + Government = War, Greed, Famine, Disease, False Hope...Etc...