All religious people are equally stupid


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify my opinion
(I had the old "They pick on the Bible but never the Koran....." whine thrown up in another thread).

I didn't mention the Koran because :
! - it was relevant
2 - Complaining about Islam where there are no Muslims seemed a bit Klan like.

But, just to clarify, I find believers of ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS to be boring and stupid and hypocritical and cowardly.

And their intelligence (or lack of intelligence) is normally in direct proportion to the fanaticism of their belief.

We've all heard the crazy Religious guy who thinks he's using arguments that show absolute proof of his belief....
when he's really just repeating the same things our ancestors said - when they thought that clouds were Gods farts.

Mankind has moved on
Get with the programme of go join a commune.
Just to clarify my opinion
(I had the old "They pick on the Bible but never the Koran....." whine thrown up in another thread).

I didn't mention the Koran because :
! - it was relevant
2 - Complaining about Islam where there are no Muslims seemed a bit Klan like.

But, just to clarify, I find believers of ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS to be boring and stupid and hypocritical and cowardly.

And their intelligence (or lack of intelligence) is normally in direct proportion to the fanaticism of their belief.

We've all heard the crazy Religious guy who thinks he's using arguments that show absolute proof of his belief....
when he's really just repeating the same things our ancestors said - when they thought that clouds were Gods farts.

Mankind has moved on
Get with the programme of go join a commune.

people should have the right to believe in whatever they choose however, when that choice permeates my air space or zealots try to run a country based upon religion..well we all know how that works out:wink: this is why the tea partiers and other conservatives in the US are such a laughing stock.
there's stupid people in every religion, even atheism.
While religions may be stupid, it inst the root of stupidity,
we can leave that up to human nature.
If you look back in history It seems the stupid people were the ones not religious....
If you believe the history book's account of things.....'
911 was an attack from 19 muslims, and had nothing to do with thermite, corruption, fraud, or corporate greed.
So, by that logic, of course all the history books make out the non believers as the idiots.
Nothing ever changes.
its easy to call people of religous faith cowardly from a country that allows religious freedom. For those in countries that do not I would argue their faith leads to bravery. Buddhists in Tibet for example living under Chinese rule.

Maybe some of the ever so friendly atheists could break down Buddism into its cowardly dumb ideas for me. It would be interesting.
Not a.damn thing cowardly about a Buddhist but they don't believe in a higher power and the fake changing water shit.. they control there mind. A negative thought is not allowed.
its easy to call people of religous faith cowardly from a country that allows religious freedom. For those in countries that do not I would argue their faith leads to bravery. Buddhists in Tibet for example living under Chinese rule.

Maybe some of the ever so friendly atheists could break down Buddism into its cowardly dumb ideas for me. It would be interesting.

i love buddism and its's one of the best religions that exist and mostly how i live my life without "worshiping" anything in particular..karma-esque
Though the ideology is one I don't abide by, I would tread lightly where judgement is concerned.
I'm a passive person and would rather turn the other cheek but when one of my friends is insulted...well that is a different side most don't want to see.
Not a.damn thing ...
the fake changing water shit..
thought is not allowed.
You mean when they told me as a youth that Jesus changed the water into wine, it was fake?
How do you know...
How can something that did or did not happen before the age of information be established...
I'm not saying anything is real or fake...
Is your reality, the real reality? But how can you be sure? One way or the other...
Either you have faith and you believe...
or you have no faith and are a disbeliever...

If there is a in between... color me there...
i love buddism and its's one of the best religions that exist and mostly how i live my life without "worshiping" anything in particular..karma-esque
love the dalai lamas in more reason to dislike the chinese.