i would be pleasantly surprised if one of them could do landscaping work all day in 100 degree temps. I live by a very simple code and in this code i am eobligated by all means to preserve life other than your own. if the case is i must die for another survive i will, but there is always wiggle room, i would not die for someone who can not abide by the same ideals. these rich people care nothing for you do not be fooled by the fact they are chill or happy or even donate millions to charity, in the end most of them are looking ouy for #1 and thier family if they feel they are deserving. to them all of you here could die amd they would care less because there would be less competition for the pharma and alcohol company's they own. more money to thier own charity for drugs for cancer and tons of other sicknesses that MJ could help with. you guy need to think the biggest picture, these people essentially, own you, are you okay with that?