Why are so many still against transgender?

The last time I looked I was a white heterosexual male but now I've decided to identify as a black transgender woman any takers? And the moral of the story is you cannot fight biology whatever is going on between your ears unless of course you go the full Hogg and have a sex change operation but even then you may fall short of the mark. However, private cubicles in toilets would be the obvious solution for anyone that gives a shit! If you are happy and not causing anyone problems I don't really see the issue to each, their own...
The last time I looked I was a white heterosexual male but now I've decided to identify as a black transgender woman any takers? And the moral of the story is you cannot fight biology whatever is going on between your ears unless of course you go the full Hogg and have a sex change operation but even then you may fall short of the mark. However, private cubicles in toilets would be the obvious solution for anyone that gives a shit! If you are happy and not causing anyone problems I don't really see the issue to each, their own...
gender is a social construct and there are more than two biological sexes
gender is a social construct and there are more than two biological sexes
Gender is biological even if your chromosomes are a little mixed up and yes there are more than two sexes but gender is biological in a scientific context regardless of how you might feel as an individual. Hence, I've decided to identify as a black transgender woman now that would be a social construct but not science.
It wouldn't be the first time a sock account pretended to be a woman...or black.

Basic bitches gonna bitch
I'm sort of lost here not my lingo... what's a sock account pretending to be a woman or black? I was only using it as an example anyone can pretend to be what they like but that's not science. I am white and male but just because I identify with being black and a woman it doesn't make me so...
Never read it.

Collusion ? How do you propose to get an unwilling person to provide service to somebody though? Involuntary means?

What works and doesn't work is a matter of perspective. Running my own life and "allowing" others to run their own life works for me.

The Pearl is about a society of pearl divers. An evil white man doctor "enriches" their lives by doing fake doctoring on the poor who then buys off the local pearl brokers forming a syndicate. A group of divers go missing after trying to leave the island to find a mainland broker to get better deals.

A man finds a huge pearl worth a lifetime's wages, but the local brokers in collusion (who were once all private) lie about the pearl being unsaleable and give a price less than other pearls a fraction of the size. So he too goes to the mainland to find a broker.

On the way hired guns by the doctor hunt him. Kill his son they're annoyed at night think's a howling coyote. In a rage the next day he kills the posse and also finds skeletons of the other divers they were told by the Catholic Priest, also paid by the doctor, to say "god" punished them. With this proof the divers kill the doctor and drive away or kill the local brokers. The man who found the pearl throws it back into the ocean.

As you can see, this sort of thing is an unwilling person gets a service they don't want, through involuntary means. That incident is just a matter of perspective, it worked for the doctor, not so much for the locals. Totally agree he ran his own life and "allowed" others to run their life worked for HIM!

Pretty much his story is explaining in a more dramatic way how product dumping leads to monopolies after the locals go out of business, then they form syndicates, who form private militias, who then install dictator warlords.

This sort of thing happened all the time in South America during the late 20th century who we trained at the School of the Americas. Oh the fun ole days when your wet dream of how society should run was a reality!
Gender is biological even if your chromosomes are a little mixed up and yes there are more than two sexes but gender is biological in a scientific context regardless of how you might feel as an individual. Hence, I've decided to identify as a black transgender woman now that would be a social construct but not science.

You got it backwards. Sex in humans is only two, male or female. Gender is a role, USUALLY divided by society into male or female, but can include categories such as: neuter, ambigous, neither, both, or none, and any spectrum in between.

While sex is pretty much male or female, except in extremely rare cases of intersex such as Complete Androgen Insensitivity Disorder, on the other hand gender varies by what each person defines themself, or by societal norms, so is pretty much impossible to have a definitive answer.

This person is intersex CAIS, and because of our bigoted government classified her as a biological sexed female. But because her chromosomes were XY she was considered an "incomplete"(because of bigots like you) person lacking proper reproductive equipment, since her ovaries became internal testes, and denied being allowed to serve in any branch of the military.

The Pearl is about a society of pearl divers. An evil white man doctor "enriches" their lives by doing fake doctoring on the poor who then buys off the local pearl brokers forming a syndicate. A group of divers go missing after trying to leave the island to find a mainland broker to get better deals.

A man finds a huge pearl worth a lifetime's wages, but the local brokers in collusion (who were once all private) lie about the pearl being unsaleable and give a price less than other pearls a fraction of the size. So he too goes to the mainland to find a broker.

On the way hired guns by the doctor hunt him. Kill his son they're annoyed at night think's a howling coyote. In a rage the next day he kills the posse and also finds skeletons of the other divers they were told by the Catholic Priest, also paid by the doctor, to say "god" punished them. With this proof the divers kill the doctor and drive away or kill the local brokers. The man who found the pearl throws it back into the ocean.

As you can see, this sort of thing is an unwilling person gets a service they don't want, through involuntary means. That incident is just a matter of perspective, it worked for the doctor, not so much for the locals. Totally agree he ran his own life and "allowed" others to run their life worked for HIM!

Pretty much his story is explaining in a more dramatic way how product dumping leads to monopolies after the locals go out of business, then they form syndicates, who form private militias, who then install dictator warlords.

This sort of thing happened all the time in South America during the late 20th century who we trained at the School of the Americas. Oh the fun ole days when your wet dream of how society should run was a reality!

A peaceful society isn't run though. It becomes, thru voluntary interactions.

If you "run" a society, that implies you direct it, under threat of force.

You cannot instill the thing you wish to avoid in hopes of effectuating an avoidance. That is not logical, in fact it is impossible.
A peaceful society isn't run though. It becomes, thru voluntary interactions.

If you "run" a society, that implies you direct it, under threat of force.

You cannot instill the thing you wish to avoid in hopes of effectuating an avoidance. That is not logical, in fact it is impossible.

Sometimes we need a parent. With all the garbage going on, we're still children, and won't become adults in our lifetime. Hopefully one day what you say will become true. But why would we even need money? The fact money still exists means we aren't mature enough for the world you describe.
Sometimes we need a parent. With all the garbage going on, we're still children, and won't become adults in our lifetime. Hopefully one day what you say will become true. But why would we even need money? The fact money still exists means we aren't mature enough for the world you describe.

I have no objection to other people appointing a leader over themselves. I question it, but have no right to stop it.

I don't think I have the right to appoint one for you, and certainly wouldn't want anybody appointing one over me. In fact I reject that, since continually accepting it will make it impossible for it to end.

We need money to buy grow lights, c'mon man! :mrgreen:
You got it backwards. Sex in humans is only two, male or female. Gender is a role, USUALLY divided by society into male or female, but can include categories such as: neuter, ambigous, neither, both, or none, and any spectrum in between.

While sex is pretty much male or female, except in extremely rare cases of intersex such as Complete Androgen Insensitivity Disorder, on the other hand gender varies by what each person defines themself, or by societal norms, so is pretty much impossible to have a definitive answer.

This person is intersex CAIS, and because of our bigoted government classified her as a biological sexed female. But because her chromosomes were XY she was considered an "incomplete"(because of bigots like you) person lacking proper reproductive equipment, since her ovaries became internal testes, and denied being allowed to serve in any branch of the military.

I take your point about Sex in humans and well-made it is to but for all practical purposes gender becomes a moot point. I can identify with being gay, bisexual, trans black white Chinese etc. where does it end? I might claim to be non gender and that would only leave my sexual makeup male or female. It's like calling someone a bigot, racist, fascist or Nazi after a while it loses its meaning it's simply a go-to word for lefties that want to define gender as some sort of unique identity because they want to virtue signal take issue with societal norms or have a mix up in their own sexual biology.
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99% of people don't give a shit what someone claims they identify as. The problems happen when these people start throwing hissy fits at work and shit because someone accidentally called them "sir" or "ma'am." Then they turn it into some bullshit festival that everyone has to pick a side on when these 99% of people have bigger problems in their life than having to worry about triggering some snowflake who gets "misgendered."
99% of people don't give a shit what someone claims they identify as. The problems happen when these people start throwing hissy fits at work and shit because someone accidentally called them "sir" or "ma'am." Then they turn it into some bullshit festival that everyone has to pick a side on when these 99% of people have bigger problems in their life than having to worry about triggering some snowflake who gets "misgendered."
That's very good and so true... I find it hard to give a shit one way or the other but then I don't really have a point to make political or otherwise they can be whatever they want to be as long as you don't force it down peoples throats and no one gets hurt in the process. Stoned out of my tits does that make sense...sorry, too busy not caring about lefties ...:bigjoint:
99% of people don't give a shit what someone claims they identify as. The problems happen when these people start throwing hissy fits at work and shit because someone accidentally called them "sir" or "ma'am." Then they turn it into some bullshit festival that everyone has to pick a side on when these 99% of people have bigger problems in their life than having to worry about triggering some snowflake who gets "misgendered."
yeah what is with all these people getting upset about basic lack of respect, clowny McDogfucker?