Why are so many still against transgender?

That’s incorrect psycho nazi

What kind of other sex is there? Biological sex in humans consists of a male (XY) and female (XX) for means of reproduction. Anything else is a biological accident and rarely results in offspring, and if it does, it's even rarer they're viable.

I already gave an example of such aberrations(intersex), such as CAIS where the mother is incapable of producing androgen which triggers the physical characteristics of a male, and instead tries to keep the fetus a female.

So except in very rare exceptions, sex is a the physical characteristics of the human specie, while gender is a made up social construct. Why is this so hard for you to get? You're worse than the idiot bigots who use their religious "morals" to say a transgender isn't a real thing.
No it isnt
if I claim to have no gender what am I left with? Gender starts with biology and sex even if it is a social construct. Incidentally non gender is just another bullshit term for people who don’t want to identify with people of any gender description it’s leftie nonsense...
I'm a fan of urinating outside as long as weather/personal comfort permits. Transgender...very scary. So beyond "normal" expectations. Everyone is so sure that they are very important and that their personal opinions are the Truth. But your personal truth May not be The Truth. So...maybe just shut your pie hole. Maybe try to be a positive force in life? There are plenty of assholes. It's easy. It's ignorance. Everyone starts off with two handfuls of ignorance and they have to be taught something, or if they are really smart, they figure it out on their own. But you always have choices to make. And why not choose to be nice? It isn't hard. Don't be an asshole. Mean people suck. This world is brutal. Survival of plants and animals is what it is. Life vs life vs the elements. Crazy shit. We don't have to behave like an animal.
Maybe we Do. I don't know. I know that for a fact. And I am 99.9% sure that you don't know either. But here we all are. And we can hate each other, divide into teams, spend all of our resources and energy fighting and killing each other, or we can work together and stop seeing the differences as a problem and start seeing the similarities in all of us. Genetically, how different are we? How special are you? How important are you? A bit of cosmic dust. A flash in the pan. Ridiculous fucking monkeys. I love us all, but I hate us all too. So short sighted. So naive. So gullible. So ignorant and proud and full of anger. There is a path for unity. I bet all of my worldly possessions that it wont be found. The cycles Will continue. The suffering Will increase. The environment Will continue to be pushed to a point where it won't sustain our existence. (good riddance?) And all in the desire of ease of life on the masses end, and a desire to be greedy on the wealthy end. So...fight amongst yourselves. Take sides. Wave flags. Spend your resources on war and not making a better world for everyone. It's ok. Maybe this is exactly how it is supposed to be. Seems a shame though. Carry on.