why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

what about all the white people who amassed wealth on the backs of slaves, and retain that wealth to this day?

You make the far too common mistake of assuming wealth = happiness, it is the narrow minded trait that fked this world into the ground. When you are wealthy or at the top and are bored or unhappy their is little to nothing to look up to for hope. I genuinely feel sorry for rich people born into it, life is empty with no struggle. Whats worse is that they don't know any better and everyone around them is telling them the wealthy life is the best option. So why so sad. Maybe because it is not the right kind of wealth they have inherited..

America got where they are today through destabilizing the middle east, oil and illegal printing of money. I'm not sure the African slaves had much impact on that. For example, you would have lost the illegal invasion of Vietnam with or with ought slaves.

Much of early America was built off the back of various hard working nations including the new acclaimed ''natives'', slavery accounted for very little of it. Although we could rightly assume the wages they received were in-fact salve like.
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You really aren't. You are nothing more than a blustering smoke blowing bitch. ;-) That is why you are going to get the ever living shit beat out of you if you ever set foot in the 209. But, hey, you did coke in a bar with a biker once. So, you don't gotta worry. Right? You got 20 minutes to lick my sissy bars clean, little boi... Get on, or get shit on, little brother.
Where is the 209? I want to visit.
I have. My African American studies professor in college. She about shit a brick.

I told her too slave reparations were a good idea. The wealth of southern whites was confiscated by the government without compensation. So all southern white people who's ancestors had wealth stolen through emancipation should be compensated.

Mind you I don't hold that view. It was just a satirical response to her claim that reparations should be paid. My claim is more legally supportable than hers.

While I disagree with your post concerning a reference to a fictional land in Africa, I tend to agree that the concept of reparations would have to rely on a clear definition of who was victimized and who owes who what.

I wasn't alive long ago, so I don't feel like I should be forced to pay reparations to a person I never knew, or had any dealings with.
You make the far too common mistake of assuming wealth = happiness, it is the narrow minded trait that fked this world into the ground. When you are wealthy or at the top and are bored or unhappy their is little to nothing to look up to for hope. I genuinely feel sorry for rich people born into it, life is empty with no struggle. Whats worse is that they don't know any better and everyone around them is telling them the wealthy life is the best option. So why so sad. Maybe because it is not the right kind of wealth they have inherited..

America got where they are today through destabilizing the middle east, oil and illegal printing of money. I'm not sure the African slaves had much impact on that. For example, you would have lost the illegal invasion of Vietnam with or with ought slaves.

Much of early America was built off the back of various hard working nations including the new acclaimed ''natives'', slavery accounted for very little of it. Although we could rightly assume the wages they received were in-fact salve like.

you are a retarded person. about a third to half the population of the south was slaves. and you say that "accounted for very little of it". ya see, that's something that only a retarded person would say.

also, claiming that wealth is detrimental rather than helpful is kinda retarded to say.

soooo, are you a retarded person?
It's not what you know it's who you know. Basically get out of the ghetto and meet some people or stay in the ghetto and sell crack. Lol

in other words, you have no rebuttal to my counterexample proving you wrong, so you just post more racism.

are your parents proud they raised a shithead loser like you, K-MART?
I tend to agree that the concept of reparations would have to rely on a clear definition of who was victimized and who owes who what.

so you agree with bignbushy that slave owners should be compensated for being "victimized" by emancipation?

tell us more about how you are totally not racist.
in other words, you have no rebuttal to my counterexample proving you wrong, so you just post more racism.

are your parents proud they raised a shithead loser like you, K-MART?
My mother has been for Trump from the start and my dad only voted for Republicans.

But only racism I see is coming from you.
so you agree with bignbushy that slave owners should be compensated for being "victimized" by emancipation?

tell us more about how you are totally not racist.

No, I don't agree with his statement, but I think he could have been trolling. I view the idea of owning other people as a bad one.

I agree with him that it is important to understand that individuals caused harm and individuals were victimized and it's not solely a thing as black and white as black and white.

The issue is somewhat moot though, as all of those people are now dead. I'm not sure it's a good policy to hold people alive today accountable for harms they did not commit.

How about you, do you hold a person guilty simply on the basis of their race ? Where do you stand on reparations?
I agree with him that it is important to understand that individuals caused harm and individuals were victimized and it's not solely a thing as black and white as black and white.

whites victimized blacks by keeping them as slaves. it really is as simple as that though.

The issue is somewhat moot though, as all of those people are now dead.

somewhat moot?

we have families whose wealth is owed entirely to owning slaves, and descendants of slaves who have no wealth because of the racism espoused by morons like you and bignbushy.

how is that still existing condition moot in any way, klanman?
whites victimized blacks by keeping them as slaves. it really is as simple as that though.

somewhat moot?

we have families whose wealth is owed entirely to owning slaves, and descendants of slaves who have no wealth because of the racism espoused by morons like you and bignbushy.

how is that still existing condition moot in any way, klanman?

I don't espouse racism. I espouse individual freedom and respect for other persons justly acquired property.

You are correct, some wealth was acquired illegitimately and passed down.

Your other claim, descendants of slaves having no wealth due to the status of their ancestors is on thin ice though. It is conjecture and insulting to those who have bettered themselves and perpetuates a victim mentality based solely on race, Klanman..
I don't espouse racism.

then why did you advocate for people to hang signs that say "no blacks allowed"?

descendants of slaves having no wealth due to the status of their ancestors is on thin ice

yeah, but only if you ignore hundreds of years of institutional racism, persecution, slavery, and the like.

which a klanman like yourself is more than happy to do.