Well-Known Member
what about all the white people who amassed wealth on the backs of slaves, and retain that wealth to this day?
You make the far too common mistake of assuming wealth = happiness, it is the narrow minded trait that fked this world into the ground. When you are wealthy or at the top and are bored or unhappy their is little to nothing to look up to for hope. I genuinely feel sorry for rich people born into it, life is empty with no struggle. Whats worse is that they don't know any better and everyone around them is telling them the wealthy life is the best option. So why so sad. Maybe because it is not the right kind of wealth they have inherited..
America got where they are today through destabilizing the middle east, oil and illegal printing of money. I'm not sure the African slaves had much impact on that. For example, you would have lost the illegal invasion of Vietnam with or with ought slaves.
Much of early America was built off the back of various hard working nations including the new acclaimed ''natives'', slavery accounted for very little of it. Although we could rightly assume the wages they received were in-fact salve like.
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