why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

I have. My African American studies professor in college. She about shit a brick.

I told her too slave reparations were a good idea. The wealth of southern whites was confiscated by the government without compensation. So all southern white people who's ancestors had wealth stolen through emancipation should be compensated.

Mind you I don't hold that view. It was just a satirical response to her claim that reparations should be paid. My claim is more legally supportable than hers.

I really offended my black female American American studies professor once.

she was in favor of slave reparations. I said that was a wonderful idea. That it is about time the descendants be compensated.

She congratulated me for my open mind.

I thanked her, and said yes, the injustice had gone on for far to long. It was about time those white families were compensated for having all that property confiscated by the federal government.

The class was silent for a good minute.

you are a retarded person. about a third to half the population of the south was slaves. and you say that "accounted for very little of it". ya see, that's something that only a retarded person would say.

also, claiming that wealth is detrimental rather than helpful is kinda retarded to say.

soooo, are you a retarded person?

I've given you actual facts that are a google search away to largely dismiss your claim American wealth was founded from and still maintained today due to past African slavery. Rational and retarded start with the same letters, that's about as far as it, and your apparent knowledge of American history goes. The African slaves were just one small stepping stone of many that lead the ''white man'' from Europe to the white house.

Many country's have had slaves and profited from it. America was no different, but nowhere near to the direct and lasting scale you are portraying. As I said earlier, oil is what catapulted America from just another bigot nation to a game changer power horse stacking mass wealth. If Germany had not fell they would have most certainly beat you to it, in-fact the Germans who aided America after the war played a FAR bigger part in your claims than all of the African slaves that ever existed, combined. To maintain the wealth they had then until now completely depended on a strong economy. The building of that economy was ofc marginally aided by slavery but nowhere near, in a million years sustainable by it. You may also check out the crime rates in American, think about what is required to police that.. maybe deduct that expenditure (welfare too) from the gains of prior slavery. You are very blind if you think that has no effect on the ''wealthy'' people in America. Although it may not be solely for the simplistic shallow reason you are likely to cling to.

I get the feeling you are American, as much as I've read and the last time I checked they don't teach you the ABC truths of how the country came to be what it is today. I'd feel better if you were just a troll.
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You may also check out the crime rates in American, think about what is required to police that.. maybe deduct that expenditure (welfare too) from the gains of prior slavery. You are very blind if you think that has no effect on the ''wealthy'' people in America.

wow. i've seen some incredibly moronic racism over the years, but this is a completely new line of attack.
then why did you advocate for people to hang signs that say "no blacks allowed"?

yeah, but only if you ignore hundreds of years of institutional racism, persecution, slavery, and the like.

which a klanman like yourself is more than happy to do.

I think I do a pretty good job of railing on about institutional persecution.

For instance, I think a person who has ownership in something, say a piece of property, should control it.

You, on the other hand, would enslave the owner and use force to remove their control over themselves and their property.

While I wouldn't join you, it should be your right to host a floor pooping party and post a sign indicating who you wanted to attend or not attend.

Now mind you, my endorsement of your right to control your property, is not an endorsement of your failure to control your bowels, it's merely my recognition of your right to fight for your right to pooooottttyyy.

wow. i've seen some incredibly moronic racism over the years, but this is a completely new line of attack.

You are clinging dearly to the shallow end. Again, I hope you are trolling, if not please try to open your mind to the full history of the world (not just 200 years of America) and see how many things, in the long chain of misery are connected to the present day. Even if you want to keep the scope so blindfully narrow, my statements are still factual and completely neutral in observation to any eyes of similar perspective. It appears you are unable to accept/comprehend or unaware of the full picture if not trolling.
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You are clinging dearly to the shallow end. Again, I hope you are trolling, if not please try to open your mind to the full history of the world (not just 200 years of America) and see how many things, in the long chain of misery are connected.

those poor former slave owners.
factual statements?

With your sarky one liners you are not showing signs of neutrally reading or caring about all the links I could have provided, facts my statements have came from. The facts show racism among many other things, my statements are an understanding of the effects of the whole picture, even in today's America. If some part of you inside is generally interested just read up more on it all. Either way good luck to you.