Well-Known Member
I have. My African American studies professor in college. She about shit a brick.
I told her too slave reparations were a good idea. The wealth of southern whites was confiscated by the government without compensation. So all southern white people who's ancestors had wealth stolen through emancipation should be compensated.
Mind you I don't hold that view. It was just a satirical response to her claim that reparations should be paid. My claim is more legally supportable than hers.
I really offended my black female American American studies professor once.
she was in favor of slave reparations. I said that was a wonderful idea. That it is about time the descendants be compensated.
She congratulated me for my open mind.
I thanked her, and said yes, the injustice had gone on for far to long. It was about time those white families were compensated for having all that property confiscated by the federal government.
The class was silent for a good minute.