why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

Ha. Good one. We all know that's Jarjar. ;)
No really.

It actually fits.

She sent Kylo to kill Han, she sent Han to get Benny. She is the only other powerful force sensitive. It explains why Luke is gone. It explains why she snubbed Chewie. It is completely within her bag of tricks to mask her voice (because he's holding a thermal detonator) and communicate via holonet. I could go on...

Kylo, I am your MOTHER!

It will grow on you.
Ha. Good one. We all know that's Jarjar. ;)

I actually read a few drawn-out theories regarding JJB, heh....w-e-i-r-d shit, man...

Side note (possible spoilers?): I don't hear much talk about it online, but when they arrive at Maz' place isn't that a much older, much more filled out Bossk sitting at the table with the informant chick? Sure as hell looks like him, flight suit and all...
No really.

It actually fits.

She sent Kylo to kill Han, she sent Han to get Benny. She is the only other powerful force sensitive. It explains why Luke is gone. It explains why she snubbed Chewie. It is completely within her bag of tricks to mask her voice (because he's holding a thermal detonator) and communicate via holonet. I could go on...

Kylo, I am your MOTHER!

It will grow on you.
Did you read the new books? Leia has many times in the past been pulled to the dark side. Your theory could hold water. But we shall see.
I actually read a few drawn-out theories regarding JJB, heh....w-e-i-r-d shit, man...

Side note (possible spoilers?): I don't hear much talk about it online, but when they arrive at Maz' place isn't that a much older, much more filled out Bossk sitting at the table with the informant chick? Sure as hell looks like him, flight suit and all...
It could be. Bossk's death was part of the EU.
She was tortured by one of the most powerful sith in history for days only at the end to witness her home planet being destroyed by Tarkin, at the age of 19. Daddy issues?

She is dark as fuck. She couldn't have choked Jabba's ass out with out the dark side either, the feat would have been impossible with out the force. She also killed a lot of storm troopers with out so much as blinking in remorse.
She was tortured by one of the most powerful sith in history for days only at the end to witness her home planet being destroyed by Tarkin, at the age of 19. Daddy issues?

She is dark as fuck. She couldn't have choked Jabba's ass out with out the dark side either, the feat would have been impossible with out the force. She also killed a lot of storm troopers with out so much as blinking in remorse.
And she's racist. Why didn't Chewy get a medal?
Did you read the new books? Leia has many times in the past been pulled to the dark side. Your theory could hold water. But we shall see.

Ohhh, wasn't aware of any of that, huh. I'll check out some books.

Yeah, have a look....my money is on older/haggard/badass Bossk:

download (17).jpeg

But ANYhow, back to attacking each other in this blatantly racist thread! ~

Still not feeling you man, heh....maybe we have our wires crossed? All I was saying is that I believe that big hulking guy at Maz' place to be Bossk.
Dunno what you are meaning about "force sensitivity" or why you showed that Yoda clip. (shrugs)
Still not feeling you man, heh....maybe we have our wires crossed? All I was saying is that I believe that big hulking guy at Maz' place to be Bossk.
Dunno what you are meaning about "force sensitivity" or why you showed that Yoda clip. (shrugs)
Oh I thought you were positing him to be Bossk and also for Bossk to be Snoke. Anyway yeah I agree that it could be Bossk that was in Maz's place.