Well-Known Member
lol, I was thinking the same thing.You owe a lot bitches yo
lol, I was thinking the same thing.You owe a lot bitches yo
Change the engine so that it doesn't require the component first before you claim to have a more advantageous power plant.
So far, all you have said it that the more populous states should have more influence then they already do to determine to outcome of the election. This completely ignores the fact States must at least be Half Equal in representing federal decisions. You seem to think you are a federal citizen in lieu of a state citizen, which is just weird.
That's not an explanation to why popular vote doesn't make sense.
In a popular vote, EVERY vote counts, no matter where you live in the United States of America. Why should demographics set precedence to how a vote is counted? All men are created equal which, by extension, means all votes are equally as valid.
It is the right of the individual to choose where they live but others should not have to suffer because of that decision.
Well I don't consider it suffering to have farmers and ranchers doing that work for me (and for everyone). And since these demographics don't share the same values as those people in the more populated areas -be they religious or moral values, then their voice must be "amplified" in order to be heard within the din of 330,000,000 others. We all would starve if we all chose to live in the same places. I don't want to starve...and I also don't want to live in places where the temperature goes below zero for months at a time. Don't know how to butcher a cow...or even milk one. I can't run a threshing machine or fix it when it breaks down. Fortunately, there are people who cut out for that life. They are often the people who believe in Jesus and don't want their kids to marry someone outside their own race, etc. In short, they share few of the same personal beliefs and values with me. And they have every right, as Americans, to not share those beliefs and values. So we, in the cities, must listen to what those in the rural areas have to say. We might disagree....but those people's voices must at least be heard, first. One thing we can all agree on....we need to eat!
if the electoral college were equally representative for all states, california would have 199 electoral votes.
also, hillary clinton got more votes than any white male in the history of the united states, ever.
also, your penis is tiny, you live in a trailer, you make less than poverty, and you are raising another redneck's child. CUCK.
I never said the more populous states should have more influence. Never did I say that, those are you words, you fucking asshat. You are attempting to explain why Electoral College is a good idea, but not really. You're only explaining why you personally think popular vote is not good, and never explaining why Electoral College is good. Try harder, you fucking assclown. Your word salad tastes awful, try spicing it up a bit with facts and logic.
Let's try this again. Let's start with simple stuff first. There are 330,000,000 citizens in the United States of America, why do not all of the votes count?
You'll need to quote me and please reference the entire thought, not just the three words.
Yawn, you are really boring. You hate democracy, and would rather see a Republic run by your white nationalist kin folk. We get it.You'll need to get up on Deez if you think that quote in triplicate will help your cause any. Do keep asserting that the EC vote was unfair given its accurate reflection of the states popular vote, then assert how a national popular vote is much more fair and somehow relevant to this election in our Republic with such full and standalone statements as: "It seems to me that be the most logical way of electing someone in a true Democracy."
Then proceed to demand that it is I who should define true Democracy for you. I feel dumber for just having talked to you.
Do keep asserting that the EC vote was unfair given its accurate reflection of the states popular vote
You elected a tv reality star, avowed sexual predator/promulgator, multiple bankrupt narcissist as your president, stupid
Agree to disagree. Could debate but all i am prepared to say is people working here with visas are a key part of our economy and infrastructure.We disagree on this topic. Just as I don't think it would be fair for me to move to France, not speak French and take a someone's job who has lived in France all their life, paid their taxes and contributed to their society, I don't think it's fair for someone from another country, Mexico, Germany, Russia, et al, to come here and take a job from someone who was born here, contributed to society and paid their taxes. It is a matter of fairness.
Now if the immigrant chose to go through the proper channels and get their citizenship "fairly", spoke English and go along in society, I've got no problem with them finding work and competing with natural born citizens. Immigration is what made this country great. They just need to play by the rules.
That being said, I suspect the problems are not nearly as bad as the right purports. However, anecdotally, I can say that if Arizona were to deport 'all' the illegal immigrants there would be a massive hiring phase of landscapers and construction day laborers. Which may be good for the community? Who knows.
I like to debate but I often feel like there are more informed people the myself who would make my point better. And I don't debate between religions; just believe in freedom of religion. I also like there to be some common ground and rules before a good debate and sometimes you have to clarify semantics and sometimes agree to disagree here and thereso both parties can get to the real issues. I think I would enjoy being for or against you in a debate but so far I am just enjoying your comments , except for just then when I get my pants in a wad and have to say something.Well that's a debate on religion as a whole. And I'd be happy to discuss that.
Focusing solely on Muslims, the dark side has a hard time making distinctions on much of anything. It's difficult to pin them down on anything because most of the shit they say is loose-lipped and factually inaccurate. So where do you even start? In order to have a rational debate, there must be common ground to start from. The alt-right is good at what they do because their premise is so far off base there is no common ground to start.
This country has become lazy with social media and getting 'information' at a flick of the wrist on their smart phones. They can't be bothered to actually research shit themselves and take pride in finding the truth in things. Our education system has let down this country and we are paying for it now.
Who suggested a Jewish connection? Do you just expect him to?what's the jewish connection though?
Agree to disagree. Could debate but all i am prepared to say is people working here with visas are a key part of our economy and infrastructure.
Also I have wanted to say that I see all kinds of nationalitys working at the labor ready and have seen and known some white illegal workers. I don't really have a point but I think it goes to show that there are other ways to get illegal workers. I don't know why people never talk about who hires illegal workers and why. It's always illegals are taking our jobs. But I think that's a mess of racist propaganda. It was the red neck down the street here who hired the most illegal workers he preferred Mexican immigrants for thier work ethic and because they wouldn't rat him out for paying low wages. Sorta like how Trump doesn't pay taxes cuase it saves him money and he can get away with it.
Yup wtf is he's a hypocrite no wait a hypocrite contradicts what he stands for Trump is just a lier . He answered that on 60 min. Said they are all lobsters suggesting he had no other choices.
It is the right of the individual to choose where they live but others should not have to suffer because of that decision.
wyoming population: 584,153
wyoming EC votes: 3
wyoming population per EV: 194,718
california population: 38,800,000
california EV votes: 55
california population per EV: 705,455
I disagree. Those farmers had a choice to be farmers. By way of your argument, because I chose to be a highly educated software engineer, exceptional financier, and humble landlord, my voice should be just as loud as the farmer's. No? Why should demographics dictate the validity of a vote?
Yes, I agree we need to eat. But I can handle myself, I don't need the farmer who is getting subsidized by me to have a larger say than me. That is not democratic.