Why blame America?


Well-Known Member
Why is it that liberals and the left are so quick as to blame everything on America? I see it all the time, whether it's how brutal the founding fathers were, to how intolerant America is, or how America is responsible for terrorism, and now how America is responsible for global warming, it just never ends. We are one of the youngest industrialized nations, yet we're responsible for the most horrific crimes one can imagine? Why is that? What about the acts that were committed before america was even born? Horrible acts have been committed all around the globe, but we must pay for what we've done, we must have justice brought before us, we must pay for the "greenhouse gases" we emitt. When I say that America is the greatest, most free nation on earth, the response that I get is that the founding fathers were animals, savages, horrible people. I disagree. Our founding fathers created a nation based on individual freedoms, liberty, justice, and yet somehow I'm supposed to believe that the world would be better off without us. I don't think so. As Americans it is our right, our duty to question the powers that be, but how does that get translated into something like America is responsible for every horrible thing that happens? If it wasn't for America pushing its ideology on others, we wouldn't have terrorists, if America didn't horde all the food, we could end world hunger, if America didn't use so much power, the earth would be a better place, I hear this all the time, and my question is why? Why do you hate America so much? Why can you not put the blame on an individual administrations, rather than putting the blame on America? How are we burdens of the earth, when there have been countless acts of crimes before we were even formed? Why not embrace America? Why not champion our achievements, our progress, our inventions? There is no reason for one to question the integrity and moral of this great nation, yet it is happening as I type. I love America, always have and always will, and to see and hear what I have, I can't help but ask why.
First of all I'm not liberal, but I am a realist. America has alot to be proud of, but it's also time to look in the mirror.

The USA imprisons more of it's people than any other country percentage wise. We aren't free, that's a lie. We have the MOST laws of any country

The USA is an imperialist country and occupies most of the world.

The USA does consume far more energy per captita than the rest of the world.

I could go on, but the point is, maybe it's time we stopped telling everybody how great and free we are and started BEING
free again and let others be free too. We should drastically reduce the size of government and recognize we have some problems that need addressing and platitudes and flag waving won't don't it. I appreciate people that love their country, that's why I think we need to stay the fuck out of other people's countries and stop spending our grandkids into debt.
It's typical adolescent behavior - striking out against all forms of authority. America represents a daddy figure who was disappointed in them because they grew up to be girly men. I tell you, it all goes back to not being potty trained right, that and baking too many cookies with their mothers.
It's typical adolescent behavior - striking out against all forms of authority. America represents a daddy figure who was disappointed in them because they grew up to be girly men. I tell you, it all goes back to not being potty trained right, that and baking too many cookies with their mothers.

Come to think of it Amerika is beginning to resemble the FATHERLAND. Care for a cookie big guy? :weed:
Well, I voted for obama so I'm guessing I can count myself among the unpatriotic lefties. So let me break it down for you. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of nuance and things are rarely as binary as 'america good vs. america bad'. I could turn your question around and ask why conservatives never question whether we are living up to our ideals or whether there are things that can be improved about the way we do business, but I'm not going to go there because we all know how that thread will end.

I love america and think that we have a lot of things going for us. Our ideals, institutions and traditions do make us unique among nations. I love that I can write to my congressman and actually be heard. I love that I can say anything and not fear any kind of persecution for any political views I might hold, no matter how outlandish they are. I love having a certain unalienable rights.

And it BECAUSE -not despite - my love of this country that I speak out when I think we are not living up to our ideals. For example, when we deny people the right to habeus corpus, detain them indefinitely without access to the courts and subject them to harsh treatment (some might call it torture...) then we are not living up to the ideals outlined in the constitution. In fact, the bill of rights was designed specifically to prevent those kind of abuses so I don't think that speaking out against these kind of practices is hating america. I don't know about you, but abu gharib, gitmo, cia black sites and all the rest are an aberration to our values and ideals. Saying so is not hating on america, quite the opposite actually. We should stay true to our ideals, not just pay lip service to the constitution and then shit all over it when convenient...

America's hegemony in global affairs is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm much happier having us run things than say napoleon, nazi germany, the soviet union etc. But it also means that we need to take that role seriously and try to display some leadership on the issues of our day (terrorism, global trade and finance, preventing conflict, climate change) rather than doing only things that are in our immediate self-interest and tell the world to fall in line or go fuck themselves. We tried the second approach and it basically destroyed our credibility as the 'leader of the free world' and made us look like hypocrites.

There are a lot of positions taken by some conservatives that don't really square with our ideals, like trying to force religion into the public sphere. And some of our founding fathers who wrote the right to liberty were denying their slaves that very right, so hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance in political speech are nothing new.

So rather than assuming that anyone who questions whether our actions are consistent with our fundamental values hates america (and by values I don't mean the ones that make conservatives hate gay people), you should might want to start looking at issues where our notions of freedom and whatnot are merely rhetoric. If you grow and smoke cannabis, that's probably the low hanging fruit right there...I think we can agree that there is at least one issue where liberty takes second place to stupidity or am I wrong?
I think you guys misunderstood my question. We can all agree that there are things that can be changed and that America is not the country it used to be. My point is that so many will pick at anything that is wrong, while giving our enemies the benefit of the doubt. I've read posts here that state if America wasn't such an "imperialistic" nation, terrorism would not exist. The fact is that these extremists have hated everything the west has stood for since the time of the crusades, yet it is America who takes the blame for creating these monsters. Or how people try to make points by pointing out and accusing our founding fathers of horrible acts. Nobody is perfect, and what does one gain by attacking the men who formed this great nation? They fail to realize that other countries were dominated by kings and tyrants for centuries, but because our founding fathers had slaves, they are the tyrants, and America was forged by these men who had no intention of creating freedom for anybody but themselves. We should be focusing on the future and how we can ensure America lives up to its own standards, rather than picking at the little things tha mean nothing today. After all, if you look throughout history, there is no comparison of the acts that have been committed around the globe, compared to America. I understand why people question the powers that be, that is our duty and there is nothing wrong with it, but there is no reason for one to place the blame of the worlds problems in our hands.
Why is it that liberals and the left are so quick as to blame everything on America?

No, there wasn't really much room for misinterpretation in that statement. If you had qualified it, like "certain liberals and people on the left", then you would have a point, but the way you said it implied that you think anyone who is a a 'liberal' or left of centre wants to blame america for everything that's wrong in the world and that simply isn't true. I think it's safe to say that most people who voted for barack obama did so because they do love their country and just happen to think obama had a better plan for it than john mccain....

You know, I hate to bring this up, but when bush was in office, some conservatives claimed that it hurt our troops and was unpatriotic NOT to support the president. Now many of those same people think it's unpatriotic to support the president...Funny how that goes.

I agree that we should be focused on the future, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be introspective and not learn from our mistakes. How the hell are we to avoid making them again if we don't ask the tough questions?

If your question is why do some on the left blame america for everything that's wrong in the world, then the answer is very simple: because they're morons. It's just like asking why sean hannity and rush limbaugh do what they do....

You know, I hate to bring this up, but when bush was in office, some conservatives claimed that it hurt our troops and was unpatriotic NOT to support the president. Now many of those same people think it's unpatriotic to support the president...Funny how that goes.


ouch... truth hurtz, don't it republican?

colbert has a bit on this that's very hilarious...

he shows FNC footage of the bush's advisors, spokesmen, conservative politicians, fox news anchors, and conservative people in general labeling people that didn't support bush's policies as unpatriotic, traitors to the land, etc. I think cheney was the one that said, support the president or shut up, because we don't care what you say, something of the sort (i might be off on this quote).. they labeled people that didn't openly support the POTUS as uneducated liberals. he goes on to say: Using this new-found knowledge, I have determined that FOX NEWS IS THE MOST LIBERAL NETWORK ON TV.

he goes on to show fox news showing footage of people who don't support obama, or, the POTUS, so they must be liberal...

if that is not political satire and comedic genius at its very best, i don't know what is....

it just takes a change in administration to see the hypocrisy....
I've read posts here that state if America wasn't such an "imperialistic" nation, terrorism would not exist.

I'm sorry, but our foreign policy is somewhat to blame for the attacks against us.
If any other country asked us to allow them to build a base in say, California, we would flip out. Yet we have our own facilities established in plenty of different countries. We also tend to press our own agenda on regions, without the thought of the possible repercussions.

While the people of these regions might not be "stable" by our standards, rushing into their homes is enough to set them off, as it would be for anyone.
Well, I voted for obama so I'm guessing I can count myself among the unpatriotic lefties. So let me break it down for you. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of nuance and things are rarely as binary as 'america good vs. america bad'. I could turn your question around and ask why conservatives never question whether we are living up to our ideals or whether there are things that can be improved about the way we do business, but I'm not going to go there because we all know how that thread will end.

I love america and think that we have a lot of things going for us. Our ideals, institutions and traditions do make us unique among nations. I love that I can write to my congressman and actually be heard. I love that I can say anything and not fear any kind of persecution for any political views I might hold, no matter how outlandish they are. I love having a certain unalienable rights.

"And it BECAUSE -not despite - my love of this country that I speak out when I think we are not living up to our ideals. For example, when we deny people the right to habeus corpus, detain them indefinitely without access to the courts and subject them to harsh treatment (some might call it torture...) then we are not living up to the ideals outlined in the constitution. In fact, the bill of rights was designed specifically to prevent those kind of abuses so I don't think that speaking out against these kind of practices is hating america. I don't know about you, but abu gharib, gitmo, cia black sites and all the rest are an aberration to our values and ideals. Saying so is not hating on america, quite the opposite actually. We should stay true to our ideals, not just pay lip service to the constitution and then shit all over it when convenient...

America's hegemony in global affairs is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm much happier having us run things than say napoleon, nazi germany, the soviet union etc. But it also means that we need to take that role seriously and try to display some leadership on the issues of our day (terrorism, global trade and finance, preventing conflict, climate change) rather than doing only things that are in our immediate self-interest and tell the world to fall in line or go fuck themselves. We tried the second approach and it basically destroyed our credibility as the 'leader of the free world' and made us look like hypocrites.

There are a lot of positions taken by some conservatives that don't really square with our ideals, like trying to force religion into the public sphere. And some of our founding fathers who wrote the right to liberty were denying their slaves that very right, so hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance in political speech are nothing new.

So rather than assuming that anyone who questions whether our actions are consistent with our fundamental values hates america (and by values I don't mean the ones that make conservatives hate gay people), you should might want to start looking at issues where our notions of freedom and whatnot are merely rhetoric. If you grow and smoke cannabis, that's probably the low hanging fruit right there...I think we can agree that there is at least one issue where liberty takes second place to stupidity or am I wrong?

I see a lot of uninformed political commentary on this thread. I hate blatant bleeding heart bias on either right or left. This is, of course, one of the many reason the age
old etiquette rule "never discuss religion or politics". Lots of emotions and heated debates ensue. That being said let me say this...America is like a police dept. for foreign countries. I belive when your
the most powerful country in the world thats more like a responsibility. Yes our foreign policy is a major reason for our negative report with other countries ( along with armorment sanctions & policies, but at the same time if those countries where under attack by way of war or natural disaster you can bet they wouldn't have a problem petitioning for help from us. And when you invade a country you don't give the enemy a detailed report on an EXIT STRATEGY!!!

"And it BECAUSE -not despite - my love of this country that I speak out when I think we are not living up to our ideals. For example, when we deny people the right to habus corpus, detain them indefinitely without access to the courts and subject them to harsh treatment (some might call it torture...)"
I believe your revering to terrorists that did give up valuable attack info that saved lives!!! I don't recall the constitution outlining how to treat a terrorist. Maybe that is something we as a country sould work on.
Also this does not happen unless a terrorist freely admits to or is caught in
his act or intentional act this is when they are not afforded rights, which is to say this does not apply to everyone at gitmo. Get the facts straight or do some research.

"There are a lot of positions taken by some conservatives that don't really square with our ideals, like trying to force religion into the public sphere. And some of our founding fathers who wrote the right to liberty were denying their slaves that very right, so hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance in political speech are nothing new. "

Obviously this can be said of liberals too... christians are constantly
attacked by liberals. Is not forcing it into the public sphere
it's defending rights to have christian ideals.
Within the last six months 5 preachers have
been arrested for preaching in there own forums/ churches
(for "disturbin the peace") and have lost tax exemption status for preaching the word of GOD!! Tell me thats not a liberal initiative.. I'm not a church go-er but shit this is america!!! Thats just plain wrong.

And on this whole medical bill come on!
Medicare & medicaid are available to people that need it
and are currently bankrupting the states that provide it.
A public option would mean the govt' would asses your policy & costs.
Guess what your health is effected by everything you consume & do.
You gunna tell me the govt isn't going to try & start controlling everything you do? IF the bill passes your going to be forced by way of monetary penalties to purchase ins. public or private.

Bill Clinton said it best. Just pass it even if it's not exactly what you want right now. when you try & fail the other guys (republicans) write history.
How blatantly political... This bill is not for america it's for a few dems to further political careers.
And anytime a govt program is started (ie. welfare, food stamps, medicare medacaid & the biggest one of all Social Security!) They are never stopped or much less fixed if there is a problem with the program.

I am however pro abortion & pro gay marriage.

I may agree with what you say but will defend with my life your right to say it.
We're big boys and girls, and we're able to see the error of our ways. Not only are we able to see it, but we're able to admit it, and try to move on in a forward direction instead of incessantly moaning about the rest of the world, and how fucked up they are, and how great we are while we stroke our egos.

Why are people so quick to point the finger and not accept responsibilty for their own actions?
Why is it always somebody elses fault? How do people fail to notice what's going on?
Why can't you accept the fact that ALL government is corrupt and has been since it's birth?
Why do people take extreme views on extremist islam? Does something about that seem a little "off" to you?

Why? Answer me that.
We're big boys and girls, and we're able to see the error of our ways. Not only are we able to see it, but we're able to admit it, and try to move on in a forward direction instead of incessantly moaning about the rest of the world, and how fucked up they are, and how great we are while we stroke our egos.

Why are people so quick to point the finger and not accept responsibilty for their own actions?
Why is it always somebody elses fault? How do people fail to notice what's going on?
Why can't you accept the fact that ALL government is corrupt and has been since it's birth?
Why do people take extreme views on extremist islam? Does something about that seem a little "off" to you?

Why? Answer me that.

Hell yea all govt is corrupt!!!
people take extreme views on islam cause they don't get it.
No i will never get blowing innocent people up because of my government.

Oh wait but be-heading is alright,but no water-boarding.

I'm sorry, but our foreign policy is somewhat to blame for the attacks against us.
If any other country asked us to allow them to build a base in say, California, we would flip out. Yet we have our own facilities established in plenty of different countries. We also tend to press our own agenda on regions, without the thought of the possible repercussions.

While the people of these regions might not be "stable" by our standards, rushing into their homes is enough to set them off, as it would be for anyone.

We didn't just go to these other countries and set up bases... er... well... yeah we did; BUT IT WAS DURING WAR!!

Think about it, Korea, Japan, Philipines, Germany, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, Cuba, Australia, Kuwait, Bahrain and there are others I can't think of off the top of my head. But I bet you this; we will also keep a base(s) in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It's what we do. Fight a war, finish it, then post a watch in that country after its done just to make sure we don't have to go back and do it again... err... sorry... we might with Korea. :?

I'm sorry this had to be my 1st post. I've been enjoying lurking and reading. I honestly only created an account so I could see the nug porn that was being posted and I was reading about.
It's typical adolescent behavior - striking out against all forms of authority. America represents a daddy figure who was disappointed in them because they grew up to be girly men. I tell you, it all goes back to not being potty trained right, that and baking too many cookies with their mothers.

LOL! That and because they think it makes them look cool and sound deep and socially aware. "Look at me, I'm an uber cool rebel - down with the establishment!"

Dip shits...