Why can't I just use chicken or rabbit or cow manure as the sole fertilizer to grow my marijuana as a top dress for the whole grow?


Well-Known Member
I use chicken poop for my acid loving plants. I get fresh crap and straw from a hen house. Iget to clean them for it. LOL. It must be "cooked off" or composted for a year at least. And then very diluted by mixing with a soil or compost before using.

Shit will burn your shit! Spectacular results once seasoned right. And chicken poo is a no no for top dress or amending weed plants here. Too hot and too acidic.

Use composted cow crap if anything. And in moderation.
I didnt know you were so deep into this crap!


Yes, you can use these manures to cover up your soil, just don't use it fresh, need to be composted. My soil for vegging is composed by at least 10% humus, 10% chicken manure, my favorite one, but never used rabbit manure. For flowering I use to add bone meal in the mix, source of phosphorus, and studying some banana tea to extract a little of potassium too.
I used this approach for almost 10 years.
Edit: have a mixed bone meal (perlite, humus, turfa, ca-mg) to cover up my veg soil since I won't transplant
Worked all the time. Always thinking in flowering it could be better. Actually I'm composting my home residues and a little bored of the same recipe, studying a change in this approach, but yes, it works.
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