To HB post # 20. Gosh, I do respect you HB, but I am having a hard time with your "evidence". A study done 13 years ago on corn and sorghum fer cryin' out loud? And no specific brand names are even mentioned.
The study concludes by clearly stating the following:
"However,many such
products have not been scientifi-
cally evaluated. As a result, the best
advice that can be given to grow-
ers is to evaluate new products
carefully and insist upon local or
regional research data (not testimo-
nials) demonstrating product effec-
tiveness and value.
The purpose of this publication
is not to suggest that all current
and/or future non-traditional soil
additives are of no value. As new
inventions and new products are
developed they may have the
potential to improve crop yields,
crop quality and/or production economics.
However, proper
product testing and evaluation
are critical to verifying the poten-
tial benefits of new and unproven
And what is your response to all the growers that have posted positive testamonials praising these products? Do you really think that all of them are fools that are just imagining their results? I for one use liquid Karma...I don't know what's in it, and don't care...the shit works! And I don't think it's the 0.1% of Nitrogen or the 0.1% of Phosphate, nor the .05% potash that's making all the difference. But I have to give you credit, I asked for evidence and you provided it. I just don't think it holds water.
I also remain interested/fascinated/concerned with the frustration that the guy from Rosebud feels at not being able to list all ingredients on his label because some govt. agency that is under the thumb of big Agri Business tells him he can't. And that the Good ol' Boys and their nutrient companies benefit the most from the current labeling laws. Companies that don't even have research depts. I found it disturbing that govt. fertilizer regulators censor what nutrients companies can tell you on their websites. I am in the Great Green state of Oregon, where, if I were to go to the web site, it would show me a censored website that is complient with the state. That just doesn't sound right to me. I was interested to learn this after reading this "bullshit article". btw, after reading the article, I in no way was motivated to buy any Av. Nute products. So, if it's manipulative advertising, it's not very effective.