wrong again you starting personall attacks on me prove it. there is not a shread of truth to your ignorant unfounded points. i think you need anger management cause its obvious you only want to fight and attack(like a terrorist)instead of agreeing to disagree
I'm a terrorist now? HAHA... Your too funny bro
I didn't personally attack you either. I just said you need to grow up. You should learn how to unsubscribe out of a thread if you don't want to be a part of it.
I need anger management? HAHA WOW... I'm one of the most polite posters on here(or I try to be

) Who am I attacking? No one!!!
I agree that you disagree.. I'm not holding a gun to anyones face and telling them what to believe. I am simply showing evidence of what I believe to be true.
fdd2blk where are you ? please close this now
Who do you think you are? Where you one of those bratty kids that got everything handed to them because their parents didn't want to listen to their kid
Have you been offended that much? WOW! Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. (our country needs help)
The only one that is getting upset is you. If you can't handle the truth than go elsewhere. If you know I'm just talking "conspiracy" nonsense than feel free to refute my vids that I present. You know most of it is truth(if not all) so instead of looking like a boob you ask Fdd to close the thread because you have no intelligent rebuts
(No offense buddy, I'm just telling it like it is. I mean no discredit to your character, I'm simply pointing out how you are acting.

..... BTW, I can tell you how to
unsubscribe to the thread if you need the instructions

You should just be able to unsubscribe if you'd like I think.
Thank you!
but that dosent cut it. a thread like this is created to create tension and arguments. in the name of keeping the peace i think it should be closed my opnion
Your entitled to your opinion just as much as I am entitled to mine. A thread like this is created to bring truth, patriotism, peace, constructive criticism/intelligent debate and a new way to look at things. So in the name of spreading truth and keeping peace I think this thread should remain open, in my opinion.