Well-Known Member
Remind me to get back to that. You haven't heard of "false flag attacks" or "Operation Northwoods"?What is this truth you think is truth is actually lies? You wouldn't know it. So an MIT engineer and an architect is all you have? Where are the 1000's of other architect's... what about the victims of the 1000's who died, don't you think if the government was behind this, that it would already be known by now by everyone... at least a million out of the 6 billion?
Truth revolutions only happen if it is the truth, perhaps that's why it's been 7 years now and nothing has been said... it's not truth! People will say what they believe but to think our country was in on 9/11 is ridiculous. I believe they had suspicions but unfortunately did not take them seriously... the guys in the cockpits of those aircraft were suicidal towelheads, they weren't US agents and they didn't give a shit about Bush. You have many links yes... links don't mean shit though, not unless that link is from a major organization that has just found proof of US involvement in 9/11... say an organization such as the ACLU, or the many lawyers working on behalf of the families that lost someone during the attacks.
It's kind of like the moon thing, if it were found to be a government plot... it would've blown up by now and would be over every news network and quite possibly we'd have an immediate revolution. Until then, the truth revolution you speak of is nothing more than a theory revolution... one that in 7 years hasn't taken place yet, don't you wonder why? Hint, it's not because American's don't care or are uneducated...You know me man, we agree on much, but some things are just too much. As I said, show me something besides crazed Youtubist's who hate the government posting videos of what they think is an inside job... it's like preaching to the choir.
I'll get back to that later tonight when I have time...
About the moon landing thing, I clearly stated that I wasn't sure about it and I was simply looking for peer review on my postulates. If I was wrong about it, then so be it- I don't mind being wrong- but I was simply trying to educate myself on the subject.