Why do Americans want a WW3?

All you people have so much to say about Racism, and the interests of the political left, when none of you grew up in Africa. None of you saw Africans take down an entire continent within 100 years and plunge it straight back into the dark ages. Do you guys know what happens afterwards? Genocide, starvation, dwindling on scraps of foreign aid. Probably none of you have ever seen an African city, or what's left after they take over. First hand account - not even tar is left on the roads, or a building standing. I don't think any of you have ever witnessed a black state demonise, attack, and deport 1 million whites because they no longer belong in their country of birth due to the colour of their skin.

I don't see anyone here who has ever been exposed to actual African culture, and trust me, when you've seen the outcome it produces you'll find yourself with an ideological conflict.

The West doesn't know racism. The other cultures are racism, their hate for anything not their own is more violent and culturally engrained than anything I have ever witnessed.

The world (West) doesn't know what's coming, or seem to understand what it's doing.

There is only one valuable culture on this earth, and that is the culture which endorses science in its most original and authentic form - who else, but the original Western European Culture. Every inch of brain power and design in the last 500 years which has built up the modern world with its science, religions medicines, space exploration is because of the West. We are the world.

But now we are 'sick' and the end is near.
All you people have so much to say about Racism, and the interests of the political left, when none of you grew up in Africa. None of you saw Africans take down an entire continent within 100 years and plunge it straight back into the dark ages. Do you guys know what happens afterwards? Genocide, starvation, dwindling on scraps of foreign aid. Probably none of you have ever seen an African city, or what's left after they take over. First hand account - not even tar is left on the roads, or a building standing. I don't think any of you have ever witnessed a black state demonise, attack, and deport 1 million whites because they no longer belong in their country of birth due to the colour of their skin.

I don't see anyone here who has ever been exposed to actual African culture, and trust me, when you've seen the outcome it produces you'll find yourself with an ideological conflict.

The West doesn't know racism. The other cultures are racism, their hate for anything not their own is more violent and culturally engrained than anything I have ever witnessed.

The world (West) doesn't know what's coming, or seem to understand what it's doing.

There is only one valuable culture on this earth, and that is the culture which endorses science in its most original and authentic form - who else, but the original Western European Culture. Every inch of brain power and design in the last 500 years which has built up the modern world with its science, religions medicines, space exploration is because of the West. We are the world.

But now we are 'sick' and the end is near.

Well, this is mighty white of you, but I'll bet you've never left your county, cousin fucker. Do, da,do,do twang twung twang da dooo.......
Ive noticed allot of ramping up in the last 6 months of Social media propaganda talking about and supporting a WW3.
This only seems to be coming from my American FB contacts and no one else. Things like this:

With the banner. Lets have a look at the sides for WW3.

Why do you lot want a WW3? Why do you want to start a war with China? Whats wrong with you guys, carnt you just live life without creating conflicts everywhere?

I'm American, I don't want to see a war happen. All I want to do is work, ride my mountain bike and walk my dog. Well, sometimes I like going to the strip club too, but, it's our damn government that wants to warmonger.

Don't believe everything you see on television
Well, this is mighty white of you, but I'll bet you've never left your county, cousin fucker. Do, da,do,do twang twung twang da dooo.......

Argumentum ad hominem. Please look it up if you don't understand.

Also, there are no 'counties' in the rest of the world, that only applies to the country you live in.

Lastly, this isn't about me. Or you. It's an exchange of contrasting opinions and viewpoints from around the world.
war with a particular country, no i dont think its going to happen. the only country threatening anything is n korea, and that would be funny and sad at the same time if they ever picked a fight with the US.

but, lets take it further. russia? economy in the shitter, very reliant on oil which they are basing off $40 bbl for next couple budget years. they cant afford one if they wanted one. china? they have no beef with us militarily. they would pull some financial shenanigans before going down the road to war. japan? i dont think they want part 2, and their population is shrinking. iran? anything is possible here, but a war would be bad for business and the crooked fucks that run that country fortunately care more about money than fighting religious wars via national military. so they just back their preferred groups from behind the scenes. keep in mind this is another oil based economy where oil isnt worth much now. same with saudi arabia. same in iraq, although more unstable there IMO, but no threat to US in big picture. afghanistan and pakistan are probably the most dangerous to us because of the larger populations of radical islamists and not to mention most of their training grounds are there. syria? thats the million dollar question. i do think there will be more involvement, but to what degree its hard to say i think, not enough development yet since the strikes. however, i dont see an iraq/afghanistan situation in syria with an occupation and hand holding thru elections yadyadayada. i think they just want to prevent assad from using chemical weapons or any other international condemned methods.

it could be argued that US shale oil producers are defending our country more now than the military is by severely handicapping the revenue streams of the countries that could want to harm the US or its citizens. such a complex world.

If your opinion that
"i think they just want to prevent assad from using chemical weapons or any other international condemned methods."
was correct then the cia wouldn't have been in Syria since 2006 trying to stir up discontent, arming and funding the 'rebels' (yes, that includes Isis)
Regime change was the goal and it was going swimmingly...then Putin outflanked the west.

This is simply the next chapter.

You are right about this being a complex world
House and Senate make Congress so there's that. You vote for them, they place the purse in the banks hands in 1913 hot off of Jekyll island.

Did you vote for Congress people who know what a dollar is? See it's our fault. We the people who may or may not be jews, doesn't matter.

Sort of fair...but the people make decisions based on information and that information is controlled/spun.

So fair...but harsh also
All you people have so much to say about Racism, and the interests of the political left, when none of you grew up in Africa. None of you saw Africans take down an entire continent within 100 years and plunge it straight back into the dark ages. Do you guys know what happens afterwards? Genocide, starvation, dwindling on scraps of foreign aid. Probably none of you have ever seen an African city, or what's left after they take over. First hand account - not even tar is left on the roads, or a building standing. I don't think any of you have ever witnessed a black state demonise, attack, and deport 1 million whites because they no longer belong in their country of birth due to the colour of their skin.

I don't see anyone here who has ever been exposed to actual African culture, and trust me, when you've seen the outcome it produces you'll find yourself with an ideological conflict.

The West doesn't know racism. The other cultures are racism, their hate for anything not their own is more violent and culturally engrained than anything I have ever witnessed.

The world (West) doesn't know what's coming, or seem to understand what it's doing.

There is only one valuable culture on this earth, and that is the culture which endorses science in its most original and authentic form - who else, but the original Western European Culture. Every inch of brain power and design in the last 500 years which has built up the modern world with its science, religions medicines, space exploration is because of the West. We are the world.

But now we are 'sick' and the end is near.

Interesting opinion.

Small point...didn't mathematics and advances in medicine reach 'the west' via Spain, brought from the middle east?

Ahhh....you say "last 500 years"

as you were bongsmiliebongsmilie
All you people have so much to say about Racism, and the interests of the political left, when none of you grew up in Africa. None of you saw Africans take down an entire continent within 100 years and plunge it straight back into the dark ages. Do you guys know what happens afterwards? Genocide, starvation, dwindling on scraps of foreign aid. Probably none of you have ever seen an African city, or what's left after they take over. First hand account - not even tar is left on the roads, or a building standing. I don't think any of you have ever witnessed a black state demonise, attack, and deport 1 million whites because they no longer belong in their country of birth due to the colour of their skin.

I don't see anyone here who has ever been exposed to actual African culture, and trust me, when you've seen the outcome it produces you'll find yourself with an ideological conflict.

The West doesn't know racism. The other cultures are racism, their hate for anything not their own is more violent and culturally engrained than anything I have ever witnessed.

The world (West) doesn't know what's coming, or seem to understand what it's doing.

There is only one valuable culture on this earth, and that is the culture which endorses science in its most original and authentic form - who else, but the original Western European Culture. Every inch of brain power and design in the last 500 years which has built up the modern world with its science, religions medicines, space exploration is because of the West. We are the world.

But now we are 'sick' and the end is near.
Im exposed to african culture daily. Most of africas problems today still come from the whites who colonized them. Stole their lands and culture.
As for calling everyone a 'racist'

I'm affraid that's the go to default insult around these parts for some.

Indicative of how conditioned we've become...i mean, I'm not a fan of it to be honest but i know some decent people who, unfortunately, happen to be racist.

They are entitled to those views.

I also agree that the people who throw the term 'racist' around as some cheap insult are clueless as to what racism actually is.
All you people have so much to say about Racism, and the interests of the political left, when none of you grew up in Africa. None of you saw Africans take down an entire continent within 100 years and plunge it straight back into the dark ages. Do you guys know what happens afterwards? Genocide, starvation, dwindling on scraps of foreign aid. Probably none of you have ever seen an African city, or what's left after they take over. First hand account - not even tar is left on the roads, or a building standing. I don't think any of you have ever witnessed a black state demonise, attack, and deport 1 million whites because they no longer belong in their country of birth due to the colour of their skin.

I don't see anyone here who has ever been exposed to actual African culture, and trust me, when you've seen the outcome it produces you'll find yourself with an ideological conflict.

The West doesn't know racism. The other cultures are racism, their hate for anything not their own is more violent and culturally engrained than anything I have ever witnessed.

The world (West) doesn't know what's coming, or seem to understand what it's doing.

There is only one valuable culture on this earth, and that is the culture which endorses science in its most original and authentic form - who else, but the original Western European Culture. Every inch of brain power and design in the last 500 years which has built up the modern world with its science, religions medicines, space exploration is because of the West. We are the world.

But now we are 'sick' and the end is near.
Sorry to hear about your persecution as a white male.
As for calling everyone a 'racist'

I'm affraid that's the go to default insult around these parts for some.

Indicative of how conditioned we've become...i mean, I'm not a fan of it to be honest but i know some decent people who, unfortunately, happen to be racist.

They are entitled to those views.

I also agree that the people who throw the term 'racist' around as some cheap insult are clueless as to what racism actually is.
Racism is when a white person gets his feelings hurt.
1% of the global population own over 50% of the global wealth.

That 1% is made up of all races!

The fight shouldn't be race based, but, in a world of divide and conquer, the focus on race is most useful
Ive noticed allot of ramping up in the last 6 months of Social media propaganda talking about and supporting a WW3.
This only seems to be coming from my American FB contacts and no one else. Things like this:

With the banner. Lets have a look at the sides for WW3.

Why do you lot want a WW3? Why do you want to start a war with China? Whats wrong with you guys, carnt you just live life without creating conflicts everywhere?

So lots of government types and corporate types want war. I'd say the people are rather divided on the topic. I'd want to say most do not want war, but the pro-war crowd is very vocal on C-SPAN's call-in show every morning.

There's a myth that war brings about a better economy. So let's kill so we can make money. That isn't always true. Technically, we've been at war since 2002, but the economy has also sucked in that time frame.

I'd say the pro-war crowd favors war because it makes the feel good. They like to win. They go to youth sporting events where somebody wins--it's black and white, cut and dry, either/or. You either win or you lose. If we aren't going to war, then we're losing. We look weak. We need to look strong, and looking strong means we kill people and destroy shit. And it makes for good television--to see American marines killing people and stacking up naked bodies, electrocuting prisoners, waterboarding them. That's feel good television that mimics our yippie-kigh-yeigh, mother fucker attitudes. Americans want Die Hard to be real, 24/7.

The antiwar crowd realizes that war means domestic spending will suffer. No more arts, sciences, journalism, libraries, humanities because we have to sacrifice that for war. No more jobs programs, no infrastructure program, and war brings back dead bodies and bodies wearing those 21st century prosthetics. We know this and that's why we hate wars. And America's wars of the 21st century are unending.
No it was the whites from europe that were and are reponsible.

So the whites you refer to...they weren't the elite then?

Average white Joe from Europe was able to raise army, invade, change laws, oppress?

Focus on race if you like but in doing so you miss the root cause...same then as it is now

The elites make decisions...whatever colour their skin is...the rest of us are lied to and used to suit their agenda