Why do people die at music events?

i use to attend a huge Greatful dead tribute band, Schwagstock every month every summer-Oct 31 and once in jan, for YEARS, i watched kids chew on rocks and were bleeding, i watched another guy stuff Xanax in his friends mouth while he was having a seizuere, Its that 1 in 1000 person that is a idiot, mixes every drug they can find, etc....people go to festivals and some concerts just to open their mind, not JUST to enjoy music, allot go there to find drugs even, its a shame but we cant let it ruin it for everyone and we educated users past of present need to provide info, example but signs up DRINK WATER, i see so many dehydration from these type of narcos, anyhow just thought id share
I been to schwagstock..I love the river and cave..we camped for a week and lost the keys,found em after we repitched the tent..I've been personally fond of that venue but its so far from the east to just go to...sucks that things went south for that place..it was so chill 8 or 10 years ago...I actually met up with my ex fiancee by her walking thru the crowd tossing free molly to anyone who wanted it...ahh..memories of a good tour...