Why do people die at music events?

Such a shame cause that is an awesome venue..I sat on the beach at dawn with a 5lb tank and huffed it all while watching a huge oil tanker dock very slowly over an hour or so across the bay..beautiful sunrise...
Problems with these shows at a few..1)..suburb bobs kids go,and they eat good drugs instead of the weak cut crap normally hawked off to innocent white kids,and freak out. 2) gangster john and his pack of blodycripys decend onto the fest,and sell bad drugs like coke crack and heroin..then see #1 again...3)..junkie joe from omaha FINALLY gets to a big city to see the lights and a show..loves that heroin,but in omaha its mostly foot powder..see #2 and #1..
And finally..big nutz johnny the jock..comes to impress his girl and the frat boys..hey ill eat 10hits of fluff..and then he's the guy we see naked...just a few observations I've had during my 20 years as a festivarian...
Or they're just stupid and eat reckless amounts of crappy drugs. Often in dangerous combinations they have no idea about.
Or they're just stupid and eat reckless amounts of crappy drugs. Often in dangerous combinations they have no idea about.
true, so how do we get rid of these crappy drugs?
we make test kits so widely available/affordable that even the most ignorant of drug users thinks it is absurd to not test a drug they plan to ingest. think, if you want a test kit you're probably going to have to order one online. this inconvenience alone leads to tens of thousands of deaths, imho. convenience is key.

how do we make sure people don't die even if they end up consuming a reckless amount of crappy drugs?
WATER, as i've mentioned before, should be FREE at festivals. when dehydration is the leading cause of death at these events, shouldn't it be illegal to charge for water? or at-least make price gouging illegal in these situations..

remember, the majority of these 'drug overdoses' are actually deaths due to dehydration. the drugs alone did not kill them, it was the absence of water while they were on these drugs that killed them.
And then there are the idiots who drink too much water and die. Some people just shouldn't take drugs.
i never understood those kids...is it that hard to sip on a damn water bottle all night?? you don't gotta dance for 3 hours then chug a gallon then repeat the process till you're dead!
Believe me..considering the weakest charges it blows..try 3-life for mdma in ny state..after a weekend of spun..bad times...
And ccc..yes water should be free..after 300$ tickets..they should have ladies slowly pouring water all over you...
I was arrested and detained on mushrooms once..cop let us go at 6am after he told me 'i know there was more than just pot in the car'..I did throw @25 hits of fluff on the side of the highway while they searched(stupid them for not putting me in cuffs)..and as they turned on the lights I snapped a 8in long 7gm shroom in half and split it with my ex..I was allready shrooming my ass off on pin caps..I ignored the officers at the station by watchin the patterned tile swim under my feet..bad times..
Funny now I think about it,I was in the same city the other day for my dads bike wreck,and the cop that searched his belongings was a dead head! She threw his stash away(by that I mean kept it)..and told me that it was the best shit she's seen in 10 yrs!..imagine trying to keep a straight face when a cop tells you the pot you grow is the best they've seen...hilarious...'the times they are a changin'....
A dead head cop?! I am having a hard time processing that one, Rory. Although, I have to believe you, that is a fucking tough one to swallow.... if I saw that with you , I would still have a hard time believing what I heard and saw.
The one where I was shrooming we ate everything but a nug of blueberry pie..my buddy didn't eat that but had my pipe and he told me 'you got a clean record,pay my fine,ill take the charge..'..so no charge for me..as far as my pops..he got a great deal(other than a broke pelvis)..new harley,and entire hospital bill is ZERO..(He's a vet)..and yes..she was a deadhead..she was a uniformed officer and we had an in depth descussion about pigpen andfurthur and many other nuances that only deadheads know..she was at interlocken as an attendee..she gave me her number also..I told her I'm flattered but married..and even if I wasn't married..she's still a cop.but the best one ever..she saved my dad 250k or so...I'm not a religious man,but, GOD BLESS THE GRATEFUL DEAD.
wonder how she passed the initial psych screening... I have heard it is a bitch to pass even if you have never done any drug.....at least in California they run you through a lie detector test... if you have used LSD or any psychedelic you can kiss your law enforcement career goodbye... Im sure every state and even county is different though