Why do people die at music events?

Hey that shit happened at the gathering of the vibes hammish..look it up..one dude beat to death and rolled up in sleeping bags and left to be found,and another washed up on the shore with a clothes hanger around their neck..no shit..
Well let's not let that happen here. Everybody go load your favorite smoking device a few times. If that's not enough there's plenty of other ways to chill the fuck out that get discussed here everyday. Let's all eat some Molly and give each other some hugs. Let's keep the anger out of here guys.
Listen, I believe it man... LSD can breed 'free love' ....Two men trippin on L and only one girlfriend ....one dude goes to watch some music and comes back to camp to find something going on that flips a switch..... LSD can switch gears on you in a hurry....

it does not even require acid for a scene like that to play out.... booze does the trick better.... or a drug transaction gone wrong....why wouldn't a festival full of people trippin be a perfect place for a serial killer? fuck thats creepy, remember to bring a test kit AND a trippin buddy
Imp my whole family didn't want me to take the kids to interlocken..too many girls have showed up missing in that area..one that got national attention(murphy was her name I believe..)..I truley believe there is a stalker/rapist/serial kkiller in the heart of VA...and I agree..I've been around my best friends ex wife alone tripping and she was more than insinuative..of course I chalked it up to her being high and me being the *ahem* pimp I am..lol..I did tell him to watch her..drugs shouldn't make you a bad person..only better..when they bring out the bad,time to stop and reconsider who you are...
Just be alert... the average IQ of a serial killer is about 90. So, just get to know people and be cautious of people.
Listen, I believe it man... LSD can breed 'free love' ....Two men trippin on L and only one girlfriend ....one dude goes to watch some music and comes back to camp to find something going on that flips a switch..... LSD can switch gears on you in a hurry....

it does not even require acid for a scene like that to play out.... booze does the trick better.... or a drug transaction gone wrong....why wouldn't a festival full of people trippin be a perfect place for a serial killer? fuck thats creepy, remember to bring a test kit AND a trippin buddy
i would say the guy freaking out and murdering them is less likely on lsd than sober, but ultimately the same go who would do it on lsd would probably do it sober. and alcohol is going to cause things to turn bad.
10char??..I'm stoned...what ya mean duck?
posts need to be at least ten characters
Just be alert... the average IQ of a serial killer is about 90. So, just get to know people and be cautious of people.
I really want to see a source on that.
Many of you know my stand on the price of drugs and some of you disagree.

The short of it is this - you pay for what you get, and 5 hours of bliss under the influence of pure MDMA is worth 40 bucks or more.

I've been thinking about this. consider.

A large group of people are unwilling to pay for the true worth of pure product. The market acting as a market does (remember, the drug trade is a reflection of a truely unregulated, truely free marketplace), substitutions that are less costly or more easily obtainable will happen with greater and greater regularity in a market where cost is a prime concern and purity only secondary to that price.

So what we have in a situation where MDMA can be substituted, counterfited or cut, is that people will die. Furthermore, when the people die, many will attribute those deaths to the original chemical, disregarding the fact that it may well have not been that chemical that is to blame. It was stated that some people, experienced users may never have even had real MDMA but inferior RCs and have no idea what the experience of X really is. This makes the situation even more difficult for the general drug taking population.

So long as the demand outstrips supply AND price is assigned not by that rarity but by what folks are "willing" to pay, the situation will remain as it is, where less than 25 pecent of all MDMA on the market is genuine and relatively pure.

IF we demand purity first and low price second, there will inevitably be fewer deaths, and of course, more genuinely happy customers.

so there.

The MOST dangerous thing about ANY recreational drug, is prohibition.

charles manson IQ is 109.

Charles Manson is not a serial killer. He's a racist son of a whore musician who got legitimately ripped off by the Beach Boys ("Cease To Exist") and was convicted of murder by proxy (essentially), which is what he wanted anyway.
WTF? Are you a Manson fan or something? LOL Charles Manson was a serial killer, I don't care how you look at it