Why do people die at music events?

NBOMes are cheap because they're very simple and very potent. Even at $1000/g they'd be pretty damn cheap. And they can be had for way less in bulk.
People say that it's acid acid because they're greedy fucks!
The cost of a test kit is really miniscule for the piece of mind.
For LSD you want ehrlich reagent, for powders ideally you want the suite of marquis, mecke, simon's, and mandellin. dancesafe.org and bunkpolice.org should have everything you need.
I think what I meant was ; is it enjoyable? It is comparable to acid or does it leave you feeling ripped off? I have done good acid and I know the feeling, if I took NBOMes would I clearly be able to tell it is not lucy?
Yes, and from what I gather some of the NBOMes might be better recreational drugs than LSD. I'll get around to trying 25B sometime.
They are awesome drugs,and I feel pretty safe like all drugs,if used responsibly..no hangover,ody load..cheap,not as huge repercussions judicialy..the thing is that nbome can kill you,and if you eat Seven 1mg hits like I would thinking its acid,it most likely will put you in the hospital..it also gives me the 'chilly willys' where I think its cold..and I think that's from the vascular constriction..I still love the drug,but I def can tell between the lsd and nbomes when I'm on them..they also are great for 'psychedelic droughts' where there isn't anything to trip on..ya feel like gettin silly take one,and have fun for 4 to 6 hours and go to sleep...
Imp..it leaves you feeling ripped off if you get sold nbome as lsd..who wants to pay 5 bucks or more for a drug that isn't what its supposed to be and ultimatly cost the dealer about 10cent a hit..I mean capitalism is one thing..lying and getting assraped by the lie is a lil different..not to mention gettin in a world of hurt if you ended up in the hospital because of the lie...or dead..but at that point it don't matter anymore I guess..
I believe he is implying that people who die at music events are stupid and deserved it. While personal responsibility is the best way to stay alive I find his point of view a gross oversimplification. Why are people so reckless? A lot of it comes down to ignorance. "Hey drugs are pretty cool, if one feels good I bet three feels GREAT!!" is incredibly dangerous with a number of substances. Others not so much. But if you don't know which is which you're going to have a bad time.
Yes, and from what I gather some of the NBOMes might be better recreational drugs than LSD. I'll get around to trying 25B sometime.

If there is one hallucinogen to try in my personal opinion, it is 2c-t7. Holographic Ecstacy. Tangible 3d hallucinations you can play with. And a rush like good MDMA. Just do your reading first before, it's a LOT more powerful on girls than guys... My favourite RECREATIONAL psychedelic to date.
I was never a fan of it.
I would say that the drugs in PiHKAL and TiKHAL (at least the good ones) don't really fall into the same category as the newer RCs because they have much longer histories of human use than stuff invented much more recently. I like to see a decent history of reported use without too many adverse reactions before I try something these days.
Ohhhh..I was stoned..facetiousness is lost on me when hash is involved..I see..so uneducated people should be left to the death they deserve for not knowing or being a noob...ahhh makes sense now...(that was a better example of cynical dialouge)...now..(----that was facetious...
People die at these things due to unregulated use of drugs...no purity standards or hell,actual standards..trust is a bitch when it comes to bite you in the ass..don't trust the scratchy tour kid with molly,or even his moonshine..its gonna be street level quality for primo prices usually..and when you're used to that and take 3 so you get a buzz and take 3 of the primo..you get too fucked up..if laws were for our health there would be purity laws and distribution laws FOR drugs and consumers...
I was never a fan of it.
I would say that the drugs in PiHKAL and TiKHAL (at least the good ones) don't really fall into the same category as the newer RCs because they have much longer histories of human use than stuff invented much more recently. I like to see a decent history of reported use without too many adverse reactions before I try something these days.

It's very hard for me to not be a fan of anything that makes fractals come out the speakers :) That being said, my days of trying anything 'new' are over. I'm so full of shit about what I expect out of stuff now. Don't like most after-effects either. I really don't dig any of the RC's I have tried so far. Most of them were more powerful in the comedown than the actual trip. Felt worse than it was worth really.
Getting back into good ol' shrooms myself. A big enough handful and off ye go! And a bit of 2-cb for when it starts wearing off is ALWAYS fun. Pity I can't find it in pure powder any longer, only these weak-ass little pills. Half the shit they sell these days come in quarter-doses. Just not worth the money at all. I'd rather have a bottle of good single malt on hand instead, at least I know how to dose it out perfectly.
I remember when a quarter of a paper could melt the walls, now most of the time you need to eat 2 or 3 to get properly shmangled. My acid supplier just retired too, so that ship has sailed, no more pure crystal around, just crappy papers. sigh....
Many of you know my stand on the price of drugs and some of you disagree.

The short of it is this - you pay for what you get, and 5 hours of bliss under the influence of pure MDMA is worth 40 bucks or more.

I've been thinking about this. consider.

A large group of people are unwilling to pay for the true worth of pure product. The market acting as a market does (remember, the drug trade is a reflection of a truely unregulated, truely free marketplace), substitutions that are less costly or more easily obtainable will happen with greater and greater regularity in a market where cost is a prime concern and purity only secondary to that price.

So what we have in a situation where MDMA can be substituted, counterfited or cut, is that people will die. Furthermore, when the people die, many will attribute those deaths to the original chemical, disregarding the fact that it may well have not been that chemical that is to blame. It was stated that some people, experienced users may never have even had real MDMA but inferior RCs and have no idea what the experience of X really is. This makes the situation even more difficult for the general drug taking population.

So long as the demand outstrips supply AND price is assigned not by that rarity but by what folks are "willing" to pay, the situation will remain as it is, where less than 25 pecent of all MDMA on the market is genuine and relatively pure.

IF we demand purity first and low price second, there will inevitably be fewer deaths, and of course, more genuinely happy customers.

so there.
Another reason folks might die at a music event would be to aggravate the wrong person! Zip tie to the neck, a rented U-Haul, a cattle prod for his mouthpiece, and good ole drag em into the woods justice!
Says a man that flips his nut at the drop of a hat. You're just an overall disgusting person VTM. Like you said, you speak your mind, but what's on your mind is fucking FILTHY. You keep saying how much you dislike this site, care to just delete your account and get lost dude? Seriously, nobody likes having you around. Not even a little bit.