My view is that your views are fucked up. Don't judge me!!!go fuck ur self, my views are my views who the fuck are u to tell me they are messed up? your no one just like me. who says ur views arent the ones messed up. dont ever look down upon me.
ya the jackson indian act was cool.jackson was a hell of a president, he adopted an indian boy from a battle dude. not comparable to hitler.
Yeah, jokes are jokes, but this kid has a pretty messed up view of the world.
jackson was a hell of a president, he adopted an indian boy from a battle dude. not comparable to hitler.
This is true.just because he adopted one kid, does not negate his "annexing" the Cherokee and Creek homelands, despite the tribes mostly successful efforts to assimilate. They were "rich" and the land had gold. It pissed off the white folk. Jackson stole the land forced them to march in the winter from Florida and Georgia to fucking Oklahoma...oh they did give them blankets though...infected with small pox!!!!!!
he was popular with people he considered people.
I love history but this is neither the time nor place.
the indians got royally fucked in many ways one of americas bigger atrocities in our short history. anyways this should be started in the politics section.
he may not be hitler to the jews but hes hitler to us,jackson whooped ass at the battle of new orleans, the greatest battle of 1812, except the war was over already for 3 weeks.
Jackson is not Hitler.
jackson whooped ass at the battle of new orleans, the greatest battle of 1812, except the war was over already for 3 weeks.
Jackson is not Hitler.
no offfense but i'm glad i was born a stinky italian cuz nobody brings up our part in world war 2. native americans had it pretty rough, but now they have casinos. that's fucked up.