Why do so many ppl dog Arjan?

go fuck ur self, my views are my views who the fuck are u to tell me they are messed up? your no one just like me. who says ur views arent the ones messed up. dont ever look down upon me.
My view is that your views are fucked up. Don't judge me!!!

I asked you to stop because you were digging your hole deeper and deeper.

You know this site is for people 18+ right?
cyproz i dont get you man,i don't want to get in a pissing match,but i asked you why you promote a breeder whos genetics you never tried,when your called on it you call people unknowledgeable assholes,then you have the audacity to think that aboriginals have not had genocide forced apon them.but their is good and bad in all of us,that includes me.And that includes all breeders.but you keep selling the line your selling.
jackson was a hell of a president, he adopted an indian boy from a battle dude. not comparable to hitler.

just because he adopted one kid, does not negate his "annexing" the Cherokee and Creek homelands, despite the tribes mostly successful efforts to assimilate. They were "rich" and the land had gold. It pissed off the white folk. Jackson stole the land forced them to march in the winter from Florida and Georgia to fucking Oklahoma...oh they did give them blankets though...infected with small pox!!!!!!

he was popular with people he considered people.
just because he adopted one kid, does not negate his "annexing" the Cherokee and Creek homelands, despite the tribes mostly successful efforts to assimilate. They were "rich" and the land had gold. It pissed off the white folk. Jackson stole the land forced them to march in the winter from Florida and Georgia to fucking Oklahoma...oh they did give them blankets though...infected with small pox!!!!!!

he was popular with people he considered people.
This is true.

Jackson had his good side, but he had an evil side as well. This man is referring to the "Trail of Tears".

Look it up, thousands died from starvation and just the trek alone. The smallpox was the icing on the cake.

This migration out west, also brought confrontations and clashes with neighboring tribes. I love history but this is neither the time nor place.

Honestly people, it's futile. Just ignore him and he'll go away. :neutral:

He's just looking to vent his racism and hate into another subject.

If you keep fueling the troll fire, it'll keep burning. :roll:
the indians got royally fucked in many ways one of americas bigger atrocities in our short history. anyways this should be started in the politics section.
I love history but this is neither the time nor place.

to bad it's not the place. the way histories get rewritten is fucking amazing. The prevailing views about things as recent as Ronald Reagan have been turned on their head. :cuss:

I'm pretty sure maybe 10% here even know what iran-contra refers to. In the general public maybe 3% We now have instant access to information, but 99.9% is infotainment. Of course indiana man thinks Jackson was cool~it's way easier to just believe what they show you in school. a thin veneer of half truths. Jackson wasn't all bad, but i'm sure Hitler loved his mother too

Rant is now concluded. :eyesmoke:
jackson whooped ass at the battle of new orleans, the greatest battle of 1812, except the war was over already for 3 weeks.

Jackson is not Hitler.
Do you know that their were official documents of the US government ordering the use of Small pox for killing tribes.They knowingly traded blankets infected with small pox's to eliminate the tribes.It was the number one commodity traded and they made sure small pox was prevalent in all the blankets they gave after a certain time period.A lot of my sons family were taken from home and locked away in residential schools until they ran away or were 18.you would not believe the sick shit that went on in those evil places.just because a priest doesn't get married hes getting his rocks off,and if you didn't except Jesus or pray for Israel you were beaten,you spoke your native toungue and it was the devils language and you got beaten,you used your tribe name you got beaten,your total history was beaten out of you a long with your beliefs.but i can go on for pages,i am sure cyproz will say only 1 genocide happend and that was in europe in the 2nd world war.
no offfense but i'm glad i was born a stinky italian cuz nobody brings up our part in world war 2. native americans had it pretty rough, but now they have casinos. that's fucked up.
If you think that jackson was not part of the death of 16 million aboriginals then your misled Indianaman,he was well aware of what he was doing and why.i never read a story about him putting a stop to the massacre.
jackson whooped ass at the battle of new orleans, the greatest battle of 1812, except the war was over already for 3 weeks.

Jackson is not Hitler.

no, he wasn't hitler. He was a different homicidal maniac. Winning a battle is never going to sell me on his better attributes. Hitler won LOTS of battles.
no offfense but i'm glad i was born a stinky italian cuz nobody brings up our part in world war 2. native americans had it pretty rough, but now they have casinos. that's fucked up.

wait...you praise arjan cuz he lives well, and it's fucked up that indians can have casinos?!?! i'm very confused.
i meant that we get to kill a shite load of them then we give them parts of arizona and casinos and say here ya go guys sorry.