Elite it doesnt matter man,i said what i wanted to say,if im content with what im smokeing, thats all that matters,i dont know if their chem,diesal or Og,i just know their kickass,i may have worked in bush camps across the tundra,lived in dog houses pulled through the bush,i may have lived on traplines for months every winter,but i can tell you i have been more places then most of my fellow bush wackers,and ive been to california more then once,mexico many times europe,and every were in between,so for you to assume from were im at we got no smoke,well what am i to say to that.that just blows me away,i had better pot from exotic places before you even touched a spliff.but for some reason you think i smoke 6/7 weed.why is that buddy,and if you think 2002 was the birth of super pot,you should of been in south america in early 80,s,you might have a differant and educated opinion.like i said we used to get weed sent from africa in the 70,s that put this stuff to shame.it made you a space ship super star.but the fact remains their are a lot of great genetics,a lot,and by the way i have never grown white widow.so why you say i have.my buddy grew it 10 years ago and it was a fine hybrid,it was top notch.but it was before the invention of great weed 2002.do not call me a hater because i say that the world is bigger then elite genetics,or as some guy was makeing reference to asses or some shit like that.and elite if you think im sitting here hopeing you fail your wrong,just lay off yhe hype a touch.and dont over load this forum,thats just my take man.by the way is subcools JC a 6/7 because i have that.