Well-Known Member
like, I call my own shots like based on a large accumulation of horseshit I totally like just made up and put quotes around totally.
Do you reject the concept of property in whole or just the idea that individuals can own things?
You're are avoiding the question,derp.
Don't get all emotional and shit, but you're not very good at this.
Sure . Now explain to me again why a racist store owner should have the right to not serve someone of the black, brown or purple color? Open to the public means just that, but your ass and @twostrokenut would die to defend that racist piece of shit.
and please don't ask me what is property and who owns it.
So will you claim your SS when you reach of age ? Will you also be returning the monies that it took to educated your children and yourself. Please stay off our roads and do not ever use a library.Property tax is an oxymoron. Linking forced payment for "education" to a persons home is sinister and if you were honest you'd admit that.
I have no problem with people who want to be collectivists, as long as they confine it to themselves and don't make others choices for them. Can you say the same?
So will you claim your SS when you reach of age ? Will you also be returning the monies that it took to educated your children and yourself. Please stay off our roads and do not ever use a library.
Linking forced payment for "education" to a persons home is sinister and if you were honest you'd admit that.
Wonder were all that fucking lotto money is going. Definatly not the schoolsIt's called "the greater good".
Long ago this nation decided that it didn't want to live in the stone age. It wanted an educated, thinking, developing, dynamic populace that would contribute to the nation rather than be a burden to it.
That is where mandatory public education and the taxes to pay for it comes from: the idea that as a nation, we should all work to improve not only ourselves, but our posterity. (That's in the Constitution, FYI)
So for pennies a day, we send not some, but ALL of our youth to school to learn basic education to prepare them for their adult lives.
Want to live in a nation with no taxes for nation wide public education? Africa is rife with them. Not surprisingly, that entire continent lives in, at best, 18th century conditions for the most part. Some even live in 14th century conditions at best.
But that's not the real issue you have. The real issue you have, and it's a whopper, is that you're all against everything the government does with every post you make, but at the same time somehow expect everything to be done by magic, for everybody to just learn how to be productive through osmosis or some other bullshit.
You're dense beyond any rational level to excuse. It's pretty sad, really.
My dad says in Michigan they pay for all yer school supplys.Georgia schools have actually received, quite literally, billions from the state run lottery.
Spoken word and finger pecking tiny buttons are to different thingsGiven your sentence structure, it's clear he didn't pay for any for you.
Spoken word and finger pecking tiny buttons are to different things
My dad says in Michigan they pay for all yer school supplys.
I was just trying to have a friendly conversation and you go outa yer way to mock me?If you don't know the difference between to and two, yer and your, supplys and supplies, that has nothing to do with tiny buttons.
That's just being a patent idiot or lazy. Or both.
Did yer mother touch yer peepee wen you were a kid?What's a 'yer'? You can type 'conversation' but not 'your'? Then you say 'outa'? You couldn't be bothered to once again hit just two more keys and say 'out of'?
Are you that damn lazy that one or two more buttons is just too much to push?
Are you that stupid?
Could it be (please tell me it isn't) that you think you look cool by typing like an uneducated 14 year old idiot that just stumbled across his daddy's cell phone and is trying desperately to butch up by pretending to be from the 'hood'?
Did yer mother touch yer peepee wen you were a kid?
So it was yer uncle, huh?My last lesson to you is an old saying you should commit to memory:
Better to be thought a complete idiot than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.