Why does outdoor give less harvest than indoor???


Well-Known Member
Hi Noiz,

I think I know what your problem is. You're NOT high, and you need to be... LOL

I see on the GHS site that like others stated, indoors is being measured in grams-per-square-meter, and outdoors is being measured in grams-per-plant.

Indoor yield is usually measured in grams-per-square-meter because many indoor growers use the Sea of Green (SoG) method. They are using a bunch of small plants in a certain area and typically they aren't vegged for very long and they don't grow very tall and are kept narrow (little to no side branching). The idea behind SoG is that you are growing the cola on the main plant stalk and thats about it. In this way, growers can easily get many plants per square meter. Think 25 small plants vs. 1 large plant. The problem with growing 1 large plant indoors has to do with lighting. When dealing with HID/indoor lighting, there are distance limitations to the effectiveness of the light (called PAR). one 1000w lamp can penetrate about 3' without diminishing it's PAR. less powerful lights have a much more limited effective PAR distance. in comparison, the SUN's PAR never diminishes, it is universally the same... and optimal for plant growth.

For outdoor people just grow plants in buckets, smartpots, the ground..... because even the tiny flowers near the bottom of the plant can turn into large buds, thanks to the intense universal PAR from the sun. it would be very difficult to do this indoors without lots of even and supplemental lighting, or training techniques like SCROG.

Bottom line, you can get more yield PER PLANT outdoor. You can get more PLANTS per area indoor. plus having a controlled environment can help avert stress (insects, very hot/cold days, storms/rain) which will ultimately affect yield as well.

I'm not sure what the seasons are like in Scandanavia, but if you have a cold spring and a shorter summer, you could always veg your plants indoors, then bring them outside for flowering when summer is starting. Just a thought. Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
All very well and good. Yes outdoor will harvest you WAAAYYY more than indoors that's a simple fact. But saying that quality from outdoor bud is better, I absolutley must disagree with. Outdoor bud always is too fiberous and tough. It has a damn trunk like wood! Indoor I like to gow stout little bushes that are still very supple, and not like a damn tree literally. They have more flavor and haven't been abused potentially by the weather. I must say taste and quality is better indoors but that's another debate we won't get into here...


Well-Known Member
I wonder if that is true Hatter. I for one love the taste of a bud that has been touched by bird piss, nature and cool fall nights.
It really isn't possible to compare indoor and outdoor grows. You give an outdoor plant room enough to spread it's wings where indoors your probably going for numbers rather than size.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Hatter I found with the type of volcanic soil we have here in Hawaii it gives a plant some kick ass strength . Aloha from Puna


Thanks man! Actually I was thinking exactly that! I was going to start veging the plant indoors and then get it outside for when the summer kicks in!
Thank you!


New Member
Hi Noiz,

I think I know what your problem is. You're NOT high, and you need to be... LOL

I see on the GHS site that like others stated, indoors is being measured in grams-per-square-meter, and outdoors is being measured in grams-per-plant.

Indoor yield is usually measured in grams-per-square-meter because many indoor growers use the Sea of Green (SoG) method. They are using a bunch of small plants in a certain area and typically they aren't vegged for very long and they don't grow very tall and are kept narrow (little to no side branching). The idea behind SoG is that you are growing the cola on the main plant stalk and thats about it. In this way, growers can easily get many plants per square meter. Think 25 small plants vs. 1 large plant. The problem with growing 1 large plant indoors has to do with lighting. When dealing with HID/indoor lighting, there are distance limitations to the effectiveness of the light (called PAR). one 1000w lamp can penetrate about 3' without diminishing it's PAR. less powerful lights have a much more limited effective PAR distance. in comparison, the SUN's PAR never diminishes, it is universally the same... and optimal for plant growth.

For outdoor people just grow plants in buckets, smartpots, the ground..... because even the tiny flowers near the bottom of the plant can turn into large buds, thanks to the intense universal PAR from the sun. it would be very difficult to do this indoors without lots of even and supplemental lighting, or training techniques like SCROG.

Bottom line, you can get more yield PER PLANT outdoor. You can get more PLANTS per area indoor. plus having a controlled environment can help avert stress (insects, very hot/cold days, storms/rain) which will ultimately affect yield as well.

I'm not sure what the seasons are like in Scandanavia, but if you have a cold spring and a shorter summer, you could always veg your plants indoors, then bring them outside for flowering when summer is starting. Just a thought. Hope this helps.

actually i do SOG and veg 4 - 5 weeks plant flowering anywheres from 26 to 30 " height final heights are 60 " and very easily get 1160 grams per 1000 watt area buds thick and dense on bottom i also grow out door i still think if a person would veg for like 12 weeks he would out do a outdoor plant as for yield i would think sure outdoor gets big but i for one can say taking 2 identical strains same height and in 2 weeks one being outdoor and other being indoor the indoor will be bigger plant in general for instance look at this day 16 from a 3 " clone and there 18" high under 5000 watts C02 enriched no way will out door be same size imagine if i vegged for 12 weeks plants would be easily 6 foot high goin into flower and bushy as hell


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i have some beans that will giv eme one pound outdoors and 2 oz indoor if im lucky ....i think you got yur info backwards a lil bit

the sun is the worlds best HPS lamp


Well-Known Member
i have some beans that will giv eme one pound outdoors and 2 oz indoor if im lucky ....i think you got yur info backwards a lil bit

the sun is the worlds best HPS lamp
i agree......imagin if everyday growing outdoors was 100% sunny every single day!!! imagin the size of those buds

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i agree......imagin if everyday growing outdoors was 100% sunny every single day!!! imagin the size of those buds
haha yeah whne you thionk about it...6 indoor plants in 3 gal pots gets you a decent haul with a 600w light....the same 6 plants outdoors is goona shed Lbs lol i wish a had a big pot farm lol


Well-Known Member
we as indoor growers only veg like 2 to 5 weeks and hit flower the sun produces 110,000 lumens on any given day if a person was to lets say veg 10 - 12 weeks indoor you would have one serious plant indoor and if you run lets say 3 - 5000 watts on them producing 3 to 5 times the lumens then the sun does less ultraviolet light what do you really think your goin to get :)) thinking the same thing if not more indoor
Dude...what did you crack your head on!?!?he sun produces 110,000 lumens? Am I stoned?, retarded? reading this wrong? WTF!?