why don't people have fur?


Well-Known Member
So you see we differ. I think that as an animal, we are one of the less advanced ones around, rather pathetic in fact. Our advanced nature is our mind, not our body. If one was arguing that the advancement is all encompassing, then yes, it could be argued that we should have better protection from the cold or such, but as it is, no, i only see us as advanced in terms of our minds, and due to what we have that other animals don't, we have the ability to create spaceships and i don't know, clothes.

Heck, i guess you could even argue in some manner that we are infact more advanced physically in our getting hot and cold, in that we have adapted to be able to enter all environments, as opposed to being limited to a certain temerature range or humidity or type of food such as a huge umber of animals out there, only living in certain conditions. We have lived through all, thanks to not having fur, but being able to rapidly adapt your situation to the climate at hand.
i find humans pathetic as well. ;)


Well-Known Member
We are far too weak to have survived this long in the dog eat dog world of mother nature. Survival of the fittest cannot have possibly rung true or humans would have fur and claws and razor teeth or poisen in our blood or even an incredible stench like a skunk.

Maybe outer space aliens made us as an experiment and they will come back soon to see what they have wrought


Well-Known Member
We are far too weak to have survived this long in the dog eat dog world of mother nature. Survival of the fittest cannot have possibly rung true or humans would have fur and claws and razor teeth or poisen in our blood or even an incredible stench like a skunk.

Maybe outer space aliens made us as an experiment and they will come back soon to see what they have wrought
Uhhh... how do you explain out existence today then.
Pretty sure I'm still alive which means i survived. Maybe im just high hmmm


Well-Known Member
The most simple explanation is, if you don't use it, you lose it. We didn't need it anymore, we could make our own source of heat however we wanted.


Well-Known Member
I explained it with men from outer space. I dont believe for a second that we evolved from fish or monkeys or ooze. I would rather believe in the Bible or martians then evolution

Uhhh... how do you explain out existence today then.
Pretty sure I'm still alive which means i survived. Maybe im just high hmmm

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
it is you who is arguing. i'm just asking for your opinion. you are trying to school me. i don't want to be schooled, i want to know your feelings.

i am fully capable of "researching facts". i am here seeking opinions. it a pot site. :eyesmoke:
Of course you are fully capable of researching all the facts. You just simply havent, and sure, i thought i could school you a bit on it. No worries.
personally, while others may clown me for it i try not to form my own oppinions on the matter as i feel it is....of arrogance. I am less informed and knowlegable than others who devote the fullness of their time in researching it. I try to combine a respectful trust of these people with a "does this explanation seem logical?" type question to say, "ok, i can see that happening. thats a decent explanation"
For me to make my own oppoinion would be basically saying "granted, you know more about the topic, you devote all your knowlegable pursuit to this topic, buuuuut, i think i know enough to say you're wrong." People can clown that as having an almost religious type blind faith... and clown away if you will. I simply am trying to have a humble approach toward becoming educated and accepting information from those more knowlegeable in the subject. it is an accent to belief.
its all good...we can agree on the weed related topics instead of this one =)


Well-Known Member
Hey fade

I only read the first page and the last page. Did anyone come up with a good reason for humans not having a little furr to keep them warm when the sun goes down?


Active Member
The trouble with that is ... it's a form of Lamarckism, and that's been effectively disproven at every turn. cn
This is exactly why it is a philisophical issue. You classify a question. How is this up for debate now if its disproven. Longitudinal and Latitdinal Measuring Devices were not invented untill the 19th century. Yet the "Mercator Map" has the precise longitude and latitudinal coordinates dated 1513. Along with other maps and literature, raising serious questions about what we accept as the truth.

"Effectively Disproven", im sorry but in reference to the astral, this is utter non sense. One can only question the conscious factors in evoulution, not disprove them. The Law of Attraction? Newtonian Physics? All forms of accepted "high science" point to minute determining factors in all matters of progression.

Its like your saying when the first of our species experienced fear, their reaction was not to run.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because we get too hot in africa with it on when the sun is out

You can make up all the silly excuses in the world (its warm in Africa) but theres no excuse for humans not having a little furr unless we lived undergound like a hairless mole in which case we would blind as well as pink.


Well-Known Member
Hey fade

I only read the first page and the last page. Did anyone come up with a good reason for humans not having a little furr to keep them warm when the sun goes down?
not really. :neutral:

because we aren't horses.
because scientists said so.
god did it.