Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

So whatever the Constitution doesn't federally allow is up to each state to decide?

yep. any power not specifically delegated to the congress (thats the federal government) is reserved to the states and the people. in fact most of the last century of political "progress" is based on an ever loosening definition of the commerce clause and the general welfare clause.

ever since lincoln changed the union from a federation to a nationstate with his declaration that secession was not allowed the federal government and congress have done little besides exceed their authority and appoint bureaucrats and agencies to usurp powers the congress does not have.

thats how we got the federal reserve banking cartel, the income tax, prohibition, the controlled substances act, the entire "new deal", obamacare and the "war on poverty" then the "war on drugs" now the "war on terror" and soon the "war on dissent"
thats how we got the federal reserve banking cartel, the income tax, prohibition, the controlled substances act, the entire "new deal", obamacare and the "war on poverty" then the "war on drugs" now the "war on terror" and soon the "war on dissent"

got it.

it's only unconstitutional if it makes the birchers howl.

no wonder you oppose multiculturalism. makes birchers howl.

forced integration? unconstitutional: if you're a bircher.
The world being round is an observable fact, which supports a theory. The round earth theory is still that, a theory, it just happens to have made a very verifiable prediction that we now have the ability to say coincides with fact. The theory is still there. The round earth theory is contested by The Flat Earth Society as being 'just a theory', putting in the same boat as evolution. It may have stopped being a theory in your mind, but not in the eyes of science. Science doesn't work that way.

something tells me carthoris will never understand this.

just not how righty minds work.
marxism is definitely a theory, and an ideology.

discussion of marxist theory and how it can be put in practice was all the rage in the 80's.

admittedly it's not a good theory, or a sound theory but it is a theory none the less.

and of course being a POLITICAL theory it cannot be disproved no matter how miserably the experiments fail, so in that way its very much along the lines of intelligent design and panspermia.

I maintain that it was a misappropriation of a hard-science term by ~snort~ political scientists. Need I say any more? cn
In science, a theory is not a guess, not a hunch. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for our observations. It ties together all the facts about something, providing an explanation that fits all the observations and can be used to make predictions. In science, theory is the ultimate goal, the explanation. It's as close to proven as anything in science can be.

A scientific theory is a series of statements about the causal elements for observed phenomena. A critical component of a scientific theory is that it provides explanations and predictions that can in fact be tested.

Any scientific theory must be based on a careful and rational examination of the facts. A clear distinction needs to be made between facts (things which can be observed and/or measured) and theories (explanations which correlate and interpret the facts.)

Theory: A theory is what one or more hypotheses become once they have been verified and accepted to be true. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon tested hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers.

THEORY: A scientifically accepted general principle supported by a substantial body of evidence offered to provide an explanation of observed facts and as a basis for future discussion or investigation
Please. Continental drift theory was taught in elementary school, 4th grade, in the late 80s. Even though it was superceded by plate tectonic theory in the early 60s! Continental drift was totally thought to be fabulously true theory.Plum pudding atoms...
Please. Continental drift theory was taught in elementary school, 4th grade, in the late 80s. Even though it was superceded by plate tectonic theory in the early 60s! Continental drift was totally thought to be fabulously true theory.Plum pudding atoms...

Plate tectonics didn't supersede continental drift. They provided a mechanism. Actually, you've found an excellent example of a theory changing to accommodate new findings. Wegener wasn't gutted or discarded ... rather, expanded. cn
Bear,But the theory updated its name as so not to get confused by incorrect elements of the previous.What happened to the bullshit vestigal organ theory of evolution?Darwin called the appendix vestigal.That's now known as utter rubbish.Science is political
Bear,But the theory updated its name as so not to get confused by incorrect elements of the previous.What happened to the bullshit vestigal organ theory of evolution?Darwin called the appendix vestigial.That's now known as utter rubbish.Science is political

News to me. Link from competent biologists (not solely human-oriented MDs)? cn
That has been known since 1999.There are several theories on its use.From endocrin development in the womb to a friendly bacteria storage in adults in case of systemetic infection.Scientists know it's not previous evolutionary raw meat eating organ.
That has been known since 1999.There are several theories on its use.From endocrin development in the womb to a friendly bacteria storage in adults in case of systemetic infection.Scientists know it's not previous evolutionary raw meat eating organ.

Please provide a link. My Google searches suggest the matter isn't settled, but I want your take on this without prejudicing it with counterarguments. One of the most interesting was that utility does not preclude vestigiality. cn
Look on wikipedia about the appendix. Evolution mentions vesigiality and the appendix as an example. But they don't know its exact function for sure. But evolution is fact? How can fact claim unknowns as examples and still be fact?It includes guesses.
Look on wikipedia about the appendix. Evolution mentions vesigiality and the appendix as an example. But they don't know its exact function for sure. But evolution is fact? How can fact claim unknowns as examples and still be fact?It includes guesses.

Perhaps because the vestigiality of the appendix is not critical to the theory. The appendix could be vestigial, or not, and the validity evolution by natural selection is not harmed by either determination. cn
Then why mention it with evolution? Because evolution is widely accepted you can get utter bullshit accepted easier.Then use the excuse, oh well, that doesn't disprove natural selection. Scientists do that all the time to gain fame and put forth agendas.
Then why mention it with evolution? Because evolution is widely accepted you can get utter bullshit accepted easier.Then use the excuse, oh well, that doesn't disprove natural selection. Scientists do that all the time to gain fame and put forth agendas.

Can you provide examples? I'll admit this one is new to me. cn
In school the vestigiality of the appendix was used as proof why eating meat is good in health class. We just can't eat raw meat because we got used to cooking it. So the appendix can no longer process raw meat. Are there groups who can profit from this?
I'm asking for the concrete examples of scientists who are using the vestigiality question to gain fame and get bullshit accepted. You said that has happened, and I'm interested in the particulars. cn