Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
So whatever the Constitution doesn't federally allow is up to each state to decide?
yep. any power not specifically delegated to the congress (thats the federal government) is reserved to the states and the people. in fact most of the last century of political "progress" is based on an ever loosening definition of the commerce clause and the general welfare clause.
ever since lincoln changed the union from a federation to a nationstate with his declaration that secession was not allowed the federal government and congress have done little besides exceed their authority and appoint bureaucrats and agencies to usurp powers the congress does not have.
thats how we got the federal reserve banking cartel, the income tax, prohibition, the controlled substances act, the entire "new deal", obamacare and the "war on poverty" then the "war on drugs" now the "war on terror" and soon the "war on dissent"