Well-Known Member
Do you not have the ability to place yourself in a different context?
Rape, the violent and forceful violation of someone could never be acceptable. It might not be illegal in some societies across time.
We only call sex with a 10 year old bad and make it illegal on the basis that a 10 year old can not consent. Can you not imagine a society that did not have this legal constraint?
If the consent of the 10 year old is deemd to be valid, then what is wrong with him or her consenting to it?
The fact that some societies have allowed it goes to show it can be moral. It can also be immoral. In a society where 10 year olds are having sex 10 year olds are prepared to have sex. These 10 year olds would be different from our 10 year olds, who are by and large sheltered from sexuality.
why are you so intent on telling me why you think it should be OK to have sex with 10 year old children?