Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

There is no fucking way to justify an adult manipulating child or teenager into so- called consentual sex. The only cure for people with that kind of sexual dysfunction is a 220 grain hollowpoint
I agree with that. But what age is old enough to decide?

You realize many US states have an age of consent at 16?

That is in your teenage range. If it can be justified legally it can be justified morally. If it is morally justifiable to bed a girl on her 16th birthday, how was it immoral just a week before?

How does this line get drawn?
I agree with that. But what age is old enough to decide?

You realize many US states have an age of consent at 16?

That is in your teenage range. If it can be justified legally it can be justified morally. If it is morally justifiable to bed a girl on her 16th birthday, how was it immoral just a week before?

How does this line get drawn?
Age has nothing to do with maturity. Most teenagers these days aren't responsible enough to have a sexual relationship and deal with possible pregnancy or std.
I don't understand why the logic is so tough for you to grasp. Two people of the same level of cognitive development having sex with each other is a much different psychological experience than two people of different levels of cognitive development having sex with each other is. There are differences in the power dynamic, and how the act will shape that dynamic. There are differences in the physical experience, and on the effects that will have. It's not about age and arbitrary numbers, it's about development level, mentally and physically, and it's not just with sex. Would you be okay with a 12 year old and a 32 year old boxing? Or what about playing football? Would you be okay with a team of 12 year olds playing football against a team of adults? There are many things that are acceptable and appropriate to do with peers that it is not appropriate to do with people much older than you, and sex is no different.

I would prefer my daughter didnt have sex at 14. I don't think it is appropriate with any age boy. She is not old enough to be responsible and safe with sex.
You need to elaborate on how sex with an adult is significantly different than sex with someone their own age.

I could agree that it might be easier for someone my age to manipulate a young girl, however, if the older person has motives that are not malicious or even not self serving, but genuinely fair, how then is it wrong?
Pedo alert!
I 100% completely disagree with this. Laws are not inherently moral. Many things that are legal are immoral and unjustifiable. Slavery was legal once, was that morally justifiable?
Yes at the time. The slave owner could legitimately say he was doing noting wrong. He followed the laws after all.

But i didn't say it was automatically moral, I said it can be morally justified, which is just a way to say that someone can At least make a case to morality. They have an argument. Espicially in a modern legally advanced society.

And that also isn't to say that if it is illegal that it is then immoral.
Like you have never turned your head to a hot 16 year old walking past and had a thought. All men do. You might then think and suppress. But the initial thought is wow that bitch is hot.
Thoughts do not equal actions.

A head may turn when it sees something interesting or attractive but that is simply half a second of your brain going, what was that?

No matter how mature a teen may look on the outside on the inside their brain is still developing and learning.
Imo, targeting someone much younger than you is due to your own insecurities. You dont think you are good enough for a woman.
Thoughts do not equal actions.

A head may turn when it sees something interesting or attractive but that is simply half a second of your brain going, what was that?

No matter how mature a teen may look on the outside on the inside their brain is still developing and learning.
In societies where the brain is useless for women, the body is all that matters.
Yes at the time. The slave owner could legitimately say he was doing noting wrong. He followed the laws after all.

But i didn't say it was automatically moral, I said it can be morally justified, which is just a way to say that someone can At least make a case to morality. They have an argument. Espicially in a modern legally advanced society.

And that also isn't to say that if it is illegal that it is then immoral.

you think owning slaves can be moral?
I agree with that. But what age is old enough to decide?

You realize many US states have an age of consent at 16?

That is in your teenage range. If it can be justified legally it can be justified morally. If it is morally justifiable to bed a girl on her 16th birthday, how was it immoral just a week before?

How does this line get drawn?

In my family, it`s daddy say so until you are 18 and you can say so.
To answer your question,...that`s how a timeline works, if school starts at 8, don`t go in at 7.
you think owning slaves can be moral?
In modern America, no way. In a place where the poor have it worse than slaves, it would be a blessing to have an owner than be free to die.

One has to make a distinction between owning slaves and maltreatment of one's slaves
In modern America, no way. In a place where the poor have it worse than slaves, it would be a blessing to have an owner than be free to die.

One has to make a distinction between owning slaves and maltreatment of one's slaves
Slavery has never been a salvation from poverty. I do not believe there is a moral way to own another human.