Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Rich people use cocaine. Poor people smoke crack. Those are the demographics.

some rich people prefer to get high on other people's money...

some rich people prefer to get high on other people's money...


as a minimum wage loser, there is no doubt that you qualify for the EIC and get back more in taxes than you ever pay, i.e. other people's money.

whereas barack obama was a millionaire on his own merits before ever winning the presidency in a landslide. twice.

thus, lol.
Meth caries a much more severe sentence around these parts. Lets hear the Liberals
admit this is racism and discrimination against whites.

you poor, persecuted white male.

facing consequences for your meth addiction must be so difficult.

why don't you steal a TV and tell me all about it, tweaker.

i'm sure your tale is harrowing.
you poor, persecuted white male.

facing consequences for your meth addiction must be so difficult.

why don't you steal a TV and tell me all about it, tweaker.

i'm sure your tale is harrowing.

Actually I have never even tried meth.
Racism against whites is impossible
anyway in the eyes of the week minded and brainwashed.
I suppose that's why the black panthers were not prosecuted
for there racists voter intimidation. Or maybe it was soley Holders (much like Buckies)
hate for all whites.
Actually I have never even tried meth.
Racism against whites is impossible
anyway in the eyes of the week minded and brainwashed.
I suppose that's why the black panthers were not prosecuted
for there racists voter intimidation. Or maybe it was soley Holders (much like Buckies)
hate for all whites.

They sure intimidated those black voters in their district
scared them so bad they couldnt find one person who felt afraid

They did find some people that were amused though
They sure intimidated those black voters in their district
scared them so bad they couldnt find one person who felt afraid

They did find some people that were amused though


Again keep spouting the lies maybe you will find one person stupid enough to believe you.
If they were skinheads you would be crying racism all day

The conduct for which members of the New Black Panther Party were accused of voter intimidation took place on Election Day in November 2008, at a polling station in a predominantly African-American, Democratic voting district of Philadelphia
The Department of Justice became aware of the incident on Election Day and started an inquiry. Under the Bush administration, a criminal investigation into the incident was started, but later dropped
Yes PREDOMINANTLY black not exclusively- there were whites there and there there were whites that left without voting.
What the fuck difference does it make if it was a "african american district" they were there to intimidate whites and made intimidating comments to whites. It was a open and shut case against them. Holder ordered a senior prosecutor to drop the case
the career prosecutor of around 20 years resigned over Holders racism.
Yes PREDOMINANTLY black not exclusively- there were whites there and there there were whites that left without voting.
What the fuck difference does it make if it was a "african american district" they were there to intimidate whites and made intimidating comments to whites. It was a open and shut case against them. Holder ordered a senior prosecutor to drop the case
the career prosecutor of around 20 years resigned over Holders racism.

The Bush administration actually dropped it first. Whats your username on Stormfront?
Yes PREDOMINANTLY not exclusively there was whites there there were whites that left without voting.
What the fuck difference does it make if it was a "african american district" they were there to intimidate whites and made intimidating comments to whites. It was a open and shut case against them. Holder ordered a senior prosecutor to drop the case
the career prosecutor of around 20 years resigned over Holders racism.

As Paul harvey would say, "And now for the rest of the story"......what a POS..
January 2009, less than two weeks before the Bush administration left office, the civil rights division of the Department of Justice filed a civil suit under the voting rights act against four defendants, namely, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Jerry Jackson, NBPP chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, and the NBPP itself. The lawsuit accused them of using uniforms, racial insults and a weapon to intimidate voters and those who were there to assist them.[SUP][2][/SUP] The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. In April 2009 Bartie Bull, a former civil rights lawyer who was serving as a poll watcher at the polling station where the incident occurred, submitted an affidavit at Justice's request supporting the lawsuit, stating that he considered it to have been the most severe instance of voter intimidation he had ever encountered.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP]
When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default However the career attorneys' move to pursue a default judgment against the defendants was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King who was acting Assistant Attorney General and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.[SUP][3][/SUP]

How long have you been a racist is it because of the way you were raised and a long history of
racism in your family or just old fashioned hate?
In October 2010, a draft report from the Civil Rights Commission was posted on the political website TPM Muckraker, stating that political officials had been extensively involved in the decision to dismiss the case, and that the Department of Justice had attempted to conceal their involvement
Yeah, but Al Sharpton and blacks in general want payment for their suffering...fuck them...I'm not responsible for the actions of my great-grand-fathers...

And you don't have to pay a bit of attention to Al and the Race Baiters.
I think blacks are the American culture, as are all of us. Nothing really binds American culture, we are not a nation of similarity we are one of differences.....I like that. This thread is awful in so many ways but mostly it is just baseless nonsense. Find a fact, perhaps in a socio-economics text.
black ppl have proven they can do anything white ppl or any other race can do.
many black ppl are far more intelligent and successful than those on here who have a problem with them.
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