Well-Known Member
Multiculturalism works best when the ocean separates each culture.
do you have proof of this???native americans are the true americans,all other races are imposters.
Multiculturalism works best when the ocean separates each culture.
Multiculturalism works best when the ocean separates each culture.
do you have proof of this???native americans are the true americans,all other races are imposters.
Wow. That just happened.Yeah, it's a two-edged sword for blacks today...
Should they REALLY wish their ancestors had never been captured and shipped here? For all the problems is caused (for them and us), it DID make them citizens of the greatest country on our detriment...
Or should they be glad that happened so they are not painting themselves today and beating drums and dancing around campfires and howling at the moon in a dry barren country (Africa)?
By and large, they want sympathy and handouts for their adversity, but don't want to be responsible for their actions...
black ppl have proven they can do anything white ppl or any other race can do.
many black ppl are far more intelligent and successful than those on here who have a problem with them.
Wow. That just happened.
I imagine him twirling a noose as he said that.
Or maybe it was soley Holders (much like Buckies)
hate for all whites.
Multiculturalism works best when the ocean separates each culture.
the solution is to either de-ghettofy themselves or wall the inner cities up
jesus christ, talk about your white supremacists. they abound on this forum.
Wow Holder displays racism and you attempt to turn it around on others.. Your a small small man
filled with nothing except hate and bigotry.
Wow. That just happened.
I imagine him twirling a noose as he said that.
No, I reserve noose use (and waterboarding) for RADICAL Muslims...
Blacks are OK with me. As long as they want to work hard and pay their own way, and not play the "woe is me" card...
no, holder displayed no racism.
a voter intimidation case requires....wait for intimidated voter. there were none.
it's funny to hear the same guy who says blacks need to be more grateful and should be shot on sight for stealing a TV calling me a racist.
give it up, thetoolwoman. everyone here sees you're a racist. you left the evidence of it all over this thread.
not surprising to see a nearly-illiterate fucktard like you is leading the racism charge.
what an internet badass.
i bet you are much different in real life.
-Fact your a racist hate filled loser sponging off a woman and are to inept to work.fact: there were no intimidated voters, thus no voter intimidation.
Fact the case against the racist black panthers was won already they didn't even show up. Fact if they were skinheads or kkk
instead you would be crying like a schoolgirl about it.
fact: you advocate shooting blacks on sight, with no trial, if they happen to be walking down the street with a TV.- Lie they were looting, beating people near death 53 people were killed- in what police have classified as riot-related homicides and accidents. Of those, some 22 homicides remain classified as open and unsolved.
fact: multiple people here, including republicans with whom i disagree politically, recognize that you are a racist.f-Fact EVERYONE recogises you as a racist
fact: like most racists, you are a nearly illiterate dumbass who would lose a spelling bee to a remedial second grader.
-Fact your a racist hate filled loser sponging off a woman and are to inept to work.
fact: there were no intimidated voters, thus no voter intimidation.
fact: you advocate shooting blacks on sight, with no trial, if they happen to be walking down the street with a TV.
fact: multiple people here, including republicans with whom i disagree politically, recognize that you are a racist.
fact: like most racists, you are a nearly illiterate dumbass who would lose a spelling bee to a remedial second grader.
Why do mudscuttles use awkward sentences?