Why I hope Trump's future trial is televised.

I am so curious how much of that 'income' on Trump's tax returns matches up ultimately with the government pay-outs to his hotels for what I am guessing is then ultimately going directly into Trump's pocket as he writes off 'losses' as his spending on those rooms. He could also just be using the hotel fees as a way to not count that money from his rental of the most expensive rooms as outside income.

I don't know I am just trying to figure out how Trump is washing Russian/Saudi/Netenyahu money and using the American government to do it with this con Trump and whatever foreign nations were in on the troll.

I am so hopeful that Biden and the Democratic party wins big so we can find out everything and start rebuilding by the end of 2021. They need to keep their eye on the ball and win again in 2022 to build on the first 2 years if they do, but they can get a lot done and force the Republican party to shake off their 50 year stagnation that has led to the trolls they have in office today.

I think they need to come up with a completely different understanding of the entirety of our global reality (politics, science, education, religion, everything that has become a 'them vs us' issue), come up with a very complete and well done plan for everything and everyone's lives to benefit from. And run again in 2024 as a realistic party and force the Democratic party to accept the reality that what they are saying is a better more cooperative way to focus the nation and move to improve upon it for everyone else.

idk, random thought.
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Bracing for possible civil unrest on Election Day, the Justice Department is planning to station officials in a command center at FBI headquarters to coordinate the federal response to any disturbances or other problems with voting that may arise across the country, officials familiar with the matter said.

Though the Justice Department monitors elections every year to ensure voters can cast their ballots, officials’ concerns are more acute this year that toxic politics, combined with the potential uncertainty surrounding vote tallies, could lead to violent demonstrations or clashes between opposing factions, those familiar with the matter said.

Preparations have been underway in recent weeks to deal with a wide range of possible problems, the officials said. Like others, they spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.

President Trump has declined to say that he will accept the election results, while making exaggerated claims about voter fraud and urging his supporters to “go into the polls and watch very carefully.” The summer was marked by sometimes violent unrest — with people at protests for racial justice periodically clashing with far-right groups — and officials fear the election could spark new rounds of demonstrations.

“The Department of Justice takes election security and integrity seriously, and this year is no exception,” said Kerri Kupec, a Justice Department spokeswoman.

The FBI said in a statement that, as in previous years, it is “committed to protecting the American public’s right to a fair and safe election by securing it” and that officials “are working closely with our federal, state, and local partners so everyone involved with safe-guarding the election has the information and resources necessary to respond in a timely manner to any violations that may arise.”

“Of course our preparations for 2020 take into account the current climate of the country,” the statement said. “As always, the FBI has a responsibility to plan for a host of potential scenarios.”

Trump’s call for poll-watching volunteers sparks fear of chaos and violence on Election Day

A federal law enforcement official said the department and the FBI always engage in “extensive election planning,” including for “the possibility of violence leading up to the election and occurring at polling places.” But the official said those discussions are particularly intense this year because of the unrest the country already has seen, the unique nature of the election during the coronavirus pandemic and concerns about fraud.

“There have been concerns raised about the possibility of civil unrest, and those are concerns raised on both sides, for different reasons, and because of that, we’re paying particularly close attention to that possibility,” the official said. “I think that we would be remiss if we didn’t take the monitoring of election security and integrity particularly seriously.”

Those at the command center, including civil rights and national security officials, will monitor news accounts of any high-profile incidents, as well as reports from U.S. attorneys or others in the field, and determine how the federal government should respond, the officials familiar with the matter said. In addition to watching for possible violence, officials will assess possible cyberthreats to election infrastructure and reports of voter fraud or intimidation, the officials said.

Plans to use the command center had been underway before Tuesday night’s presidential debate, when Trump called on his supporters to monitor the polls and notably declined to condemn white supremacists, saying the far-right Proud Boys group should “stand back and stand by.”

The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee already had promised to recruit tens of thousands of poll watchers to monitor voting locations on Election Day, and Trump’s comments seemed to draw extremists to the effort.

“I still have shivers,” Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, wrote in a post Wednesday. “He is telling the people to stand by. As in: Get ready for war.”

The president has said since then that he does not know about the Proud Boys and, under pressure amid fallout from the debate, said he disavows domestic extremist groups.

The Trump campaign and the RNC have rejected accusations that they are inciting intimidation by encouraging poll watching, which is legal and meant to ensure voters’ rights are protected. An RNC spokesman said those dispatched to the polls would be trained to interact politely with voters and poll workers.

Trump also has controversially proposed using law enforcement to patrol polling places, telling Fox News in August, “We’re going to have sheriffs, and we’re going to have law enforcement, and we’re going to hopefully have U.S. attorneys and we’re going to have everybody, and attorney generals.” Such tactics historically have been used to scare voters of color, though Trump is limited in his ability to make good on his threat.

Trump’s suggestion of deploying law enforcement officials to monitor polls raises specter of voting intimidation

Federal law prohibits U.S. government officials from sending “armed men” to polling places, and the Justice Department has determined that means a U.S. attorney cannot order FBI agents or U.S. marshals to the polls. Justice Department policies and tradition also call for federal law enforcement to keep a low profile when it comes to elections, because the states, rather than the federal government, are responsible for making sure the voting process is conducted fairly.

The Justice Department does, however, deploy unarmed, specially trained poll monitors to watch for problems with voting.

The FBI often uses its command center during high-profile political events, such as a State of the Union address or a presidential inauguration. The Justice Department utilized it in June to manage an aggressive show of force — one that included every federal law enforcement agency and the National Guard — against racial-justice demonstrators in D.C.
I say lets skip right to the funeral....
I'd kinda like to see the fucker squirm for a spell, I've got this vison of Donald in an orange jumpsuit chained to his chair with a ball gag in his pie hole and his eyeballs bugged out.

I'm hoping it's a prophecy
He'll play it like a "performance", just like everything else he does. This is just a show to him and "ratings" mean everything.
Im looking forward to that final 16 pages of Mueller report still.

But even more now looking forward to next year (hopefully, not quite done counting/lawsuits) for the final season of Trump.
The one that ends with 12 Americans rendering their verdict on Trump's criminality.

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Im looking forward to that final 16 pages of Mueller report still.

But even more now looking forward to next year (hopefully, not quite done counting/lawsuits) for the final season of Trump.
The one that ends with 12 Americans rendering their verdict on Trump's criminality.

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The second half of law and order, but more likely the last 10 minutes of a cop show where the bad guy gets it after getting away with murder for the first 50 minutes
Just a note (sparked by something I read online)

Trump can't keep a secret, unless it shows him in a negative light.

Trump knows US state secrets.

The best way to keep a secret between three people is to kill the other two.

The US has a long history of keeping secrets.

What does this say about Trump's life expectancy?
It sucks, his followers already believe the battiest of batshit crazy propaganda conspiracy theories, I really hope 12 American jurors get to have the final say on how Trump spends the rest of his years after having all the facts presented to them, while we watch.
It sucks, his followers already believe the battiest of batshit crazy propaganda conspiracy theories, I really hope 12 American jurors get to have the final say on how Trump spends the rest of his years after having all the facts presented to them, while we watch.
Mmmm I'm good with the Epstein option
Mmmm I'm good with the Epstein option
@48 seconds is always appropriate.
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He is too rich and powerful to go to prison. Not sure what America you have been living in but when is the last time a rich powerful white guy answered for his crimes.

Not to mention you guys keep saying jury trial, about half the country voted for him and all he would need is 1 juror on his side.
It would simplify matters, but jail time would kill him, literally and figuratively and make him suffer, like he's made all those families torn apart for his own perverted pleasure.
Just a question for my curiosity, as I am not from the US. How did Trump make "all those families torn apart "? It would be good if I can understand why so many are hardliners against him want him to die etc...
Just a question for my curiosity, as I am not from the US. How did Trump make "all those families torn apart "? It would be good if I can understand why so many are hardliners against him want him to die etc...
If you will bother to read it, the information is already available.

google "family separation" and "Trump".
He is too rich and powerful to go to prison. Not sure what America you have been living in but when is the last time a rich powerful white guy answered for his crimes.

Not to mention you guys keep saying jury trial, about half the country voted for him and all he would need is 1 juror on his side.
He is not rich, but people he may have a lot of dirt on are, so who knows.

I trust 12 rational people can be found regardless of how they voted to try Trump responsibly.

Just because people are tricked into not caring enough to pay attention to politics and make bad decisions based on rational feelings, doesn't mean that they can't sit still and listen to evidence in a trial as big as this.
Just a question for my curiosity, as I am not from the US. How did Trump make "all those families torn apart "? It would be good if I can understand why so many are hardliners against him want him to die etc...
Give me a topic that you care about and I can explain it easier.

Nevermind, I read that wrong.

Basically when people would come here to get let into the country, they were put into cages and their children were taken away from them and put into a different cage. Those parents were mass kicked out of the country, but nobody was keeping track of whose kids where whose. And over 660 children now are orphaned because our government can't figure out what they did with their parents.

Oh and those 'hardliners' are just russian internet trolls making you think that people believe that should be done to Trump.