Why I hope Trump's future trial is televised.

Ok that qualifies as a major fuck up. But that being against illegal immigration, it is highly doubtful if not impossible to jail a president for that. I was surprised to learn that you cannot jail your president if he leveled entire countries and killed thousands of civilians for no valid reason so i would not bet on it jail happening at least not for that reason.
Ok that qualifies as a major fuck up. But that being against illegal immigration, it is highly doubtful if not impossible to jail a president for that. I was surprised to learn that you cannot jail your president if he leveled entire countries and killed thousands of civilians for no valid reason so i would not bet on it jail happening at least not for that reason.
Look up "obstruction of justice" in the Mueller report, illegal campaign contribution, tax fraud, rape, sexual harassment. Do you have someone cut your meat?
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NEW YORK — President Trump's ongoing court battles are unlikely to pose significant legal jeopardy for him before he leaves office, but the swirl of criminal investigations and civil complaints stemming from his business activities and personal conduct could prove potentially more serious once he departs, experts say.

Among Democrats, there is a palpable desire to pursue the harsh accountability for Trump that many feel he has avoided by virtue of his office. But his successor, President-elect Joe Biden, reportedly has little appetite for doing so, having signaled to advisers that unleashing the federal government to settle scores would undermine his goal of unifying the country.

A spokesman for Biden's transition team declined to comment but pointed to statements Biden made previously affirming that he would not interfere with a Justice Department investigation into Trump nor pardon his predecessor. "It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case," Biden told MSNBC in an interview in May. "It's a dereliction of duty."

Lawyers for Trump did not respond to requests for comment. Across the breadth of cases in which he's been forced to defend himself or protect his interests, though, they have vigorously disputed allegations of wrongdoing while upending the proceedings by seeking delays and making other time-consuming requests.

As it stands, Trump faces several lawsuits and at least two active investigations by state or local authorities in New York alone. The city was the president's longtime home before he redesignated Florida as his permanent residence, and it remains the Trump Organization's base of operations.

Court temporarily blocks enforcement of subpoena for Trump’s tax records

Trump's lawyers are likely to be most focused on minimizing the risk of criminal prosecution, which he could attempt to achieve on his own at the federal level by preemptively pardoning himself, as he has mused in the past, and members of his inner circle. There is no consensus among constitutional law experts on whether a president can pardon himself — and importantly, any pardons would not be binding on state and local authorities, whom experts view as his biggest threat.

The Manhattan district attorney's ongoing investigation into Trump and his family-run business appears to be the most significant problem he faces; were Trump to be charged and convicted, he could face the prospect of incarceration.

That case is examining whether fraud was committed when alleged hush-money payments were made ahead of the 2016 election to two women who said they had affairs with Trump years before he became president — claims he denies. Prosecutors also are said to be looking at the possibility that false information was submitted on loan applications to obtain favorable rates and whether any information was manipulated in the pursuit of tax benefits.

The president's lawyers have dismissed the district attorney's effort as a politically driven fishing expedition.

To be sure, it remains to be seen whether this investigation will result in any charges, as prosecutors have yet to obtain Trump's tax records and related documents deemed crucial to their case. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr., a Democrat, is in litigation to obtain that material, having won a series of victories in lower courts but now awaiting a final say from the U.S. Supreme Court — which has been silent on the matter for several weeks after Trump asked that it get involved.

A spokesman for Vance declined to comment on the status of the case.

Supreme Court goes idle on Trump-related disputes and time is running out

Andrew Weissmann, a prosecutor involved in Robert S. Mueller III's special counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, said Vance's team appears to be doing a "classic following-the-money case." He likened it to the bank-fraud case Mueller's team brought against Trump's former 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

"Accounting records are critical to that," Weissmann said.

Separately, the New York State Attorney General's Office is conducting a wide-reaching civil fraud investigation, including into whether Trump and the Trump Organization sought to minimize tax liability by misrepresenting to lenders the value of certain assets.

The New York Times, which ahead of this month's election published an expansive investigative series based on several years of Trump's tax records that the newspaper obtained, reported Thursday that Vance and New York Attorney General Letitia James also are looking at Trump's use of consulting fees, some of which may have been directed to his daughter Ivanka, as a means to lower his taxable income between 2010 and 2018.

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"His dispute with the IRS, if it's not resolved before he leaves office, is the same kind of huge potential exposure anyone would have in that kind of dispute with the IRS," said Stephen A. Saltzburg, a former Justice Department official and director of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution program at George Washington University Law School.

Judge rejects Justice Dept. bid to short-circuit Trump defamation case

Trump also will have to face a pair of high-profile defamation lawsuits in New York, stemming from accusations of personal misconduct. In federal court in Manhattan, advice columnist and author E. Jean Carroll awaits the advancement of her case after a judge ruled that the Justice Department could not intervene on Trump's behalf, as it had attempted to do.

In her memoir, Carroll accused Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room in the 1990s — which Trump has adamantly denied, calling her a liar and suggesting he was not attracted to her. Carroll's lawyers have proposed that Trump be deposed and provide a DNA sample in the coming months. His DNA is required for comparison to a stain that was on the dress Carroll said she wore the day of the encounter.

Roberta Kaplan, who represents Carroll, said she has sent Trump's legal team a proposed schedule to proceed. His attorney in the case, Marc Kasowitz, had not responded as of Friday, Kaplan said. If a schedule isn't agreed upon by the parties, they are set to meet in court Dec. 11. Kaplan said she anticipates that Trump will try to delay further.

"We haven't heard back, but we assume Trump will take the position there should be no discovery pending appeal," Kaplan said.

A similar lawsuit brought by former "Apprentice" contestant Summer Zervos is pending in front of New York state's highest court. A date for a hearing has not yet been scheduled.

More recently, the president's niece, Mary L. Trump, has sued him, his sister Maryanne Trump Barry and the estate of his late brother Robert Trump, claiming they defrauded her of tens of millions of dollars when family patriarch Fred Trump's estate was settled after his death in 1999.

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The biggest reason you need to win the senate.
Let's talk about what the US can learn from today's anniversary....
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Glenn has over 200,000 YouTube subscribers and many of them are movers and shakers, fellow colleagues, as well as regular citizens, he's organizing for the future too. A little tutorial on US federal law from an expert, Glenn explains it like you are in the jury and he is the prosecutor.
Here's Why the Rule of Law Requires Trump Be Prosecuted Upon Leaving Office

The New York Times published an article titled: "Can America Restore the Rule of Law Without Prosecuting Trump." The answer to that question can be gleaned from the first two statutes of Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code: 1 Principals and 2. Accessories After the Fact. Here's why it's critically important to the health and vitality of the rule of law that the incoming administration prosecute Trump and his criminal associates
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One way of dealing with these assholes is to lock them up (after trials) and there will be a great many in the era of Trump. Broadcasters and media companies who followed him through the Gates of Hell, with covid public health disinformation that murdered many tens of thousands and will murder even more. This will be too good an opportunity to pass up for public hearings and investigations before the removal of their broadcast licenses and regulation out of existence. It's past time the AM band went to new digital data use anyway, the technology is obsolete, like the telegraph. The serpents voice will be silenced in millions of half ton radios, they can't whip anybody up about it because they will be off the air. Facebook and other big media companies must all be under the jurisdiction of the FCC and an experts panel as well as other regulations and requirements.

All these things should be discussed in senate special hearings or blue ribbon commission etc. on disinformation and propaganda, sort out what is news and what is something else, entertainment, humor, opinion, propaganda and just plain bullshit. Win the senate and it can happen, big scale shit like this is their purview and the only way that can happen is to win those two senate seats in Georgia. If not, there are other things Joe can do about it, but having the senate and new law at his back with a report on the problem and solutions would help more. Things like changing the AM broadcast band to digital usage should be done anyway, but not before the current bunch of miscreants owning and running the stations or driving their content is dealt with according to FCC regulations and law. If they broadcast the false narrative and disinformation on covid that cost lives and was contrary to public health guidelines, that's it for them, game over.

Suck some good from this bullshit, these assholes crossed the line into murder, it's really that simple.
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Wouldn’t it be great if trump got convicted and thrown in a maximum security prison.

Would he still have a Secret Service detail? You know someone in there will try to stick him with a shiv.
Wouldn’t it be great if trump got convicted and thrown in a maximum security prison.

Would he still have a Secret Service detail? You know someone in there will try to stick him with a shiv.
His secret service agent will be stationed outside his cell and shove his food tray through the grub hole in the door, 23/7 solitary and they have rubber rooms too. Donald has national security secrets and a large following of heavily armed terrorists...

I'd say this will be his inevitable address, a blackhole, never to be heard from again, bye.

Wouldn’t it be great if trump got convicted and thrown in a maximum security prison.

Would he still have a Secret Service detail? You know someone in there will try to stick him with a shiv.
The last I heard about that Rudolph guy who was killing abortion doctors and ended up in the supermax, was he was freaking out and said the place was designed to drive people insane...
And that is what you want to spend years doing and having that be the news cycle from now on? If New York wants to go after him fine, but I'm looking forward to the day soon when we don't have to see his name anywhere.
America needs to know what he did.

Criminal cult leaders who conned their flock out of their life savings should not get a free pass because we are sick of hearing about them.
America needs to know what he did.

Criminal cult leaders who conned their flock out of their life savings should not get a free pass because we are sick of hearing about them.

We know what he did, he sexual abused some women, he peeked in on underaged girls, he cheated on all his wives, he used high class call girls and married one, he cheated on his taxes, he sought foreign help and broke dozens of laws along the way. If we convict him on any of those things than half of the country is going to make him a martyr. Better to let him slither away.
We know what he did, he sexual abused some women, he peeked in on underaged girls, he cheated on all his wives, he used high class call girls and married one, he cheated on his taxes, he sought foreign help and broke dozens of laws along the way. If we convict him on any of those things than half of the country is going to make him a martyr. Better to let him slither away.
I disagree.

At best 20% of the country will 'make him a martyr'. I am actually guessing that after a trial it will be the 1-2% of his true cult followers (based on Newsmax/Parlor numbers I think I saw a while back, so might be a bit over 3-6 million people now). And until Trump and everyone that has made his rise to power possible are dragged out into the light, they are not going to stop this attack on our citizens.
We know what he did, he sexual abused some women, he peeked in on underaged girls, he cheated on all his wives, he used high class call girls and married one, he cheated on his taxes, he sought foreign help and broke dozens of laws along the way. If we convict him on any of those things than half of the country is going to make him a martyr. Better to let him slither away.
You want to absolve him of all those crimes you say he committed?

You have a different view of justice than I do.
I disagree.

At best 20% of the country will 'make him a martyr'. I am actually guessing that after a trial it will be the 1-2% of his true cult followers (based on Newsmax/Parlor numbers I think I saw a while back, so might be a bit over 3-6 million people now). And until Trump and everyone that has made his rise to power possible are dragged out into the light, they are not going to stop this attack on our citizens.
I think your numbers are a bit optimistic but yes, the cult will diminish over time as long as he’s silenced.
We know what he did, he sexual abused some women, he peeked in on underaged girls, he cheated on all his wives, he used high class call girls and married one, he cheated on his taxes, he sought foreign help and broke dozens of laws along the way. If we convict him on any of those things than half of the country is going to make him a martyr. Better to let him slither away.
Nope, his sex crimes go to the back of the line, his political ones moved up in priority starting with individual #1 and anything else that's a slam dunk and gets his self pardon off the table. Fuck the base, I wouldn't be concerned about their feelings at all, indeed the problem is you cared too much. Judges hear cases and juries decide, let them direct the death threats to them, it will just get Trump maximum security time.

I think trump's followers have been around for a long time, longer than Donald has. They've just been waiting for a charismatic leader to latch on to.

They'll be around long after Donald is gone.
