Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

first it was domestic violence - the funniest not funny topic
second - some gay shit (dicks up the ass and whatnot)
third (should of been first too lazy to retype) - this kid likes to sneek attack his buddy's in the shower and claim he doesn't like men (denial)
lol the evolution of the thread is what is most amazing right now

reminds me of telephone
So after most sports it accepted that men can all get naked and pile into a shower together and maybe some of them dont even know each other(one of them could be a rapist)

But, I try to save hot water and slip into the shower with my room mate and somehow he has a problem with that? It's not like I'm going to fuck him or anything.

I know it sounds dumb, but really think about it. Oh and I'm not gay, though there is nothing wrong with someone being gay. But culture can be really weird sometimes.

OMG. Maybe it's not even about being gay to him either. Maybe, shower time is just private time. I would so freak out if my roommate slipped into the shower with me to save water lmao. I'd take a second job to pay for more water first.