Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

lol..he needs to clarify wiv said room m8 which one of em is gonna pick up the soap if it happens to drop on the floor!!
what's gay is being stuffed in a 2x3 foot space with another grown man reaching over each other for the soap and no doubt rubbing up against each other in uncomfortable ways.

i don't care if you both wear a three piece suit, in that close of quarters it's highly suspect. it sounds uncomfortable on many levels.

plus what if he wanted to jack off or take a leak in there? maybe he has a tiny dick and doesn't want you to see. leave the poor guy be.

if you want to save water get a water saving shower head and only flush the toilet for number two.
how are you gonna save water except by hugging him to death while you shower?

saves more water, he just hurrying the fugg up, shutting the water off quickly and then you getting into the shower.

instead of you two bumbling about switching places (water flowing meanwhile)

nah, i think you either were not really thinking about this, or you just really like staring at awkard butts.
I don't know about you, but if anybody is going to be joining me in the shower, they're going to be of the opposite sex and not some gay dude lol.
.. i find this homofobia redundantly ridiculous, hilarious even.

have you seen gays?

buncha neatfreaks for the most part.

why the fuck would they want you? the average guy?

though i wonder if the part that does bother you most, is that you wonder if you would like it and would then subsequently get ostracized from society (Fat chance, its actually more beneficial economically being gay than not.)

well, there is a simple test, stare at a cock and a man´s ass for a minute, does your own cock get hard?

lol, you could rub a man´s ass with lotion all day and you still wouldnt be gay, unless, you got a boner and wanted to do the dude too ;)

and worrying about getting raped by another man, lol, one just has to look at homo´s for a second before bursting out with laughter at that ridiculous statement. (bit too feminine to worry much about in those regards,eh?)

so, whats there to worry about?

having homo´s around is great! less competition for straights, more variety to live and women really like them, they are always making girly things and stuff like that.

and women happy, well, that is a great blessing for any man.

funny, he might never go down on brokeback mountain, but he kinda looks like brokeback mountain went down on him :)
That's Brokebottle Mountain..
In re your comment about gay men being feminine ... locally that is a passing trend. Most gay men to whom I've spoken don't embody (?) the stereotype. cn
really funny about gays.

usually the "hottest" male celebrities, are all gay. (though usually pretending for years to be not, so they get money from homophobes as well as homos that want to do them)

usually cant tell either, unless they are doing the signatory feminine moves and talk.

sometimes you get sociopathic gays as well and they end up in religion (they hate themselves for being different (Cause everyone says its wrong))

and there they blast homos fullblast all day and get paid for it by homophobes (And then go home and fuck some young male prostitute)


this unreasonable hatred is really fucking up society.

but then again hatred always does.

i wonder why humans are so afraid of the different. possibly because everyone is always trying to live up to some standard and failing miserably, so they all go blaming and hating someone else cause they cant face up to the truth.

no one is perfect.
That's Brokebottle Mountain..
In re your comment about gay men being feminine ... locally that is a passing trend. Most gay men to whom I've spoken don't embody (?) the stereotype. cn

oh thankfully, that terrible squeeling had to be fake. (its at best funny) (its probably a defense mechanism (if im funny they arent as likely to hit me)

yes, one does not know, unless they say.

or live together :)