Why is my plant dying?! +rep!


Well-Known Member
Um so trim the fan leaves that are dead? Trim them right to the main stock or what? The buds dont seem to be acting any different. they are still white as hell and seem to be growing slowly lol.. Also becuase the plant is so old that wouldnt have anything to do with it eh? So you guys dont think there is anything i can do at all? Like nothing to try? haha


Active Member
hey that looks a bit like nitrogen or phosphorous definciency, i just helped my brother with the same exact problem, you need to get advance nutrients "Revive" it corrects most common defeciencys, if i were you ide get that and foliar feed it, good luck man


Well-Known Member
Okay so i wont flush it. And i've been just watering enough like every other day. Also The humitity is like 50-60 or so... so what do ya think now? what should i do?
every other day....... what size pot is it in???? usually that means its root bound or your overwatering... root bound will dry out fast which could cause problems, technically you can grow out a rootbound plant with no problems but you really gotta know rootbound plants.... overwatering, i don't think thats it but i guess it could be releasing more nutes than you need because of how often you have to water.

i have plants that are 2 years old, age isn't yer problem


Well-Known Member
Um so trim the fan leaves that are dead? Trim them right to the main stock or what? The buds dont seem to be acting any different. they are still white as hell and seem to be growing slowly lol.. Also becuase the plant is so old that wouldnt have anything to do with it eh? So you guys dont think there is anything i can do at all? Like nothing to try? haha
i would trim the dead fan leaves and dying fan leaves as close to the main stem as possible without ruinin those pretty lil nugs..just so growth isnt wasted to dying leaves

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
not sure man i can check when i get home. Actually here give me a minute and ill try to find it out from the internet haha. I've given them no nutes just the pre fert soil.. But as soon as they started to flower it happend... both plants. Which was like the same time the heat wave came so i wasnt sure which it was
You don't need much nitrogen at this point, but they are feeding heavy on phosphorus.

I'd get a flowering nute for MJ ASAP


Well-Known Member
OKay so ill trim some leaves and then get some flowering nutes. The only local stores i got is walmart and KENTS(which is like home depot) So what kinda nutes am i looking for? Also my plant is in like a 10" pot or so. I water it every other day or so but not very much. Maybe just like 3 cups of water or so? maybe thats not enough it seemed to be till now?

Brick Top

New Member
Think about the very first symptoms you spotted. Exactly where did it begin and what did it look like, in detail .. as in tip burn, necrotic spotting between leaf veins that then spread, what off/unusual color was first seen, was there any other discoloration near/around the areas first effected?
Looking at the pictures, not exactly hi-def pics to go by, it appears that it was your newest/youngest leaf growth that was effected.
It you have young leaves with tip burn it can be a boron problem.

Growing shoots turn gray or die. Growing shoots appear burnt. Treat with one teaspoon of Boric acid (sold as eyewash) per gallon of water. Did you see any gray before the leaves looked burnt?

Did the effected leaves first turn pale before turning brown and dying? If so it could possible be an iron problem.

Fe - IRON (Fe)

Leaves on growing shoots turn pale and veins remain dark green. pH imbalances make iron insoluble. Foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing Fe or rusty water. Did pale preceed browning/dying?

It could also be a manganese problem. Does any of the following seem to ring a bell?


Necrotic and yellow spots form on top leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn. Maybe your fertilized soil has to much Mg for flowering?

Something that is an outside chance but is something I did experience once is late in flowering I did get one hermi and did not spot it. Roughly two to three weeks before the normal browning off/dying off of many leaves would occur I had major browning/dying of leaves and it just did not make any sense to me. I noticed a few pistils turning brown before they should have been changing color and I also noticed that the resin balls seemed to be growing smaller and drying out rather than increasing in size and numbers. Even with all of that it still did not ring a bell but after harvest I did find one seed in one bud and that told me there had been a late pollination. As I said that is a very outside chance but if nothing else makes any sense look your plants over very closely and see if it might be a possibility.


Well-Known Member
you may have just answered it for me man... I had 2 plants in my cabnit, and one was a hermie i noticed at like 3 weeks flowering!!! and then i filled it. And the hermie was starting to do the same thing this one did.. What happend was at the very top of the plant the tip of leaves turned brown and dry and worked its way in the hole leaf and then down the hole stem.. nothing else u said really sounds like what happend. But ya There was a hermie in my box and i killed it 3 weeks into flowering. Think it polenated my girl and this is whats happening?


Well-Known Member
if that is what happened what should i be looking for in my female plant? like seeds in my budsites? What do u suggest i do? But my hermie was also starting to die off the exact same way this one is.. what do you think?

Brick Top

New Member
you may have just answered it for me man... I had 2 plants in my cabnit, and one was a hermie i noticed at like 3 weeks flowering!!! and then i filled it. And the hermie was starting to do the same thing this one did.. What happend was at the very top of the plant the tip of leaves turned brown and dry and worked its way in the hole leaf and then down the hole stem.. nothing else u said really sounds like what happend. But ya There was a hermie in my box and i killed it 3 weeks into flowering. Think it polenated my girl and this is whats happening?

I cannot swear to that being what has happened to you but what I saw in your pictures looked at least similar to what happened to me the one time, especially considering the timeframe of flowering you are in and I was in being somewhat similar.

If you have a scope and have been keeping an eye on your trichs take another look and see if the resin balls seem to be shrinking/drying up and check your pistils for any early discoloration, as in browning. If you find either or both then it is possible that pollination has occurred.


Well-Known Member
ill take a look when i get home. Um do u have any pictures for me to compare to ? also some of my pistels are slightly turning brown yes.

Brick Top

New Member
ill take a look when i get home. Um do u have any pictures for me to compare to ? also some of my pistels are slightly turning brown yes.

I’m sorry but I am not a picture taking/posting guy so I do not have any pics to offer but if you do see browning/brownish pistils at this point in time that is just one more sign of possible pollination.


Well-Known Member
alright sounds good. So Early polenation will kill my plant? becuase it thinks that its time to die? should i just let it keep going or what should i do? is it worth letting it grow? Is there anything i could try to make sure its not a missing nutrient? Like add some nutes for fun? Its just odd how as soon as both my plants went into flower about a week in they started doing that.... both of them. Exactly the same. 2 week later i noticed one of them were a hermie.


Well-Known Member
your probly gonna have an imature crappy smoke if u cut em now....
you might just be doomed.....
but id cut off only the nasty leaves .... and let emm go another week ....
and then and only then will we know what to do........


Well-Known Member
okay do i cut the leaves off all the way to the main stock or what? ill do some trimming tonight and see what happends in the next week...


Well-Known Member
alright sounds good. So Early polenation will kill my plant? becuase it thinks that its time to die? should i just let it keep going or what should i do? is it worth letting it grow? Is there anything i could try to make sure its not a missing nutrient? Like add some nutes for fun? Its just odd how as soon as both my plants went into flower about a week in they started doing that.... both of them. Exactly the same. 2 week later i noticed one of them were a hermie.
It's not going to kill it, the plant is just using up all available nutes to feed the seed production, which may mean it's actually Under-fertilized. BUT, whether it's been pollinated or not, if you have not fed it thinking it's nute burn, then it may just be hungry. Growth will slow to a crawl, and it will use most, if not all it's energy producing seeds/buds. The dead/dying leaves will not do you any good by leaving them, so cut them off. Anything you do to fix this, will become apparent in the new leaf growth only. Don't look for it to visibly recover the existing color, or leaf structure.

As you know, the "bud" is fed nutes by the roots, and essential sugars etc. by the closest adjoining leaves, and the higher concentration of buds at the top along with the fact that they are also the largest on the plant says to me that the leaves that are nearest those buds are the ones that will dry up and die first. If that is the case with your plant(s) and you have not given them any food as you said, it may be time for a nice feeding with an even water soluable fertilizer possibly adding a bit extra "P".

Also, there's nothing wrong with pre-fert soil as long as you pay attention to the N-P-K. It is helpful sometimes for seedling growth. If your percentages are right, the problem is not the soil. Your setup is fine with the lights, temp, humidity, etc, and it looks like you have been growing well. As you said before, if you haven't fed it, the nutes in the pre-fert are long gone, and may just need to be replenished for the plant to stop yanking the nutrients from it's own "body parts". In the end, all it is trying to do is ensure it's own survival by making sure it's seed-making ability is not diminished.

All of what I said here holds true to that of an un-pollinated plant as well when it comes to not having enough food, so whether or not it has been pollinated, read this again, and think about the food you've given it from start to now. The worst case in a pollinated plant is that you'll have much smaller buds full of seeds. Not the end of the world as you'll have new seeds.

In my humble opinion, stop thinking about the soil, and whether or not it's seeding, and start thinking about what the plants needs are - to the most basic levels. I have "Overthought" my problems in the past only to find that it was the simplest of problems.


Well-Known Member
okay do i cut the leaves off all the way to the main stock or what? ill do some trimming tonight and see what happends in the next week...

I've read that cutting about halfway from the stem to the leaf bottom is better for stem health, and preventing rot or accidental stem damage.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks man. Tomorrow i will go to the store and try to find some sort of nutes for flowering/blooming at walmart, its pretty much the only store i got to go with lol.. so The NPK ratio i should be looking for for flowering is what my man?